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Morning Has Broken

热度 1已有 710 次阅读30.1.2010 13:19 |

无意中看见RTL的一档访谈节目,回顾那些50- 70年代红极一时的欧美歌星,提到了CAT STEVENS,并没有什么印象。可是忽然播放了他的某首著名的歌曲片断,MORNING HAS BROKEN,一下子被牵回了学生时代的刚刚接受欧美流行歌曲的年纪。

又去网上搜索到他76年的演唱会录像和ANGEL VOICE演唱的版本,欣赏了两遍。耳熟能详的旋律,平实而充满感激喜悦的歌词,象清泉洗涤浮躁而疲惫的灵魂。厌倦了新奇幻化的所谓现代艺术,看透了哗众取宠的故弄玄虚,只有那些经典而温馨亲民的东西才会抓住一代又一代人的心。

morning has broken like the first morning
blackbird has spoken like the first bird
praise for the singing; praise for the morning
praise for them springing fresh from the world

sweet the rains new fall sunlit from heaven
like the first dew fall on the first grass
praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
sprung in completeness where his feet pass

mine is the sunlight. mine is the morning
born of the one light Eden saw play
praise with elation, praise every morning
God's re-creation of the new day


发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

回复 慧眼 16.4.2010 19:41
回复的此刻,正在听MORNING HAS BROKEN。看了你的博,特意在网上搜来听的。
回复 Kateinfra 29.4.2010 12:05
慧眼: 回复的此刻,正在听MORNING HAS BROKEN。看了你的博,特意在网上搜来听的。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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