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标题: 慕尼黑英语角 *** munich english corner *** [打印本页]

作者: yuankai    时间: 1.4.2008 10:26
标题: 慕尼黑英语角 *** munich english corner ***
本帖最后由 yuankai 于 14.10.2011 10:08 编辑
9 ?- n- g, V- j1 t
& r" ?7 i: R, \% a7 |$ f0 _由于这个活动耽搁的时间较长(三年多了),当年的核心组织者也有很大的人事变动,再加上不知道现在究竟有多少人对这个活动有兴趣,多少人仍然还在慕尼黑,所以我的提议是按照:激活 -- 调研 -- 策划 -- 活动, 这样的顺序来进行组织。激活我已经做了,已经把帖子顶起来并且声明活动可以重新开始了。调研就是看相应,策划是在有核心成员的前提下才能实现的,最后才能成功组织活动。1 x, s7 _) b. ]( |

8 y! v- t) [0 N. m- u4 c9 n( A
根据讨论, 英语角的形式和内容有了更新:
英语角的目的: 1. 锻炼英语 2. 结交朋友 3. 交流知识.
英语角的形式: 一个小时 presentation, 接下来是 free talk.
英语角的频率: 两个星期一次, 具体时间和地点见更新.
两个星期期间, 可以自行结伙看英语电影, 吃饭聊天等.
9 H1 y7 v8 f% K5 N
0 Q9 p0 `$ s6 Z3 x8 K* u9 `4 S' p! O3 c* @2 |
     Meeting time: on Sunday 14:00, 26.Oct.08
4 P4 k* a) Z' h' i% h" J     Meeting address:
     Activities: free talk and discussion on presentation1 p8 s# u* @5 s- Z8 }6 N

: q, N$ p; M# h4 LA: TU Seminarraum 1977 照片见 165 楼. -- 地址描述见 247 和 248 楼.( u- j. @8 Y4 M( t! K8 U
B: Time: at 14:00
& O: D# i  C( v     Place: english garten (Hofgarten) -- near from Odeonplatz (U-Bahn station)
D: Knorrstr. 29 München
& b, \0 d' [; Q1 P& `1 NF: Time: at 18:00, , M  L0 ~* G) q" N* p3 E
     Place: Feeling Cafe bar: ( 转自:
http://www.kaiyuan.de/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=186461&page=2 )
0 U7 U" s0 n& Q     具体地址在Ungererstr.75, Sparkasse的正门右侧,注意是正门!
     由于没有灯箱广告和招牌,粗心的就会漏过。9 v3 d5 N: f8 L8 {+ e
H: Hard Rock Cafe Munich   http://www.hardrock.com/munich
     The address is Platzl 1, 80331 Munich. It is just nearby the Marienplatz and opposite to the HB.
     照片见 406 楼.
) T3 W- j$ e. c# XM: 我们先在marienplatz的那个喷泉碰头, 如果下雨, 我们就在旁边 Ludwig Beck 楼旁边避雨等人。 ( A9 g- ?% k5 l
     地点可以参见第 111 楼.
# R, A; Q5 X! u4 D' [* T" m8 dS: Stiglmaierplatz (U1) --> Nymphenburgerstraße 3.  因为3号就在车站很近的地方,比较好找到。
     Bier Garten 也就在附近。
     如果下雨, 就在3号集合后去室内。  D+ u7 y0 ^- o+ p  A& @+ q; r4 V
T: Trip to Tegernsee. See the 316th stare.
) u, D( j: J, F: _- J     Meet-Time: 10:00AM
/ d( S5 e* M* ~# r* X     Meet-Place: Hbf Munich, front of Information Counter
- W$ L4 ]# a, _* r6 ^3 Z0 e% b7 D
) Q8 P( x, z. }
9 L1 C% I4 o; r! H
Presentation Topics of Munich English Corner
Draft (August 31, 2008)
Prio: 1 – the most popular topic, 3 – interesting for certain people, 5 – don’t fit most people% [! J6 m4 h) Q
Topic distribution is under discussion!' j/ `* }* g) B$ q% ]" X, \

7 ?0 R# r  e4 H5 O% k

7 i" \+ a9 u; l( e" \No.
$ Y0 e& O" l2 J' m; d
" r- c. d4 E/ s# k$ n/ A: a- d- O1 D

: _6 e+ I% W  ?  b( c- uTopic Name! A; k3 F, i( ]# i

8 b6 L/ D* u9 \, \/ RDescription  G/ Z& G/ u+ `  R- J( N; g

9 J9 M. ?, E2 e$ s* C/ M/ uPrio. }0 b. b. r. w9 ]0 X5 t
+ d$ z) u$ N5 J
Modification History and Comments- B+ u. Z3 ^5 r/ j. L

# S  U8 n/ F( _! l2 n! h
! Q5 h+ C/ E* ]* ~* ]  k
1% d, h* `8 [3 p( h+ q* }* S  c
. Y- N+ q( `* i+ J# a" y, q  X) N
Private insurance, liability insurance, who should have which one, etc.
; w* v" }* {& q8 L! Z# V

! h6 u/ b! c, [# S: m6 G24 q& P7 L) y; k. V! M. {  q/ Z( O
Who: Student, Employee, Family
7 r, R2 a# c" w0 ^. JWhich: obligatory, optional, recommended insurance
1 W7 h6 T/ D9 ~% r( @  l. N

: U0 S2 U, p- n6 i! F6 ], }2
1 g/ @' Y2 L7 R  r7 w
9 Z. p/ q2 Q! Q/ e4 |( x  U
3 G/ V* a0 \4 a
Traffic accident
4 c5 `0 O6 P, i( LWhich case could happen, what should we do after accident, etc
5 }, h% T' C7 B3 r; I  r* A
- D- Z1 T( Z. `1 l9 p6 W4 s) |9 x$ _6 y; |) o

5 _4 @5 k. ^& s' k  ?3
# S1 ^" t9 T6 R* P5 {( E: O
It is better by studying with examples./ f8 m9 D8 N$ F+ U1 K  P, M* `9 ?
Need to find typical examples on internet first.
$ ]) j2 {+ W" q9 u/ O2 r4 j

) W. Z( Z/ U, r) D- ^# g9 ?1 ]3
- H, {6 ]3 J; V+ ?, M! L) \$ E
Visa application for parents, wife or friends9 m# \0 D( H2 Z( S, |2 z' }
Which materials need to be prepared for, On which points should pay attention, etc
  s) K& p$ j% w) M+ z3 L% b6 H# X

8 s0 P8 s# l9 b* X8 t

9 O0 C8 `1 o3 ?5 ~+ ~( g4 L4
+ P  b5 q( {1 J, M3 Q8 f9 Q
Useful part will be self-experience, tricky…. talking
. j* R# g: N% R+ X- [3 `. {' f% N
4 m+ s7 N% |+ [& Y$ z
$ @% m4 V4 u4 Z& h; S* }
Stock and fund in germany" ^  V+ Q6 Z) z

' `, G: K" ]+ ~! a  [1 J7 N
How to buy stock or fund in germany, concret steps, resources, experiences, etc
) ], S! k3 y! v0 [5 v, }9 b8 _
# v: v1 V" i1 M  ]4 v
8 y2 O* M* x  x4 z

% W- o5 L* A5 P0 _: q3
6 s+ `) Y$ L4 J
Need to list/discuss basic questions before a clue could be found for this big topic.
+ e' g- E% ~7 q3 P% u$ p! C3 M
' |' y$ A1 R$ e# ^
, H+ }/ x" f7 `5 \2 N1 a3 Y5 Y/ g
Invest and financing
: l$ ]# ^% I, ~$ m  @" O+ I! w/ a- o
Concept, methods, resource, etc& C: ^) y9 q% P- T& ]* z
1 M* `" Y. R4 s$ f; v

