标题: 郭静 Claire Kuo《在树上唱歌 Singing in the Trees》 mp3[UP] [打印本页] 作者: nmwong123 时间: 23.5.2009 06:23 标题: 郭静 Claire Kuo《在树上唱歌 Singing in the Trees》 mp3[UP] 郭静 Claire Kuo《在树上唱歌 Singing in the Trees》 mp3[UP]
歌手名称:郭静[Claire Kuo]
专辑名称:在树上唱歌[Singing in the Trees]
公司厂牌:福茂唱片Decca Records
Taiwan singer Claire Kuo has rounded out her "Pure Love Trilogy" with her third album Singing in the Trees to be released in May
2009. In order to participate in the numerous promotional activities for the release, she has to give up playing the female lead
in a new idol drama, despite having undertaken training in taekwondo for the role for two months already. But Claire does have
enough idol charisma to warrant her involvement in other idol dramas: her new songs "Understand" and "Heart Wall" are chosen as
the Taiwan version end themes for the highly anticipated Korean dramas East of Eden and Boys Over Flowers respectively. Singing
in the Trees also contains the titular first plug which is used as the 2009 theme song for a garments brand. The Preorder
Version comes with a Bonus DVD containing footage from Claire's live concert held at Tamshui Fisherman's Wharf in June 2008.
预购版加送为百分百美国棉代言的郭静,于2008年6月7日在渔人码头举行的演唱会精华Bonus DVD
01.在树上唱歌[Singing in the Trees]
03.心墙[Heart Wall]
04.牛角尖[Tip of a Horn]
07.蒙娜丽莎[Mona Lisa]
09.不说[Not Say]