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标题: 秀发飘飘的秘诀 [打印本页]

作者: 笑仙人    时间: 9.8.2003 10:51
Graceful Hair Blowing in the Wind<br>秀发飘飘的秘诀 <br><br><br>Split ends, dandruff, and dry, itchy scalp are common problems that can detract from otherwise healthy hair. In most cases such problems can be overcome by giving the appropriate treatment.<br><br>  发梢开叉、头皮屑、头皮干燥发痒等常见问题损伤了原本健康的头发。在通常情况下,这些问题可通过适当的护理得以解决。<br><br>  Dandruff consists of scaly particles with an oily sheen that lie close to the hair root. This condition should not be confused with a flaky scalp (see below). <br><br>  Causes Poor diet, sluggish metabolism, stress, a hormonal imbalance, and sometimes infection. These conditions produce increased cell renewal on the scalp, which is often associated with an increase in sebum. The scales will absorb the excess oil, but if the problem is untreated it will become worse.<br><br>  Solutions Rethink your diet and lifestyle. Learn relaxation techniques if the problem appears to be caused by stress. Brush the hair before shampooing and scrupulously wash combs and brushes. Always choose a mild shampoo with an antidandruff action that gently loosens scales and helps prevent new ones. Follow with a treatment lotion, massaged into the scalp using the fingertips. The treatment must be used regularly if it is to be effective. Avoid excessive use of heat stylers. <br><br>  头皮屑是由油光发亮的鳞状颗粒组成,附着在头发根部,请勿将此与头皮碎屑相混淆(见下)。<br><br>  问题起因: 饮食不良,新陈代谢缓慢,压力,荷尔蒙分泌失调,或许还有感染。这些情况使头皮上的细胞更新加快,伴随而来的常常是油脂的增加。鳞片会吸收多余的油分,但如果对问题置之不理,情况会恶化。<br><br>  解决方法: 重新考虑你的饮食和生活方式。若问题看似来自压力,则要学会放松技巧。洗发前用发刷梳理头发,仔细清洗梳子和发刷。始终如一地选用含有去头屑效果的柔和型香波,它可以使鳞片松散,并防止新鳞片的产生。之后,应使用护理液,要用手指按摩头皮。坚持经常护理方可产生效果。应避免过多使用热吹风机。<br><br>  Flaky/itchy scalp produces tiny white pieces of dead skin that flake off the scalp and are usually first noticed on the shoulders. This condition can often be confused with dandruff but the two are not related. Sometimes the scalp is red or itchy and feels tense. The hair has a dull appearance.<br><br>  Causes Hereditary traits, stress, insufficient rinsing of shampoo, lack of sebum, using a harsh shampoo, vitamin imbalance, pollution, air conditioning and central heating.<br><br>  Solutions Choose a moisturizing shampoo and a conditioner with herbal extracts to help soothe and remoisturize the scalp. <br><br>  成片状或发痒的头皮会产生白色的小片死皮,从头皮上脱落下来,通常最先在肩膀上看到它们。这种状况经常同头皮屑的产生相混淆,其实两者并无联系。有时头皮呈红色,发痒或发紧,头发暗无生气。<br><br><br>  问题起因:遗传因素,压力,香波未洗净,油脂缺乏,使用强力香波,维生素失调,环境污染,空调与中央供暖设施。<br><br>  解决方法:选择加湿香波和含有草药提取成分的护发素来重新润泽、安抚头皮。<br><br>  Fine hair tends to be limp, looks flat, and is difficult to style because it does not hold a style.<br><br>  Causes The texture is hereditary, but the problem is often made worse by using too heavy a conditioner, which weighs the hair down. Excessive use of styling products can have the same effect. <br><br>  Solutions Wash hair frequently with a mild cleanser and use a light conditioner. Volumizing shampoos can help give body, and soft perms will make hair appear thicker.<br><br>  细发往往软而平,不容易成型,因为它不能保持发型。<br><br>  问题起因:发质是遗传的,但若使用过强的护发素把头发压下来,会使情况变得更糟。同样,过多使用定型用品也会招致恶果。<br><br>  解决方法:经常使用温性香波与柔和护发素洗发。加大香波剂量可有助于头发成形,轻度烫发可令头发显得厚实。 <br><br>  Split ends occur when the cuticle is damaged and the fibres of the cortex unravel. The hair is dry, brittle, and prone to tangling, and can split at the end or anywhere along the shaft.<br><br>  Causes Over-perming or coloring, insufficient conditioning, or too much brushing or backcombing, especially with poor quality combs or brushes. Careless use of spiky rollers and hairpins, excessive heat styling and not having the hair trimmed regularly can also cause the problem.<br><br>  Solutions Split ends can&#39;t be mended; the only long-term cure is to have them snipped off. What is lost in the length will be gained in quality. It may help if you reduce the frequency with which you shampoo, as this in itself is stressful to hair and causes split ends to extend up the hair shaft. Never use a dryer too near the hair, or set it on too high a temperature. Minimize the use of heated app1iances. Try conditioners that are designed to temporarily seal split ends and give resistance to further splitting.<br><br>  发梢开叉是角质层受损和皮层的纤维开裂所致。头发干燥、脆弱、易缠绕,会在发梢或发干的任何部位分叉。 <br><br>  问题起因:过度烫发或染发,护发不充分,或过勤地梳理头发,使用质次的梳子或发刷。不经心地使用锐利的卷发器和发卡.过多地进行热定型,不经常修剪头发都会造成发梢开叉。<br><br>  解决方法:发梢开叉不能补救,唯一长效疗法是剪去开叉部分。虽不能保住长发,但能带来健康的发质。减少使用香波次数也可能奏效,因为频繁使用香波会给头发施压,造成开叉从发梢延至发干。不要让吹风机大靠近头发,或把温度调得过高。尽量减少使用加热美发用具。请使用那些专为暂时性收紧分叉的发梢并阻止分叉延续而设计的护发素.<br>
作者: 笑仙人    时间: 10.8.2003 11:03
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