5 G) q2 ^* a" k3 l
7 ^- e0 S. l8 T; {- R9 y
8 k4 L6 r. |9 m# n. D2 I
Still, read, analyse stories of famous persons sounds more practical. At this point, I think he peilun do has many stories we would like to hear./ m- e. @7 g  j/ f+ |4 ]4 l  ~* A
. l* ^- J( M; a4 P7 q2 c* w( g% Y
Sights in Munich( J7 ^, b0 M- O: g' u% T

- |  q+ M0 T/ e. G9 k
Sight name, sight address, route, etc
2 n( D& k( a$ ~) L9 N" n* b. x% H) B# v: v
) c0 h5 s1 c/ b5 V; o9 S" ?+ d
For example: Nymphenburg etc.4 F" R' _2 C4 K2 d) N7 F

5 g5 T6 f) c% {7& k1 `5 S4 G. X# f& o9 \% f! B* ]
Live in Munich
9 `# i2 h# S! a$ C- |% F0 M
Chinese food or western-style food recommendation, outlet recommendation, apartment price analysis, traffic ticket sort, etc
' z3 w2 U6 q9 P4 A6 g1 [8 }7 W2 Y' l& L( w  F! n$ m1 K
7 p/ }5 s; H% ~. q0 v7 u

$ X: U! U( n8 c, W13 e6 O) n' A5 K$ o
After second though, I think it is pretty difficult to put this topic as a presentation. We would rather do it than only talk it. So let just take it as our usual trip/party activities like before. Travel near munich or eat in restaurant.' Q1 H# ]) v3 a2 f' f5 {% X
" o5 d$ j5 ]+ Y7 R4 t$ G
8& }3 r# X0 J; g" P& \6 d
Establish company in germany
4 ~& T! F# }" a5 M$ _
0 o0 o& c6 g4 t" f% f& ^' m3 w
Concrete steps, experiences, etc
$ M* M9 R* _- j0 n% V; U* v3 w, r1 i* B9 Y: g/ h4 O
4 N% Y' ^4 L5 f2 N3 [

1 X: H' Z7 ]4 Q  a5 w) `4
* K( Q9 u  A9 C+ D# O
it is the tough one, but for some, who wanna have their own biz, could be a start to recognize new guy and talking some ideas at the very first step. We could still throw up our questions, even requirements there.) L" a! J% ]" B% G

' k* o4 k; ^4 \3 Y( V+ v8 k( vColleting points:
whatever you have thought about how to run english corner in topic presentations, just add your opinions after. (first 3 points are from sinux)$ e  h% m9 \- y" ]6 j
9 A4 D. K% |5 E- f
1.As long as the topic are attracted to you, you could join us and discussing.0 Y/ P% x/ f6 c

* i. p7 X) A$ @9 k( Y* w# A' I2.No one here are experts who are responsible for answering any questions from others, although, questions could be gathered on the table during discussing. english corner should manage/catagorize those solved or unsolved questions in some collectable form, which easy for tracking or backing up.
; u; m1 @# Y2 y  ~7 A. D" M% e+ }* ]  {: ~9 p4 ]3 l$ j
3.Don’t just throw unsolved problems away for each topics. Everyone could use their free time finding answers through google. It is not a must, but strongly recommended!
, G/ @) }; [; l! _# C9 j
" w* g4 y. m8 ]/ W; ?

* @5 k: c* [% k" y& x7 @5 q; A- E2 B# T, b! ^, v3 ^# X3 L8 M
% C/ K+ q- P2 `7 q5 Y( s- ~/ Y3 {. ]! L4 T% f6 W  k
( w' f' R5 q, t! J; [1 T/ J$ n% B; Y( l. K; U9 |; @
Current web address:
5 r, Q; `# p& A0 Y6 ]1 zhttp://groups.google.com/group/english_corner_munich
% W6 b2 `4 }, r5 m3 Y: h. K" Z% c' H2 p0 U9 K" X: f, h9 `
Current email address:
6 o/ ~- X8 {: e( \9 C7 u* s  z. Wenglish_corner_munich@googlegroups.com
2 J5 L4 p3 Z6 R" ]8 ~
4 r- Z9 V% H! @8 v" D=========================================================
$ d* N! a, E" i9 W+ w/ z: N/ ]7 ?# r% d
活动形式有平时最经常的 free talk 以及一两个月一次的小型活动, 小型活动包括: 英语面试模拟, 英语party, 英语辩论, 英语presentation, 英语电影, 英语主题讨论等.1 ]$ Z, t# r3 K& m, y, _) u

7 Q; k3 L9 [# f  |; {欢迎更多对英语有兴趣的人来参加!
$ f. W, d) P& W* a: R* s
9 }/ |* A! U' u5 _! j, [=========================================================
* b$ ~+ L2 E  ?% n8 Y* `* I! L) O  b  s$ C! ?
2008 年活动成员列表 (26.10.2008)* o; r6 k3 t+ n8 t* l' K
有兴趣的朋友有(整理到了385楼, 顺序不分先后, 如果有遗漏或者错误请通知我): & h2 P' O( _0 w" }. z+ p
( C6 `5 a* l/ c7 L! f
' L. l6 a- ?! Y) P/ [3 Gcatholical+ I( Q# e5 ]8 H
+ l! s" v+ Z: N/ W$ ]' |8 \9 p" f9 xCynthia-autumn
5 Y" S6 I% t% ~  k7 A5 uftf1982     Z# D+ K. L! d  I" ?
harryzs# F1 z% W+ ~+ ?
hepeilun : q! [" k* w  i' M4 e7 X
Jay8098 x3 m; e3 J3 a! M6 T' |: [
6 C# x$ c+ {' s; Wjoyjoyjoy% @+ Z1 A0 a2 ~& |7 r8 X
) b8 J4 X3 V* a# [+ T: n; ckonami
1 G: Q7 m4 ~/ J  I' O2 M9 ekruemmel  1 Z+ k5 ]& L+ M& b- V, w2 |
kunfumaster5 ]6 A5 j5 B( v. b9 d" t
, M4 j+ m1 y3 X3 \maoxiaomin
& M5 k/ b) E# ]. F$ V! A5 ~+ Amuc0 i$ ~. T& g# h. o/ W* q
munbre / h# `& M2 x4 s1 u" u7 F
newhand2007  8 p- Q6 E; Y0 b/ B* L$ ~( ^( m
palmgirl2 W1 V. y' a# j+ Q) \
patton2 M% h0 z" a3 a9 W3 E( t% J& t+ c
  h% T  A- Z6 m; k! C0 Hquakezhao( c  I; I2 U* s0 @! s' Q3 h
& p2 D2 ^9 h7 |; R$ a& U2 Jsinux  
# Z3 G+ g4 \3 j* y+ O6 X6 O' xthe one
9 T. a) H1 J) U5 v7 I# [tiara
5 m1 U3 l# l% W  D) I/ X/ U' ^* W" Awensundy
wenxuan- ~3 `/ k# @8 g/ L: ^1 `
winddance( c8 y8 j* O5 {, |
, Y% W0 M' v3 b/ Q: l4 v2 zyuankai
+ E9 |7 ~' A: {# V5 N1 |  J蓝藻儿1 Q# l( Z# k. u, |
蓝海长尾 " V0 ~3 c% D8 e# w
8 C6 S1 a4 @/ A9 Q: H) \1 i+ Q" L! L6 K( Q6 _8 J) H# n% e; `
因为每个人包括我自己都可能周末没时间给英语角或者不在慕尼黑, 所以这里每个人都可以组织和其他人进行英语角活动.
* `7 h% S# U2 l" {& g/ O# X
" a' K1 e- \% X2 h如果想得到其他人更多联系方式的朋友请参加英语角.
* K/ x+ I3 Q) s8 l, s  w9 T
, b7 e9 H% w3 O+ s=========================================================

