德国开元华人社区 开元周游
23.10.2006 08:25
c++ Beispiele<br /><br />// test01.cpp : Definiert den Einstiegspunkt für die Anwendung.<br />//<br /><br />#include "stdafx.h"<br />#include "test01.h"<br />#define MAX_LOADSTRING 100<br /><br />#include <Vision.hpp><br />#include <VisSampleApp.hpp><br /><br />// Declare a module to put all our actions into<br />DECLARE_THIS_MODULE(g_sampleModule, MAKE_VERSION(1,0),"Console Sample", "Trinigy", "This module contains some sample actions");<br /><br />int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,<br /> HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,<br /> LPTSTR lpCmdLine,<br /> int nCmdShow)<br />{<br /> // create and init our application<br /> VisSampleAppPtr spApp = new VisSampleApp();<br /> if (!spApp->InitSample("landscape"))<br /> return -1;<br /><br /> <br /><br /> // limit debug messages to 15 on screen<br /> Vision::Message.SetMaxNum(15);<br /><br /> // resources directory<br /> Vision::File.AddDataDirectory("..\\res");<br /> Vision::File.AddDataDirectory("..\\res\\basedata");<br /><br /> // load some example map<br /> Vision:
oadWorld("landscape_simple");<br /><br /> //Enables the Mouse camara<br /> spApp->EnableMouseCamera(true);<br /><br /> // register the action module with the vision engine action manager<br /> // only after that the action becomes available in the console<br /> VActionManager * pManager = Vision::GetActionManager();<br /> pManager->RegisterModule (&g_sampleModule);<br /><br /> // game loop<br /> while (spApp->Run())<br /> { <br /> // Klick the button Q to save a Screenshot<br /> if(Vision::Key.IsPressed(VGLK_Q))<br /> Vision::Game.SaveScreenShot();<br /> }<br /><br /> // deinit our application<br /> spApp->DeInitSample();<br /> return 0;<br />}
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