好 我认错作者: ghostman 时间: 10.2.2009 01:11
唉!帮不上忙!不在一个城市作者: jabinich 时间: 10.2.2009 09:52
我住Bremen, 到你那儿要坐1个半小时的火车作者: yingyi89 时间: 10.2.2009 12:02
艾。。。电脑一下子不能上网,上网的那个internet explorer不见了。。然后重装没什么用。。装不来作者: jiefei 时间: 10.2.2009 12:04
Very hard to get the problem.
No idea.
It is better to reinstall.作者: yingyi89 时间: 10.2.2009 12:09
你这个人!!!!不要扑灭我的希望好哇作者: jiefei 时间: 10.2.2009 13:30
The problem of the computer cannot determined with so little description.
Well, I can promise that if performs a reinstall, everything will be fine.
Take it easy. There is a lot of hope. At any time.
I failed to ease you. Sorry. It will be fine.作者: woge 时间: 10.2.2009 13:57