8 u/ e1 W9 f6 s. B* o- P/ ~0 @& z' z8 r# V0 j. g
[ 本帖最后由 yuankai 于 26.10.2008 22:56 编辑 ]
作者: patton    时间: 1.4.2008 10:31
作者: Cynthia-autumn    时间: 1.4.2008 10:31
good idea, but i am leaving soon
作者: quakezhao    时间: 1.4.2008 10:33
作者: Rileylee    时间: 1.4.2008 10:36
作者: joyjoyjoy    时间: 1.4.2008 10:40
标题: 回复 板凳 的帖子
where r u going?
作者: yuankai    时间: 1.4.2008 10:50
原帖由 joyjoyjoy 于 1.4.2008 11:40 发表 . Z+ w d9 N) F. N where r u going?
] $ h; L5 u9 {: H0 T5 g. U0 f: ^2 \8 ~6 b' ?. O7 a) q 你要去哪? (不知道翻译对不对噢) - q# R9 `) T; ~. e* W- ~- {9 u* F! m8 h# F4 A6 d 去哪里大家商量定吧, 反正有一个(语言)环境就可以.
作者: fisch333    时间: 1.4.2008 10:58
标题: 回复 楼主 的帖子
我也很有兴趣阿5 d2 H) V, ~8 k2 w, v3 |; O0 M 只是我的英语已经完全说不出来了0 Y. A+ m9 I. G; y& t1 V- u# P; F ; g( b& A$ D; Z) N* c咋办阿…………
作者: 北京2008    时间: 1.4.2008 11:06
作者: Cynthia-autumn    时间: 1.4.2008 11:10
going back to my university, which is not in Germany. 1 s. ^/ F) K0 L: \$ ]. P6 R: X8 ~8 R5 K: {0 C. F. w' Y. B Well, if you guys want to chat in English, you can go to 1 u+ y. d- K- ~# n- T: ] : y( t# G7 B3 O5 L http://www.kaiyuan.de/forum.php? ... a=page%3D1&page=2390 ^3 ]! v5 r/ h+ a8 o : w% f9 `" o3 m6 Xhaha, kind of ad.
作者: kruemmel    时间: 1.4.2008 11:23
i am also in
作者: kruemmel    时间: 1.4.2008 11:25
作者: yuankai    时间: 1.4.2008 19:06
好啊, 支持. ; V$ Z I, t4 G) ?/ T ; c( Y' l: [1 q8 a4 U' q 大家都说说, 什么地方, 什么时间比较方便. 5 u( D' Z% d: F4 \% r$ i% D! p3 U 2 ?, E! X Z, A+ _' j我个人来讲, 周一到周五晚上7点以后基本都可以, 加上周末都可以, 地点最好是三圈内的.
作者: abcdvvv    时间: 1.4.2008 19:46
原帖由 yuankai 于 1.4.2008 11:26 发表 # K; S: I' c: n6 J: h' }# q* P 一直感觉英语水平在下降, 尤其是听和说的能力. 有类似情况的朋友, 不如我们一起弄一个英语角吧, 或者 Stammtisch 什么的, 一个星期一次, 地点可以是餐馆, 咖啡店什么的. , Y. {0 K" z- q & X% X# M1 u: z W1 j) [有没有有兴趣的人啊? 也还请英语水平好的 ...
; I+ x6 H6 T# [4 E) I0 f0 G2 @' |/ X8 T6 s* Y+ L + _. h8 k s( |! r9 {这个提议很好1 {. |; o# d S# h2 I 还有个建议,就是多去开元外语天地
作者: abcdvvv    时间: 1.4.2008 19:47
也可以用很多学生宿舍的活动室7 Z' l# v x. d d2 l" a 很适合讨论和娱乐的
作者: fawe    时间: 1.4.2008 20:21
真想练英语,就和native speaker练. $ T/ M* c2 o+ x: M- m+ A% u以前参加过中国人的英语角,效果甚微.
作者: abcdvvv    时间: 1.4.2008 20:24
恩,楼上说的有理, ; A/ z. \$ S" A$ _) x英语角的目的在于交流学习方法,提高学习兴趣 / m. F' P4 C6 L+ ?- p$ w可以一起看看片什么的,或则seminar什么的5 K3 i7 k! s9 t) W7 b7 N 6 x2 U2 Y2 _2 T6 |7 c瞎聊就不必了,越聊越差
作者: wikipedia    时间: 2.4.2008 10:17
作者: 蓝藻儿    时间: 2.4.2008 10:42
作者: catholical    时间: 2.4.2008 11:03
标题: 回复 楼主 的帖子
作者: kruemmel    时间: 2.4.2008 11:45
any places you guys think is good for all? _/ `# [" L0 n% l9 o and time?
作者: yuankai    时间: 2.4.2008 14:14
原帖由 fawe 于 1.4.2008 21:21 发表 % {6 j) |# F( ~* g1 i! L" V$ p真想练英语,就和native speaker练.( Q0 f$ C4 s. d5 t; J" w 以前参加过中国人的英语角,效果甚微.
6 e. z: z/ L7 ~5 Z% R( c + y; y, a* ]+ s- A; t o2 L2 b7 n, M+ E 说的也有道理, 不过比较打消积极性. 呵呵.
作者: yuankai    时间: 2.4.2008 14:16
原帖由 wikipedia 于 2.4.2008 11:17 发表 # s+ X) R5 [- @1 f( X; g有没有汉语角,想提高汉语表达能力
. T+ H7 H6 b; j- n- M* E 1 R3 y8 r' z2 A' u我们要不要来个 Tandempartner ?
作者: winddance    时间: 2.4.2008 19:22
作者: yuankai    时间: 3.4.2008 14:42
其实英语还是很重要的, 我们现在在德国留学也好工作也好, 回国了很可能会在外资企业里面工作, 中国的外资, 哪怕是德国企业也是要求要用英语的, 所以更感觉到了学好英语的重要性和急迫感. 如果其他企业, 一提到外语几乎肯定就和德语没关联了. 所以, 在德国, 我们虽然可能德语口语好一些, 可是回国没有用啊. 不学好英语, 以后就是在国企里都不好混, 现在国企里招的大学生英语都挺好, 做到高层也必须都是博士. 难啊.
作者: luca    时间: 3.4.2008 15:00
光说不练假把式% A1 D9 U% Q! I, V 5 P4 M8 J6 R l" L v$ }) a6 ^% R 发起人自己可以招人了
作者: yuankai    时间: 3.4.2008 15:06
原帖由 luca 于 3.4.2008 16:00 发表 ; A, c! n6 H" s2 e' t 光说不练假把式 ' A! ~5 E: ^7 W' \% L , y7 x8 F: B, [2 ?发起人自己可以招人了
4 X$ P% w k _9 d1 ^; }$ D5 h " Q \$ M+ G1 F' D0 C" ^ 英语角就是想练练说的能力. C; b; E$ i+ L7 L( B9 `2 Y A0 J9 y0 T" a/ R( z9 [* H另外, 招什么人... ?9 k5 |7 i: d0 w+ U# N7 C 6 p2 f+ ]* T5 N! U7 ^6 R2 X% R [ 本帖最后由 yuankai 于 3.4.2008 16:08 编辑 ]
作者: luca    时间: 3.4.2008 17:18
原帖由 yuankai 于 3.4.2008 16:06 发表 2 Q; N A% `9 B $ d& g9 q* R; E1 a6 z8 R 4 _; I1 K- \4 a: A7 s英语角就是想练练说的能力. $ s8 [7 N( i5 ~9 X* j6 [. H; ?7 A# {( d; |6 V, s; x' w 另外, 招什么人... ?
" `; v5 A8 w3 X2 a' h9 S: w# Z. A4 _8 | - C1 }; Q) P# M4 L8 @你不是要搞英语角么+ v0 o" E# g& _$ G! n 你不组织怎么有人来
作者: yuankai    时间: 4.4.2008 08:42
原帖由 luca 于 3.4.2008 18:18 发表 # j6 i0 l5 R5 o& \) K " i/ c8 C- _0 k+ z2 V+ z1 M& r4 D2 [1 F, w3 q) D& H r( T" o * p( Q& T3 |$ T1 n; ]2 w K. H 你不是要搞英语角么 : T/ m' M7 _3 P9 w& B: ?8 X* J5 ?. W, G你不组织怎么有人来
* a) Q; a7 t6 W4 } t; {; W! p" o % C& w5 t% y) L5 U' x噢, 原来你是这个意思. " M. ~( L4 K8 q: t9 U" u. s7 B4 h 好啊. 既然大家有这个兴趣, 那么我们就这个星期聚一次吧, 星期六(四月五号)如何? 时间下午5点吧, 地点大家说吧. 估计第一次主要是学习方法方式的交流和对英语角前景的一个讨论, 当然也应该包括练习英语. 怎么样?
作者: kruemmel    时间: 4.4.2008 08:57
time is good for me. where? sudgest somewhere in the centre.
作者: louise    时间: 4.4.2008 09:00
作者: yuankai    时间: 4.4.2008 09:20
如果有机会能把 native speaker 拉过来一起那就更好了. 6 q7 S) I/ |2 F' l8 K . G6 K1 |" Y, M我也支持在中心的什么地方, 因为我的票走不了太远.+ C$ A u0 G2 O4 W# s! X ) [1 M- R5 U2 l: f: w4 B我刚来慕尼黑不久, 还是大家说说地点哪里好吧
作者: sinux    时间: 4.4.2008 12:26
有认识的美国朋友都可以拉来。 : k. l+ V8 P* [$ D5 I0 r 8 O# W" i- T; g. y要么,干脆组织在哪个美国酒吧里。给不出具体意见,sorry! ) W5 A" V3 t2 F) Q. J& ]* Z- L & g2 X+ I g$ _( Q! o' h但支持
作者: patton    时间: 4.4.2008 12:32
there is an australian bar at Weissenburger Platz.: ]( ~' c- g; k( G) ? Many english speaking people there, moreover, you could taste emu, crocodile and kangaroo
作者: sinux    时间: 4.4.2008 12:48
hoho, crocodile, emmmm, sounds NOT tasty, but horrible..... % e! ~1 j8 {6 f) N! X, o3 @" e* C: p" [% ~ G anyone any experience on that meet before? you, patton?
作者: patton    时间: 4.4.2008 12:49
crocodile is tasty I like it very much& b' E5 i% m5 P" d. t' B. I: j* m8 T8 ? ' Q" u/ n: N T0 _- K: H jemu and kangaroo is OK
作者: joyjoyjoy    时间: 4.4.2008 12:53
原帖由 patton 于 4.4.2008 13:49 发表 / P; _ k- h! ]0 h crocodile is tasty I like it very much# O- g8 Q% j0 S8 ` & V1 ]7 t P+ {) Q2 Xemu and kangaroo is OK
8 h7 B5 L% G. W% L" D' [3 N6 E ; X& H, u' ?* u% }) ^( Csorry,these are drinks or ?
作者: patton    时间: 4.4.2008 12:55
作者: joyjoyjoy    时间: 4.4.2008 12:57

