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Classical Comments from Mom--Nose Job

已有 926 次阅读5.11.2010 13:31 |个人分类:随笔|

So my nose...according to Mom’s standard it was flat!! After I moved away from them

Every time I got home, Mom always said my nose got less flat, which, I assume, is a compliment.

Finally, one time I went to visit them, sitting on the couch.

Mom stared at my nose again,

"Be honest with me, did you get a nose job somewhere?"

"No! Never and ever."

"You know, you can be honest with me…"


 (BTW, Mom’s clients were those plastic surgery/beauty salons and she has seen a lot of pretty girls who are addicted to the plastic surgery.)

Then she opened her mouth again, "Well, anyway, if you really had one, it was not a very good one!"

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