德国开元华人社区 开元周游
标题: 慕尼黑大学心理学院招募实验被试 [打印本页]
作者: iceliboying 时间: 10.1.2018 10:24
标题: 慕尼黑大学心理学院招募实验被试
本帖最后由 iceliboying 于 23.1.2018 14:59 编辑
Hi everyone,
Iam currently looking for participants for my EEG experiment. The experimenttakes place in Leopoldstr. 13, Room 2105.
Theexperiment takes about 2 hours. You will get 9€/hour.
- You can speak English
- You are right-handed
- You are younger than 40
- You have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
- You have normal audition
Please take one date that suits you from the Doodle below:
Pleasesign up for the experiment with both your NAME and E-MAIL ADDRESS. You will getan E-Mail confirming your participation in the experiment. Please reply if youare coming.
Ifyou find you cannot come after you replied, please send me an email at leastone day before.
Thank you!
作者: iceliboying 时间: 23.1.2018 15:00
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