作者: sinux    时间: 4.4.2008 13:22
maybe you just take "crocodile" as cooktail ! " r% T1 _! S- m% Q, ]2 s, G 7 N% z# b7 Y0 ^! yOR we can use croc tail mixing with other wine, to make a cook-dile !!( B& q3 u. U+ z 9 K3 P1 F: _' V) R8 Z
作者: joyjoyjoy    时间: 4.4.2008 13:24
不是, 我以为鳄鱼是一种酒的名字, 现在酒的名儿不是五花八门的么,什么锈钉子什么的
作者: joyjoyjoy    时间: 4.4.2008 13:26
besides, those meat sound horrible.......i am a little terrified...
作者: sinux    时间: 4.4.2008 13:31
forget about what i said, just for fun!!3 y8 s5 l; X; u% l; \* Y! ^; Q 3 W# A; P3 a( R( N7 T2 a* Fsounds most who got interest on English, are all MM. Thats really a encouraging motive, haha# ~6 \: `- O I. Q3 i6 k : M; D. H8 T. [5 _& @/ l8 _
作者: sinux    时间: 4.4.2008 13:32
all right, patton, how about the price?" T0 ?% z+ y5 b& @9 g 0 r. L" z1 h& y, y[ 本帖最后由 sinux 于 4.4.2008 16:10 编辑 ]
作者: joyjoyjoy    时间: 4.4.2008 13:43
作者: patton    时间: 4.4.2008 13:56
not expensive at all
作者: sinux    时间: 4.4.2008 13:58
all right, i take you to the zoo. g( }+ n0 L F" [5 u& P- ~: `) f0 K give you 1hour, help yourself finding something you can eat ! 2 Q5 R' c7 S/ p4 `6 C6 P% j2 r8 T0 C7 M( [5 E5 X
作者: joyjoyjoy    时间: 4.4.2008 14:43
don't eat roh meat....can u cook there?
作者: sinux    时间: 4.4.2008 14:55
ok, lets see others reaction about it, patton.% N* |' Y7 ]; u# `% ?2 @$ w ' j) I) X! T$ T, w. Rleast i got interest on your suggestion. * I! J& j0 ?# v1 W- ^4 t& q' D# l& ^- @# R+ A: M6 I [ 本帖最后由 sinux 于 4.4.2008 16:10 编辑 ]
作者: patton    时间: 4.4.2008 14:57
作者: sinux    时间: 4.4.2008 15:09
原帖由 joyjoyjoy 于 4.4.2008 15:43 发表 , {: P% x" ~" d7 g4 j, h( Y don't eat roh meat....can u cook there?
& q$ r; E( {4 d ) k& Q: B' F, Z+ E/ r# J; Hthat depends , $ w4 R8 r I7 S8 X" X" c6 W 3 p: w, `3 j' r. N% U i mean you dont eat raw meat, but the other creatures in the zoo do !
作者: sinux    时间: 4.4.2008 15:12
原帖由 patton 于 4.4.2008 15:57 发表 - s" o& N, b. K' z' P2 q, Z5 Q& Y patton
/ ?" @0 d/ t7 c Y9 Y ( J' M$ C% }) t( o6 A- a ?+ tpatton, of course, patton it is !/ A4 _) ?* _& ?; ]" `1 i ( k+ q! r8 D! ^ H, U2 csorry
作者: yuankai    时间: 5.4.2008 11:11
好像帖子被水了 ...呵呵* {1 t4 S- v3 N. n ) G# I9 {$ V) P* S; P/ Y: C& \地点如果这个星期没有结果, 那么只能下个星期再开始了. .....
作者: luca    时间: 5.4.2008 18:47
hey, yuankai 4 v* a7 @7 P3 @/ f+ \- ?9 O3 ?support u with that
作者: sinux    时间: 5.4.2008 20:14
原帖由 yuankai 于 5.4.2008 12:11 发表 7 L5 W" @% H" r. b% B 好像帖子被水了 ...呵呵$ k& O' u! L8 a5 \ + C# n7 l, W4 N地点如果这个星期没有结果, 那么只能下个星期再开始了. .....
8 ~4 P2 H0 P& T5 ?% l* _! i: g- `+ Z! \5 K# E+ l& W sorry,不是故意水你帖子, + \: E( v6 [, k# A% M& Q9 {: i9 \2 g 2 X( o* _+ c& e W, G这个帖子可以变成大家练英语的地方。 , X% ~2 W( M* B6 ^$ z ! Y% z' p7 x9 d- D" V# L# H% D至于联系英语,还是觉得和native的说从一开始比较好,3 H( y: T5 ^9 a! g) C & v/ o% k$ Y# C2 Y 所以建议有认识美国朋友的大家,周末一起酒吧里聊聊天。
作者: luca    时间: 5.4.2008 21:45
原帖由 sinux 于 5.4.2008 21:14 发表 sorry,不是故意水你帖子,这个帖子可以变成大家练英语的地方。至于联系英语,还是觉得和native的说从一开始比较好,所以建议有认识美国朋友的大家,周末一起酒吧里聊聊天。
; \! R1 I' P- N" D4 w# b5 t: g + X. z# z; V/ X [6 j- s2 @ ( V' z$ W6 {# S8 B' d1 l3 F0 K# ~Actually, i cannot agree with u / E! q* ?; r& Q) ~although there might be some american friends, who might come to the party for once or twice, but it is impossible to ask them to come regularly. $ ~" ?7 m. p) ~3 U3 ^" L1 U. w2 i5 I' l/ L! K& N5 l! e' u: d8 b; a2 `2 k# c Native speakers are very important to english practicing, but not required. 3 y P' N* c! A" a# z9 c6 s, w; y4 B, o The english corner can help people exchanging their ideas about learning, it can also make english study interesting. 9 ^7 X) C& q; x! Y. X' ~) g3 e/ Y. g. ^8 H2 a2 o- e$ @6 N Finally, "how to do" is important, but not for the first step. "learning by doing" is a good way. So let us construct the english corner first, and make it for ever.
作者: luca    时间: 5.4.2008 21:51
Even though practicing with native speaker helps a lot, people still have to spend a lot of time on learning by themselves.I know students who live in china, but can also speak like native english speakers.Nowadays, we have internet, we have courses taught in english, we can go for english seminars. We can take advantage of all these things. Again, native speakers are important, but not required. The most important things are your attitude and interest. That is why we want to construct an english corner. : ^1 k5 ~8 I; z% u 7 h7 }$ W, A: }4 U1 \[ 本帖最后由 luca 于 5.4.2008 22:52 编辑 ]
作者: sinux    时间: 7.4.2008 00:09
原帖由 luca 于 5.4.2008 22:45 发表 " q3 V, }+ q! g! _3 S" d2 f3 K: S/ q3 n5 A `+ g Actually, i cannot agree with u6 M: Y8 n4 i8 k although there might be some american friends, who might come to theparty for once or twice, but it is impossible to ask them to comeregularly.1 I$ n- k3 N7 m# ?. F) z6 U3 J for sure that some A-guys can come and go freely, UNLESS they got their own interest on what they need. such as Chinese language, culture, or getting friends (hitting or be hitted on someone inkl.).; G4 Q. P: I" X" B' k And what i proposed here, is just an option. Coz i really dont wanna all of us, who's coming out of this corner, became a master of Chinglish. 2 \- D% q/ L4 s" Y# e6 S: D8 i' E$ ?+ N1 M v3 R* J Native speakers are very important to english practicing, but not required.+ m z/ G# q3 @ `- R, z- `+ r lets dig it little deeper. All right, I think most of us, learned english from primary school, that means least 7-10yrs experience. What ppl really need is talking skills, pronouncation correction, local words knowledge.... After all, a way to understand OR being understood is the most important thing, besides writing skills. So it is important, And neccessary for most of us. 0 j9 J. V2 e4 ^- |9 l9 g( b& T2 @ ) e7 O$ P0 K% o1 e$ u% PThe english corner can help people exchanging their ideas about learning, it can also make english study interesting. 4 ^/ M6 \8 _& B4 }$ @. h$ r! kAfter all these years' we have been through in uni, I pretty much believe that we all got experience on self-learning GongFu, no matter what's new area. Shoot some points that I feel are significant for learning english by ourself. Watching Movies, hollywoods, just choose any type by your own taste. Sometimes, just Watching is not that good enough, i mean we need to put our attention on sense of tongue, words structure, voice style... That need us to watch moive JUST like 精读一篇文章. Acutally, this way helps learning DE as well. So not really a paculiar way specially just for English. Thats all the same for all the languages. 0 O. ?. A2 A; _5 V% C7 B 1 e5 R+ c4 E, m1 ]! T4 I- I# R8 d3 gFinally, "how to do" is important, but not for the first step."learning by doing" is a good way. So let us construct the englishcorner first, and make it for ever.2 ?$ m3 _1 L$ W/ z Put my hands, fingers, legs, foots, toes... All UP ! Totally Agree on this one.. a+ [6 z+ j* K: A( E3 B - ~9 m) w" k" z水了别人的帖子,现在将功不过,哈哈! ' L+ u" s7 g2 y+ M2 i) n4 M
