德国开元华人社区 开元周游

标题: Counter Strike [打印本页]

作者: Kev    时间: 20.1.2003 16:06
Hi People&#33;&#33; and game fans&#33;&#33;<br><br>I just came to munich, and dont know much german, does anyone know a place to go to play Counter Strike, or LAN games?<br><br>I miss those days where I coud play Counter Strike...<br><br>I would apretiate any info&#33;..<br>thx&#33;<br><br><br>see yah&#33;<br><br><br>Kevin
作者: AK47    时间: 20.1.2003 22:35
If you live in Studenten Stadt, you can try this game server(StuStaNet e.V. CS 1.5 Server), IP
作者: Kev    时间: 21.1.2003 13:14
Ak, but I dont have the game on my machine, do you live in studenten stadt?...<br>can you borrow me the game to install it?<br><br><br>my handy is: 0179-94-118-94
作者: fire    时间: 21.1.2003 13:41
wait a while, 1.6 does come&#33;
作者: Kev    时间: 21.1.2003 14:11
I have the MOD, but I dont have the SIERRA HALF LIFE....game...<br><br>do you know any place where I can download it?
作者: AK47    时间: 21.1.2003 21:15
If you have Counter-Strike(or HL) 1.0 or higher Version (mod or retail), you can download the update from <a href='http://game.stusta.mhn.de/counterstrike/' target='_blank'>http://game.stusta.mhn.de/counterstrike/</a><br><br>If you have not, you can find computer(, then download counter-strike image under the forder software. That is counter-strike 1.0 retail, you must update to 1.5.<br><br>ok have fun  
作者: Kev    时间: 22.1.2003 16:57
thx, I am at work right now, but as soon as I go back home, I will try to download it...<br>do you also live in studenten stadt?..<br>leave me your home phone number, so I can call you , if I got any troubles downloading the game...<br><br><br>thx
作者: Kev    时间: 23.1.2003 16:38
I can not get into the page, is it accesible from internet?<br><br>the <a href='http://game.stusta.mhn.de/counterstrike/' target='_blank'>http://game.stusta.mhn.de/counterstrike/</a> site
作者: Kev    时间: 23.1.2003 22:33
hi AK, I am in Studenten stadt right now, I can not get into the //, it shoud be the computer name, isnt it_..??<br><br><br>how can I connect to that ip??<br><br>is it an ftp??
作者: Kev    时间: 23.1.2003 22:54
I found the PC , thx&#33;&#33;&#33;<br><br>ready, downloading the image, i hope I still have enough space here...<br><br>thx&#33;&#33;
作者: AK47    时间: 24.1.2003 02:38
  <!--emo&--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->  
作者: Kev    时间: 31.1.2003 23:26
AK&#33;&#33;&#33;....<br>I have a problem&#33;&#33;<br>I have only one server in my list, and now, I cannot connect, it says something like that&gt; Server verification error..<br><br><br>do you have any other server inside Studentenstadt, to play??<br><br>thx&#33;&#33;
作者: AK47    时间: 2.2.2003 02:20
no <!--emo&--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->  

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