德国开元华人社区 开元周游

标题: 我们的爱 [打印本页]

作者: spark    时间: 1.2.2007 15:15
《我們的愛》<br />          -----F.I.R<br /><br /><br />腦袋混混沌沌的,晚上沒有出去, 老老實實的呆在家裏。到21點的時候,懷念起燈紅酒綠的景象,最後忍住了,不信了!偏要安靜一天晚上!<br /><br />從哪一天開始戒煙,不記得了。MSN上“戒煙-day one”的名字換成“戒煙-day one again”, 從此再也沒有改變過,如此也就罷了,酒吧酒架上的芝華士曾經在上兩個月裏被我消滅了不下10瓶。啤酒、瑞奧更是不計其數。錢送給別人了,自己買醉。什麽尊嚴啊,矜持啊,該溜的都溜了,剩下的是天旋地轉,對人生的痛恨,覺著別人都是快樂的,爲什麽只有我不快樂。<br /><br />f.i.r樂隊的《我們的愛》挑動我渾身最薄弱的那根筋,接著酒勁,眼淚順著眼角流出來,心裏明明知道好笑,還努力想著傷心的事情,越想越傷心,於是默默的流淚隨著酒精的攝入變成了洶湧的浪濤。傷感的旋律又多了一節淒涼的和聲。。。拽過旁邊的服務生,就像抓住了救命稻草,依在他的懷裏放聲的痛哭,心中所有積攢的委屈,破滅的期望和生活中粗糙的點滴都隨著眼淚呼吸了空氣。。。<br /><br />不敢重溫胃裏翻江倒海的那種感覺,更不敢去溫習曾經自認為甜蜜的愛情。<br /><br />不醉的時候對愛情總是解釋不清楚的,認爲只要女人用心,男人就會領會,於是全心全意的聽話的做個他背後的好女人,問心無愧的扮演著“不過問太多,隨叫隨到”的角色。夜晚,偶爾通過衛星傳遞過來的短信會讓我睡得像小豬,連轉個身的欲望都沒有,一睡到天亮,睜開眼睛,精神抖
作者: T_T    时间: 1.2.2007 15:20
作者: 一把火    时间: 1.2.2007 15:22
作者: papas    时间: 1.2.2007 15:23
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作者: papas    时间: 1.2.2007 15:25
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作者: 一把火    时间: 1.2.2007 15:31
我要让那个男人破产,卖房卖车卖自己。。。我, 叫你谈生意,叫你谈生意。。。。谈阿,我看你还怎么谈!
作者: papas    时间: 1.2.2007 15:35
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作者: 一把火    时间: 1.2.2007 15:44
<!--QuoteBegin-papas+01.02.2007, 17:35 --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(papas @ 01.02.2007, 17:35 )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->谈生意这个理由不光是男人有。。。女人也有。。。<br /><br />那么多的客户,谈不完的合同。。。<br /><br />谈生意。。。半夜12点谈什么生意。。。<br /><br />在洗浴中心谈吧。。。<br />[right][snapback]1243538[/snapback][/right]<br /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />哎,无限怀念国内的日子啊。。。哈,你也好有生活啊,(紧紧地握手,热烈的拥抱。。)
作者: papas    时间: 1.2.2007 15:58
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作者: 一把火    时间: 1.2.2007 16:15
<!--QuoteBegin-papas+01.02.2007, 17:58 --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(papas @ 01.02.2007, 17:58 )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->与君共勉啊。。。<br /><br />其实我不是你想象的那种人。。。我和我朋友去,我一般就做做足底。。。你也一样吧。。咱们都不是那种随便的人。。。对吧。。。<br />[right][snapback]1243548[/snapback][/right]<br /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />哈。。是啊。。。是啊。。。<br /><br />啊,SPARK姐心情是不是不好,你快去安慰她阿。
作者: papas    时间: 1.2.2007 17:25
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作者: 一把火    时间: 1.2.2007 21:48
<!--QuoteBegin-papas+01.02.2007, 19:25 --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(papas @ 01.02.2007, 19:25 )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->我是救火队员啊??<br /><br />其实我没感觉到她伤心。。。不过这也挺正常的。。。她伤心从来都不让人知道。。。<br />[right][snapback]1243612[/snapback][/right]<br /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />A哥真了PAR姐啊。。。可以想象得出你们当年花钱月下,遛狗河旁的时候是多么温馨,你们不能在一起,一定是因为彼此太了解了吧。。
作者: papas    时间: 1.2.2007 22:25
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作者: spark    时间: 2.2.2007 01:30
你们两个不要再杞人忧天了好不好 虽然我很感动 可是。。小说,小说听说过吗?就是可以纯属虚构的那种~~乖~ 去睡觉吧哈!
作者: 琴心剑胆    时间: 2.2.2007 01:32
作者: spark    时间: 2.2.2007 01:37
那是阿 想当年我们不是还轰轰烈烈的有过生死离别的爱情吗
作者: T_T    时间: 2.2.2007 01:39
<!--QuoteBegin-琴心剑胆+02.02.2007, 01:32 --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(琴心剑胆 @ 02.02.2007, 01:32 )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->spark的东西是要顶的<br />[right][snapback]1244612[/snapback][/right]<br /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br /><br /><!--QuoteBegin-spark+02.02.2007, 01:37 --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(spark @ 02.02.2007, 01:37 )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->那是阿 想当年我们不是还轰轰烈烈的有过生死离别的爱情吗<br />[right][snapback]1244619[/snapback][/right]<br /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br /><br />啊......... <!--emo&:wub:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wub.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wub.gif' /><!--endemo-->
作者: spark    时间: 2.2.2007 01:41
作者: 一把火    时间: 2.2.2007 02:55
作者: papas    时间: 2.2.2007 11:42
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作者: spark    时间: 2.2.2007 14:35
真没文化  那不是《这个杀手不太冷》里的男女主角吗????
作者: papas    时间: 2.2.2007 15:36
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作者: AltenWerther    时间: 14.4.2007 22:07
作者: maybird530    时间: 14.4.2007 23:29
<!--QuoteBegin-AltenWerther+14.04.2007, 23:07 --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AltenWerther @ 14.04.2007, 23:07 )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->F.I.R在这里啥意思啊?<br />[right][snapback]1301871[/snapback][/right]<br /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br />一乐队。。。