作者: sinux    时间: 7.4.2008 00:26
原帖由 luca 于 5.4.2008 22:51 发表 5 u3 c! P1 |( ~9 u( ?3 Y2 U Even though practicing with native speaker helps a lot, people stillhave to spend a lot of time on learning by themselves.I know studentswho live in china, but can also speak like native englishspeakers.Nowadays, we have internet, we have courses taught in english,we can go for english seminars. We can take advantage of all thesethings. Again, native speakers are important, but not required. Themost important things are your attitude and interest. That is why wewant to construct an english corner.
2 x# D% @3 h/ r& y$ N6 k8 {/ J& x6 @3 h# t8 W Any corner is welcome! But i dont think ppl you'v mentioned, who speak natilvely in china they just practice things with other chinese to make progress. More or less, Language learning is more like simulating. Calling back our memory, how we learned chinese at the very first time after we'v borned. We just tried, tried and tried again to simulate the words out of our parents, such as "baba,mama, chifan, bu shuang, haha". Not hanging around with other baby. - ]" ^- o% O$ b3 x+ \5 [: |, H5 j# b' B L2 A( H* b3 j4 T# Y8 @: f5 nI am not being negative on all of your points, just part of them. But we all have one purpose after all these craps talking here, hehe, That IS: Corner should be, could be, would be Constructed. Whether it will last Forever or NOT, Just let it be. " d/ w5 A |. C3 b. ^7 T% s8 c, z. d ; N6 ^% U8 ]- L/ ]8 C( Z/ W. _[ 本帖最后由 sinux 于 7.4.2008 01:28 编辑 ]
作者: luca    时间: 7.4.2008 00:44
I respect all your opinions.I just want to say, there are different ways. But people should build up the corner first. And then everyone just finds his own way to learn english. & w" X4 }1 K5 P1 D1 E3 P5 }+ o9 x0 G0 J& p0 n* L b [ 本帖最后由 luca 于 7.4.2008 01:51 编辑 ]
作者: kruemmel    时间: 7.4.2008 11:39
so , after so many discussions, now i think should be the time to do something, anything, doesn't matter go to the bar with the native speaker or just build up our own corner first. Anyone have ideas ?& t0 s/ F) I$ { U4 m) H i am not really familiar with the bars, please name some la!
作者: Cynthia-autumn    时间: 7.4.2008 11:57
Well, i like the irish bar at Marianplatz. Many german like to go there as well as english speaking poeple. 9 D- P' L4 x3 {8 \( P. C I don't think that finding a native speaker is such a good idea. actually sounds a bit silly (sorry, only personal opinion). Unless the native has a great interesting about China and Chinese culture, otherwise we are kind of using him/her as a tool to improve English. j! O1 G* C+ {4 a* o1 n& u If poeple here really want to improve English, we need to make a rule that start from the very beginning no Chinese is allowed.+ p3 ]2 z7 ]# B( { . Z N! Z, Y# g) ? [ 本帖最后由 Cynthia-autumn 于 7.4.2008 14:51 编辑 ]
作者: Cynthia-autumn    时间: 7.4.2008 11:59
don't know how many people here have a multi-cultrual working enviornment. Start speaking English at work and listen more is alreay a good exercise.
作者: sinux    时间: 7.4.2008 13:42
原帖由 Cynthia-autumn 于 7.4.2008 12:57 发表 j7 v0 }$ Y# l4 q# O Well, i like the irish bar at Marianplatz. Many german like to go there as well as english speaking poeple. / Y& h5 z- P! n l I don't think that finding a native speaker is such a good ides. avtually sounds a bit si ...
( D# }$ b/ a) C4 }! D# F' `, S 0 A9 W* O4 e, b6 p7 _ your personal opinion is way too overrated. / ^) G8 F& w, q. l- [; \. _3 C! Q- v8 w Maybe it is not a horrible thing to talk with a native speaker guys when wir are already in the bar. If no such guys we can FIND to "USE", then we just MEET them in the Bar for Fun. Point is only : Dont feel too much "using ppl for our own purpose" Shadow in our mind, That helps litte for learning.) k+ U1 ]4 M% G 2 u' o [! h2 R. pThe Rule you'v mentioned is neccessary. Little Chinese, More English in the corner. 7 E, g0 L7 ]/ e; c4 Y 7 C* M- {$ b! W4 Z" h% k) c1 J. q7 wAnyway, bulid it up first, and see what's going on. 8 F9 ~9 X; V: P& d4 o " _$ ]% d' s$ G5 y1 j" J$ kIrish Bar sounds good, thx for the suggestion. Time? anytime on weekend is fine by me.
作者: sinux    时间: 7.4.2008 13:48
原帖由 luca 于 7.4.2008 01:44 发表 2 I; C# Z9 f1 P1 ?; R9 V I respect all your opinions.I just want to say, there are different ways. But people should build up the corner first. And then everyone just finds his own way to learn english.
7 b8 b% G9 L$ V4 o3 l# y . B0 C$ y! U) b5 y0 Z: nThx, Luca. We Dont have any Conflict at all. 2 ~* _8 |/ u& H) B7 [ $ }# R% ?( j8 E7 q kNext step, I think LZ should do some organisation stuff. & g3 S1 }" @, h8 W( z$ c 8 u) C4 g4 m$ u+ G
作者: patton    时间: 7.4.2008 13:49
where is the Irish bar? I like their black beer
作者: sinux    时间: 7.4.2008 13:50
原帖由 kruemmel 于 7.4.2008 12:39 发表 8 T2 `. @' \: d& C3 {6 G0 Oso , after so many discussions, now i think should be the time to do something, anything, doesn't matter go to the bar with the native speaker or just build up our own corner first. Anyone have ideas ...
1 \( d& b! u1 g; ^2 n, E u 0 b" N% e2 A J' |' a3 k Iris bar is a good idea, is it?
作者: Cynthia-autumn    时间: 7.4.2008 13:52
原帖由 patton 于 7.4.2008 14:49 发表 % A9 N9 o4 J/ A where is the Irish bar? I like their black beer
9 K) c8 H" x& L7 t9 Q' |! T h: N* `( |8 ` i like dark beer as well
作者: patton    时间: 7.4.2008 13:53
作者: Cynthia-autumn    时间: 7.4.2008 13:55
OK, If everyone is interested. Let's make up our plan now. $ H9 }5 C3 U! y) e" n; @- BIf we keep on discussing, there will never be the end. : j$ D0 U* n7 u+ H% D Now is decision time.$ B8 B( J! b: y2 w3 t; _$ X$ q5 Y8 g 9 y8 ^5 s8 j( [ S! e I would like to suggest saturday afternoon to have a cup of coffee somewhere in the cnetre and then go to the irish bar. ( we can also skip the coffee if nobody is interested).
作者: Cynthia-autumn    时间: 7.4.2008 13:59
7:30pm for the irish bar 5 F$ ], c# h5 O9 H8 o# c/ m% _8 ~- @ we can first meeting at the fish fountain at Marianplatz then go to the bar together" h9 e8 [, V1 N x- t8 }. M7 ~ ( C& Y' U! \, s. U' ?+ dNormally irish people start drinking quite early in the afternoon. It is good to go there earlier so that we can find some place to sit. , T+ M* L! [1 Z' m' x0 a 9 @/ d7 O: r0 j9 P" ebeside the dark beer, they also play live music in the bar.
