9 U1 w% }; c: K1 U* {1 O啤酒厂商主动同意:今年的啤酒节可以禁烟~~!" a" E: d1 f4 p! T
1 `2 \- ^. D7 c* E
“That’s what the people decided and we’ll now comply with it,” said spokesman Toni Roiderer on Sunday. 3 `' o( o# u: A) S: p! lhttp://www.thelocal.de/society/20100719-28603.html 2 k( h2 C* M! ]$ N9 e3 e5 q$ Z
背景:, `+ y! u- f6 z: t
德国史上最严禁烟法,将在慕尼黑实施: |) c. H. C; t4 e, H http://forum.kaiyuan.de/viewthread.php?tid=459997&highlight=作者: youyong 时间: 20.7.2010 09:06
禁酒才有意思- C; C. W0 m u: n' O3 W" X) P& r
wahnsinn 发表于 20.7.2010 10:25
# L) k$ E; D3 f3 u 6 j! j7 F) o$ m U* r下面有个德国人回帖' i S2 D) c' O3 d* `
09:33 July 6, 2010 by pepsionice 1 \( }7 i/ b4 N Q) Z& O6 E2 `& W4 y
While I agree that smoking is bad for your health.....so is drinking (at least excessively). If Germans were serious about "health".....maybe Octoberfest ought to be discussed and eliminated....because of excessive drinking there. Maybe the CDU or SPD would like to take that on as well?作者: 台湾省省长 时间: 20.7.2010 12:05
挺好的,要么喝多了乱弹烟灰,讨厌作者: 穷二代 时间: 20.7.2010 12:10
禁烟最大的好处是防止二手烟。) a% s" {( z, @5 }' V9 V3 N
5 M$ T D( S, O n% r+ N) h吸二手烟可以增加得癌症的概率。 2 M& ^4 f8 V! y( z7 S4 D9 G9 W; g& K ' y: A. z3 x/ L) y% ^% s9 w至少,坐在我旁边的人喝啤酒,他喝再多的酒不会增加我得脂肪肝的概率哈哈~~~作者: 呵呵2009 时间: 20.7.2010 12:12