作者: AltenWerther    时间: 15.4.2007 09:04
<!--QuoteBegin-maybird530+15.04.2007, 00:29 --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(maybird530 @ 15.04.2007, 00:29 )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->一乐队。。。<br />[right][snapback]1302035[/snapback][/right]<br /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br />文中是小写的。。没看出来。。。 <!--emo&:$--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/embaressed_smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='embaressed_smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->  <!--emo&:$--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/embaressed_smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='embaressed_smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> <br />
作者: maybird530    时间: 15.4.2007 19:57
<!--QuoteBegin-AltenWerther+15.04.2007, 10:04 --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AltenWerther @ 15.04.2007, 10:04 )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->文中是小写的。。没看出来。。。 <!--emo&:$--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/embaressed_smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='embaressed_smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->&nbsp; <!--emo&:$--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/embaressed_smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='embaressed_smile.gif' /><!--endemo--><br />[right][snapback]1302383[/snapback][/right]<br /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br />。。。<br />
作者: 慕尼黑不眠夜    时间: 23.7.2007 07:20
It is first to be announced by the fans of the andylau:
At see over this son here after word by word and sentence by sentence, my heart can't be calm once in a very long while, shocking!Why would like a son that like?!Many years in BBS in horizontal network in my life , from thinking any further can't there is any a son can move me, have never thought to come in sight of such ingenious and incomparable like this an a son today.
Floor lord, is you let me comprehending the ‘ someone outside the person profoundly, there is day outside the day' this words.Thank you !
At see over this son hereafter, I did not replies immediately, because I fear me the vulgar replies unbearablely will compromise this net last rare a son.But I replied still, because feel if can't leave behind at the such fascinating a son own net, that I die too can't the purpose of name !Can leave own net an a matter for is how pride behind at the such fascinating a son!Floor lord, beg your pardon my selfish!
I know that describe the floor lord you with the how gorgeous words regardless the fascinating degree of a son is all not enough, is all hypocritical, so I think only of to say a:Your a son is too good-looking!I would like to the lifetime sees the bottom!
This son conceives outline novel, the topic has the mental strategy only, the paragraph is clear, details , fall the rise and fall, the main line is clear, fascinating, mild display the extraordinary literature 功 bottom inside, is witty it may be said, a classic, is a model that my generation should the study.
In regard to the angle of the cloak-and-dagger art, this son do not calculate too successful, but it of the experiment is however the far far larger than in meaning the success oneself.Positive so-called:" a the horse dashes about, shooting the birds lead the bow, the world is all in my heart!" floor lord really not the is to has boundary new generation to open the mountain strange!
I will have disappointed to this community originally, feeling that this community had no the prospect, the in the mind is filled with the woe.But saw your this son, let me producing the hope to the community again.Is a fire that you let my in the mind set alight the hope afresh, is you make my heart cold ashes burn again, is you rescued me a stirs the cool stiring the cool heart!
I decide originally and can't return to any a son in the community, but saw your a son, it is what must return that I tell the oneself this son!This is once-in-a-lifetime O.K. stick!Heaven contain eye, let me getting the such fascinating and incomparable a son at the excellent the can view in year that living!
Floor lord, you want to continue diligent!You are the hope of the community!
作者: victoria1984    时间: 23.7.2007 11:07
作者: victoria1984    时间: 23.7.2007 11:08
眼泪流了, 心痛了,才真的可能会把那段感情忘掉呢.

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