作者: sinux    时间: 7.4.2008 14:12
I'm in. Coffe + Irish Bar T8 j3 Q' U0 V4 Z 1 S# f% j, i$ Z# B) J" \, I 12.Apr.08, Sa. 15:30PM at Fountain, Marianplatz. Is it OK?
作者: kruemmel    时间: 7.4.2008 15:18
i am more interested in the bar, 7:30pm, can someone tell me the address of that irisch bar? I meet you guys there
作者: patton    时间: 7.4.2008 15:21
I guess it's this one Kilians Irish pub at Frauenplatz 11
作者: sinux    时间: 7.4.2008 16:38
So far, 4 Persons Group. # ]( j: Q, |1 Z# g! H8 w 4 |, {0 @. ^* K0 |5 cCynthia-autumn, kruemmel, patton and me. _! D! j7 e3 ?7 } 2 U' r, E4 ~* V2 E/ J: p3 L/ }Anyone else? Just hop in !
作者: yuankai    时间: 7.4.2008 22:57
sorry for the delay. I just have not much time these days to be here. # i. [/ ]- K4 H* |, B* p$ q8 y 6 S5 ]+ `7 d; T* k Why not on Sunday? Because on Saturday we have always some other things to complete. How do you think about it?
作者: bigshot    时间: 8.4.2008 10:38
原帖由 yuankai 于 7.4.2008 23:57 发表 F: e4 v+ }" \1 b sorry for the delay. I just have not much time these days to be here. , e" z0 i4 z5 a C% [0 V- R$ a- ?& h& A2 f Why not on Sunday? Because on Saturday we have always some other things to complete. How do you think about it?
2 A+ Q4 \( K" c& I% R6 V& k% ], \i have no idea ,i think we can go on discuss for another 20 pages to have a decision on this issue.
作者: Cynthia-autumn    时间: 9.4.2008 13:44
Hey guys, If Saturday is not convenient for you, feel free to change it. Chose one which you prefer then. ; O- u! C0 n" w- k$ v Just need to fix a time and a place, otherwise the discussion will never end. 7 F/ E/ Q, K( g# e, y; k* _4 R4 l4 iWho can not join just come next time. ; H5 \# |" _; F5 n1 j SPersonally, i am only available on saturday, but i am totally fine if you guys just go at another time.
作者: 蓝海长尾    时间: 9.4.2008 14:40
原帖由 Cynthia-autumn 于 9.4.2008 14:44 发表 ! h: ]2 A2 m) O g" U Hey guys, If Saturday is not convenient for you, feel free to change it. Chose one which you prefer then. ; K$ C9 M( }5 O3 j8 `Just need to fix a time and a place, otherwise the discussion will never end. , h/ v, V) e K/ o% j" f! |9 Y Who can not ...
% n* Y" M6 s; G 1 v, W; a9 @8 ~* N 9 U8 m K# U+ j2 w' B* `+ aSounds interesting, I suggest you (or anyone who initiates this) post a new topic with all relavent information like time and place etc. and ask those who want to join leave there emails (or to write u an email, later we can have a email list). we'll see what we can do in future after the first meeting.
作者: yuankai    时间: 9.4.2008 16:46
原帖由 蓝海长尾 于 9.4.2008 15:40 发表 . \* n n: B% h' r / b& B$ O4 a9 h+ T4 F p" t" i2 l! j% w* P' r, ? 2 T& P. {+ ~2 X% p+ i: R Sounds interesting, I suggest you (or anyone who initiates this) post a new topic with all relavent information like time and place etc. and ask those who want to join leave there emails (or to ...
8 |4 Y/ f( A+ a( M) N 7 `) \; Q' {3 @& X' ` d ( C0 {: h0 L& n( j9 d3 T: A3 O可以第一次碰头以后决定开一个新贴, 整理一下.
作者: luca    时间: 9.4.2008 16:50
搞个活动这么麻烦么6 h7 {- N" h) R5 b7 ~ 有啥到时候说就行了啊 9 [. ], ~2 u0 t- X( k4 N5 C. i' F 5 S' g8 g2 B1 D$ {另外,欢迎去外语天地开辟战场,那里感兴趣的人多
作者: 慕尼黑学联    时间: 9.4.2008 17:01
支持一下,如果谁愿意负责一下英语角的筹建并且愿意和学生会联办的,我们可以一起碰面筹备一下。 如方便,请发信到学生会信箱,在签名档中,谢谢
作者: luca    时间: 9.4.2008 17:04
学联可以直接组织,如果有热情的话" U0 t( M" u$ C 如果只是想挂个名啥的,还是算了,让大家的活动单纯点吧 % B: e0 V2 l# W* e1 W而且学联做事太慢,不大适合英语角
作者: 蓝海长尾    时间: 9.4.2008 17:14
标题: 回复 84# 的帖子
楼上的,人好心来帮忙,你也不用拒绝阿,对不对, 能资助点活动经费,提供个场所,不也挺好嘛。 从那么长的一个帖子看起来,没有一个组织者,这活动还是不好轻易搞起来,能坚持多久,以后也是个问题。 不过怕是学联也不能什么都做,毕竟人手有限。
作者: luca    时间: 9.4.2008 17:29
楼上的 4 s* n5 P5 V5 w* F% ^& E" a' s ! ~9 p( A+ I; m; l如果是搞学习,老有领导跑出来,你会舒服么, H" J( m' G8 i- g3 A1 _3 h / I* K4 S$ j! j: X: @1 ?6 p学生会要搞自己搞去,不要等别人搞就跑来插一腿 * m6 V* s! I6 c, T* ~学联要支持,可以,就资助点经费就行了,本来经费就是这个用途 6 L* b0 l8 G6 z6 e3 b- _2 h9 V4 T0 m& a! Y2 z 不是说你学联什么,你作为个组织,稍微有点组织能力好不好 ) o* l$ p& ]+ R$ n, i没有组织能力,有热情也是好的 ; S1 a4 U) z- V9 O. F- g不要等大家都来呼吁,学联应该做什么,你们才跑出来2 G" b' D" Z% k" g! R' f. j 春晚也是,游行也是,反藏宣传也是$ o( ^6 l* i( H) s1 n" U# A. _$ o 结果呢# d5 W& J7 h8 v4 ]: G+ p 春晚推迟很久搞,游行看到别人取消也跟着取消,还说堆屁话,结果自己打自己嘴巴,那个讨论班也是千呼万唤始出来 : q; G4 C* Z! C Z我说话说的难听,但你们做的也太难看了点, i. z% ]) J8 S5 r1 [0 B/ Z" |7 y7 m2 c* m ! K( _7 P2 v7 I+ R' y& H好,说完了,如果学生会又有人跑出来当群众骂,就随便你吧,反正游行那时候你们也这样做过了
作者: 慕尼黑学联    时间: 9.4.2008 17:45
标题: 回复 86# 的帖子
碰面聊一下只是一个提议,就事论事,扯以前的事也没什么意思。$ }# n' D+ O- x+ Q1 Y - F9 X n6 h b几天前我们就发短消息给发帖人了,可能网络也有问题,一直没有回复。所以就直接回帖,如果方便告知一下你或者热心愿意组织的人的电话号码我们给你们打电话交流一下也行,我们学生会搞讲座有一个教室,很方便。 2 i r' X; O1 M' n2 l+ a, V1 H E6 ]- y) O 学生会也没有领导,大家都是学生,谁又想去领导谁呢?搞了这么多次活动和就业人文方面的讲座,如果你关注过应该可以看到学生会的投入。 0 g/ u% Z2 S7 P4 I 1 ^/ H' |% F8 E! D) |8 @问题是,抱着成见,干脆连交流的机会都不给,那就永远是误解。
作者: luca    时间: 9.4.2008 18:11
支持啊,不过学生会参与进来,只会让简单的事情变复杂 - n9 W3 t1 i. [支持啊,先想好能帮什么忙吧
作者: yuankai    时间: 9.4.2008 21:26
原帖由 慕尼黑学联 于 9.4.2008 18:45 发表 , c( {3 l! ?) ^5 f4 z 碰面聊一下只是一个提议,就事论事,扯以前的事也没什么意思。 # R; p. \. [8 k: l2 o % {" W. e. q' R4 Z) q% t2 X几天前我们就发短消息给发帖人了,可能网络也有问题,一直没有回复。所以就直接回帖,如果方便告知一下你或者热心愿意组织的人的电话号码我们给你们 ...
! E$ V5 X* `: B ! g( a1 X$ N+ x* x' V2 B首先感谢学联的支持. 知道你们做事也比较不容易. 给予理解. 但就英语角一事来说, 弄一个经常性的地点倒是比给经费什么的来得实在. 这个帖子讨论了这么久, 其实首要是地点不好选, 其次是时间可能不会大家都满意. 但第二点是次要的, 这个星期没时间, 下个星期可能就会有时间, 而地点确实是个问题, 不能太吵杂, 又要有学习的气氛, 不能太在慕尼黑边缘, 肯定也不会总在同一个地方. 所以啊, 比如学联如果能在大学里弄个每星期一次的小 seminarraum 实在是个比较好的支持. ( J U, I9 n( {' {) p8 Z 2 l6 L, c# h+ n$ ~9 s% b: G另外, 你是说给我发过短消息吗? 我确实没有收到你的任何短信. 不过这个帖子目的, 也就是把有类似想法的人聚集到一起做些事情. 学联能注意到并且能主动给予帮助的话, 实在是件好事. & w+ @+ w0 @8 Z, F1 M ; a2 `3 L# l; q, ^如果有固定的地点以及时间的话, 其实也不需要什么组织者, 因为也没有太多计划性的安排要做. 在这个帖子里, 我看到了很多对英语有热情的人, 每一个这样的人, 都可以是一个组织者, 但前提是心里要明白, 英语角是一个长期性的活动, 这样, 每个星期到时间了, 有了固定地点的话, 我们都会主动互相打声招呼, 然后去参加英语角的. 并没有想象的那么复杂, 也没必要非要找出一个带头的所谓负责人或者组织者, 对于组织者这种负担是没必要的. * R8 ^4 i- m/ Z& U- i$ l! s# B2 X8 n# n [ 本帖最后由 yuankai 于 9.4.2008 22:42 编辑 ]
作者: 木偶    时间: 9.4.2008 22:39
我觉得比较好笑,没有组织和负责的人,那就是一盘散沙。至少,要有人负责钥匙吧,要有人负责场地布置吧,不然,到了地方,你说这么坐,我说我要个桌子,没有领头的,那就是个市场。& | C) O' ~1 f% ~- D 到时候,以什么形式,是每次一个主题大家讨论,还是每次有几人带一个小报告?总要有人提个意,总要有人组织大家讨论吧。4 Y+ y6 }: L3 z5 R- p3 F8 ^ 再长远点,要不要请几个外国朋友,要不要制作一些资料。 ( V4 t4 W# ^8 h等等。+ x, c( a% @, ?( Y4 [ 这些如果没有给人对此负责的话,搞几次人就搞没了。
作者: luca    时间: 9.4.2008 22:45
本来就是兴趣搞搞,不要那么政治麻 # z( y: O- i2 s2 U6 i' A1 g( u你就明显是学生会的马甲麻5 J/ T P- n) d. T [ ^9 e# i " `' i( J9 ?) k. L) z 6 l# O; `3 q4 c9 X& E0 N# S1 p
原帖由 木偶 于 9.4.2008 23:39 发表 我觉得比较好笑,没有组织和负责的人,那就是一盘散沙。至少,要有人负责钥匙吧,要有人负责场地布置吧,不然,到了地方,你说这么坐,我说我要个桌子,没有领头的,那就是个市场。到时候,以什么形式,是每次一个 ...

