dkb现在不太好申请了,是免年费的,看到有工作的人发帖说被拒了,学生拒的更多,还有说德国人也被拒了,, ..." F- ?' Q& k9 a5 N& g. r% j. X
我是big 发表于 12.7.2010 23:17
我申请的是amazon的信用卡,头一年免费,送20元amazon gutschein,以后年费19。9欧元,消费积点,在amazon ...; \, s5 F+ z6 c$ j5 A
monica115 发表于 12.7.2010 23:36
Gold card
I've used for almost half a year. At the beginning the credit limit is only 50 euro. But ...8 w" r9 }+ s* h' R% l' Q$ D
bradycheng1 发表于 13.7.2010 12:10
Gold card+ k% r( g# u7 ^3 O. i" w2 h' S
I've used for almost half a year. At the beginning the credit limit is only 50 euro. But ...1 b/ C! o/ d0 I2 W* M: \4 R7 S
bradycheng1 发表于 13.7.2010 12:10
回复 零下68度 7 k2 h H% {9 }+ A8 s
+ Q1 x/ g) v; d2 m% A8 j0 c% A
I just use that to book some hotels. After 3 month, it was raised to 100 Euro and r ...
bradycheng1 发表于 13.7.2010 13:20
gebuehrenfrei的信用卡在除德国以外刷卡或者其他非欧盟国家刷卡的时候要收手续费吗?想申请一张可以全球免 ...3 W' x# H+ Z" k" ~! D) C
Acfoirentina 发表于 13.7.2010 21:32
拜托,我问的和你说的是2个意思。DKB的信用卡不能其他地方免费刷卡的,只能在有VISA标识的地方免费取款, ..., Y* ]! \! B& M3 M' K
Acfoirentina 发表于 14.7.2010 00:05
那你看看Postbank可以一年由10次在欧盟以外的国家,10此刷卡或取钱,不过办卡要缴费的。 .... R9 ^; m+ f9 _8 c! y: c
miaomiaotian 发表于 14.7.2010 09:48
你是说POSTBANK的信用卡吗?我现在用的就是POSTBANK的信用卡,不过这个连在捷克刷卡消费都要收汇率转换的 ...+ }0 p! t/ E9 M- W% D# f1 D9 S4 o
Acfoirentina 发表于 14.7.2010 21:48
Gold card
I've used for almost half a year. At the beginning the credit limit is only 50 euro. But ...
bradycheng1 发表于 13.7.2010 12:10
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