德国开元华人社区 开元周游

标题: Brothers in Arms--- Dire Strait [打印本页]

作者: rainman    时间: 9.5.2003 21:24
I love this song&#33;<br>I love this flash&#33;<br>I love Dire Straits&#33;<br><br><!--Flash 640+480+><OBJECT CLASSID='clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=480><ARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=><ARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><ARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><ARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC= WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=480 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT><!--End Flash-->
作者: rainman    时间: 9.5.2003 21:25
How to show the flash MTV directly here?
作者: rainman    时间: 9.5.2003 21:31
OK,That&#39;s it!
作者: davy129    时间: 9.5.2003 21:42
作者: 笑仙人    时间: 10.5.2003 00:51
so solemn and stirring,that touched my heart.what makes a man?maybe the war to himself&#33;
作者: 笑仙人    时间: 10.5.2003 01:20
do you guys have more?<br>we can learn how to be true to ourselves through these wonderful songs&#33;<br>we are living in the ablare world,where we can easily lose ourselves.the words of parents or the teachers seem to be so boring ,not suitable for our age,but when someone we idolize tell us about the same thing,it becomes suddenly so powerful.we just want to expierence the fucking circs as him.<br>so let&#39;s work it out,&quot; if you had one shot,one opportunity,seize everything you ever wanted,don&#39;t let it go,well, it may happen only once in our lifetime&#33;&quot;<br><br>

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