作者: yuankai    时间: 9.4.2008 23:23
原帖由 木偶 于 9.4.2008 23:39 发表 % V0 Q0 W' I0 P1 F5 T' r我觉得比较好笑,没有组织和负责的人,那就是一盘散沙。至少,要有人负责钥匙吧,要有人负责场地布置吧,不然,到了地方,你说这么坐,我说我要个桌子,没有领头的,那就是个市场。 " s2 Y( N: k/ T$ X# q) c到时候,以什么形式,是每次一个 ...
$ A5 u, m/ @1 N6 ?2 m) { / }0 J w0 V% A 很好笑吗? 3 ?' t7 f: q! ? 1 ^8 W- _/ R, _, r% V1 }" P我说过了, 事情没有你想的那么复杂, 只不过是资源有限, 合适的环境并不多, 如果有, 大家也都会珍惜这样的机会. 7 G! u4 f& i( V+ J Y/ p2 A# L& I- U7 }1 U7 i8 Y" x( A 另外, 至于形式, 内容, 甚至请native speaker 等碰头后自然很快能明朗, 有什么可去负责的? 凡是有兴趣的, 来就好了. 等以后形成规律自然会有条理.# W! t6 J3 x0 ~5 U" E ) H& P$ V+ j2 T, R% t9 d[ 本帖最后由 yuankai 于 10.4.2008 00:25 编辑 ]
作者: 慕尼黑学联    时间: 10.4.2008 00:06
标题: 回复 89# 的帖子
谢谢yuankai 的肯定,那能否站内告知您的联系方式或者msn,然后我们主席会及时和您联系,我们做讲座那个教室可以作为一个较为固定的场所,一切交流再定。
作者: yuankai    时间: 10.4.2008 08:44
原帖由 慕尼黑学联 于 10.4.2008 01:06 发表 & D% K9 `; E: t: d3 L& B+ g谢谢yuankai 的肯定,那能否站内告知您的联系方式或者msn,然后我们主席会及时和您联系,我们做讲座那个教室可以作为一个较为固定的场所,一切交流再定。
9 Q0 i" ^0 k/ ?+ l" }6 Y9 A" V: z, z6 u- `$ k4 }" L: [# D; Q, X, Q 谢谢学联的支持. ! q( T7 ^4 K6 o* s5 n 5 f4 p" j: K5 h0 X 我想说的是, 这里每个有兴趣参加英语角或是对英语有兴趣的人都是组织者. 刚开始肯定人也不会太多, 不如有兴趣的人都把邮箱留在这里吧. 如果学联要讨论一下, 那么方便来的人都来一下, 毕竟人多智慧多. 可能对今后英语角的发展会更有帮助. 也希望学联能都通知到.4 p" o7 L2 }+ m: l/ N 9 ?( p; X% D: B( s9 I9 h我的邮箱是: dohope2001@yahoo.com.cn- ]; T( g0 e; D6 G# [! [ 1 s# \5 I" `$ D! v 如果大家还有什么其他看法, 可以先在这里提. 英语角是一个纯净的地方, 我们也要保持他的纯净. 对待任何方面的矛盾, 希望我们能够求同存异. 这里所有人对英语的兴趣是最难能可贵的. 希望无论任何一方面都责任来保护大家的积极性.# M) ]* m. O. u2 C 0 i+ ` U* L4 l' {) [[ 本帖最后由 yuankai 于 10.4.2008 09:51 编辑 ]
作者: sinux    时间: 10.4.2008 09:14
前几天给各位发过短消息,希望能先把第一次活动搞起来,可惜大家时间凑不好。周日对我来说也没问题。0 _9 X+ Q0 t9 Q# R 6 c! ]4 [; E( A- l这几天都没来,看了前面的留言,首先谢谢各方面的支持,其次,luca阿,你呀不在慕尼黑,让你来参加也不来,讨论自然欢迎,但你对个人指指点点,对进度时间安排又说3道4,捣乱还是捣浆糊阿?!你管别人马甲不马甲的,只要对英语有兴趣,you can be here naked if you want. 2 h2 ]* A$ d& C' z - d: Z& @( x9 P& P9 Y' f& ^. z来交流提高英语这是一个很简单明了的想法,进度上也没到游行组织这样迫在眉睫,Lz已经开始做organization的工作了,我也给各位留过手机了,所以如果大家这周周6晚上或周日下午可以的话,确定个时间,先大家碰个面。
作者: Cynthia-autumn    时间: 10.4.2008 10:04
Well, as i said before i am leaving munich soon. Anyway it would be nice still to meet more new friends. # N2 J$ J& _* ~( {/ B7 h I've been using English for living and studying since 4 years ago. Hopefully i might be helpful for you. 8 F. J. z1 J: M- g+ L: V0 }6 ?; p6 O+ ~ bty, thanks for the sms.
作者: kruemmel    时间: 10.4.2008 10:24
原帖由 sinux 于 10.4.2008 10:14 发表 % v0 |7 T+ W( z+ t( j前几天给各位发过短消息,希望能先把第一次活动搞起来,可惜大家时间凑不好。周日对我来说也没问题。$ e3 m7 V# T4 S & |: O; O. B* s, v c, O) M' W) X0 V( J) `这几天都没来,看了前面的留言,首先谢谢各方面的支持,其次,luca阿,你呀不在慕尼黑,让你来参加也不来,讨 ...
0 ?; w( w. K3 h0 @8 q3 S - i9 V$ y1 N5 \2 `# C ok, my msn and mail: solano_song@hotmail.com 0 B9 c# y8 R% S/ T+ d; `this weekend i have time, but hopefully we can fix a time ASAP, so that we can arrange in advance.
作者: CHINESEROSE    时间: 10.4.2008 12:24
I want to be in. Keep me informed if the place and time are settled down. ! V& o, H* i: L+ U+ i _* W ( q4 d5 \( T8 W" x* K& _2 X6 P' Xnkgq@hotmail.com2 k% v2 B( m w) d H) Y4 c / ?# {2 z: C; mThanks4 X6 ^) C' E6 X0 f) ^ 3 v1 O3 o! ?( T. d9 L
作者: luca    时间: 10.4.2008 14:12
哇塞,这个批评批评的5 d" k) n2 b5 G! K9 G. s5 E- ] 说话过激了,变成来捣乱的了! U: s8 M$ R+ }# F/ J, { D# U 本来也是有兴趣才说说的麻,现在不在,将来也有可能在啊9 i9 a# o4 V! s9 Z5 U . f2 \; \; I4 B; v8 d) Z8 e: I+ O
原帖由 sinux 于 10.4.2008 10:14 发表 前几天给各位发过短消息,希望能先把第一次活动搞起来,可惜大家时间凑不好。周日对我来说也没问题。这几天都没来,看了前面的留言,首先谢谢各方面的支持,其次,luca阿,你呀不在慕尼黑,让你来参加也不来,讨 ...

