德国开元华人社区 开元周游

标题: Enigma: Return To Innoce [打印本页]

作者: 形如常人    时间: 25.3.2004 23:20
<!--Flash 500+400+http://thatsky.nease.net/top03-11-11.swf--><OBJECT CLASSID='clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=400><ARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://thatsky.nease.net/top03-11-11.swf><ARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><ARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><ARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://thatsky.nease.net/top03-11-11.swf WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=400 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT><!--End Flash--><br><br>Enigma: Return To Innoce<br><br>Love - Devotion<br>Feeling - Emotion<br>Don&#39;t be afraid to be weak<br>Don&#39;t be too proud to be strong<br>Just look into your heart my friend<br>That will be the return to yourself<br>The return to innocence<br>The return to innocence<br>If you want, then start to laugh<br>If you must, then start to cry<br>Be yourself don&#39;t hide<br>Just believe in destiny<br>Don&#39;t care what people say<br>Just follow your own way<br>Don&#39;t give up and use the chance<br>To return to innocence<br>That&#39;s not the beginning of the end<br>That&#39;s the return to yourself<br>The return to innocence<br>That&#39;s the return to innocence
作者: 形如常人    时间: 27.3.2004 15:51

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