以下是新的进展 bin loader运行成功^^ 感谢wolala的耐心协助^^ 谢谢noob81和其他提供帮助的朋友^^ binary loader成功运行意味着可以从记忆卡中的binary文件中读取代码,如果你想要些像视频之类的证据,很遗憾没有,因为完全没有必要。 so here some little update on progress: bin loader works fine^^ tnx a lot wololo for his help and patience^^ tnx n00b81 and everyone other who helped me^^ binary loader works fine, that mean it indeed loads code from binary file on ms. if u mean some proof like video or else, then there won’t be anything like this, ’cause there’s no need.