作者: 木偶    时间: 10.4.2008 14:29
标题: 回复 91# 的帖子
不好意思,本人没什么兴趣穿什么学生会的马甲,跟几个学生会的朋友到时关系不错,知道他们的工作,所以看着你这种站着嘛都不懂就知道污染空气的就觉得怜悯。 : q* z8 o' v' ?) G) \) D+ g7 s不懂政治就不要谈政治,不知道学生会是干嘛的也别撇着嘴,等你了解学生会一点,至少他是个什么性质的组织再发言。 T+ J/ ~% _; Z + m0 I* {/ D3 G$ Y, h 新年联欢会,估计这位仁兄是没去,去了估计也是一直站在墙根,只知道在网上骂不知道现实生活中如何跟人接触,大部分人反映还都不错,抛开举办程度怎么样不说,学生会那几个人累的像狗似的,至少也应该说句“谢谢”,之所以推迟是因为很多人都在那期间有考试,你大哥一个人在家估计是闲的发闷了。 # C8 _* M: H, w# o1 M) F8 `游行,我个人觉得学生会也是寒颤了点。不过他们为大家安全着想,也没啥不对的。你觉得爽,那你就出去喊啊,还没这个胆子。不过,有幸最后Ourvoice那帮哥们不是出来了嘛,组织者里面也有学生会成员,做人别那么苛刻。 . l7 D; i. B9 f: F, G) f0 ?7 K; X/ I4 D. Q( w, j) v8 n' z 对了,这哥们估计是刚出国不久,看到个什么社团啊,什么黑涩会就觉得是领导,其实啊,那就是一群男生和一群女生,别那么激动。
作者: patton    时间: 10.4.2008 14:32
better have another post to discuss the student union not here

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