德国开元华人社区 开元周游

标题: You were the only one here with brakes [打印本页]

作者: gucci    时间: 7.5.2003 13:59
A truck driver came upon a couple making passionate love in the middle of the road. <br><br>He blew his horn, blinked his lights and yet the couple never missed a stroke&#33; <br><br>The driver stopped, got out and shouted at them, &quot;Are you crazy, didn&#39;t you hear my horn, see my lights, didn&#39;t you know I was coming?&quot; <br><br>The horny young man said, &quot;Yes, I knew you were coming&#33; I knew she was coming and I knew I was coming&#33; I also knew you were the only one here with brakes&#33;&quot; <br>

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