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标题: 2011 The 7th China International Foodstuff (Guangzhou) Exposition [打印本页]

作者: cifexpogz90    时间: 29.7.2010 09:39
标题: 2011 The 7th China International Foodstuff (Guangzhou) Exposition
2011 The 7th China International Foodstuff (Guangzhou) Exposition
+ S, G; n0 G1 c7 U9 D! O# K  MDate: June 2nd ~4th, 2011) u/ q- O0 Z) a
Venue:Guangzhou. China Import and Export Fair (Pazhou) Complex
8 b- g. M7 U# t  CIn Association With: + L1 g/ P. n* b' _$ q0 n' t
WINEXPO 2011-2011 China (Guangzhou) Wine & Spirits Exhibition& t! e# M5 a7 A
CMPE 2011-2011 China (Guangzhou) Food Machinery & Packaging Exhibition
& Z8 I4 e! m9 k6 fOffical Website: www.cifexpo.org
2 N7 M# f* r: t" @: ~( |: MI.ABOUT CIFE) m$ r! S  C3 K
China International Foodstuff Exposition (CIFE)  is a professional international expo for the food and beverage industry. We are approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, jointly organized by the China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuff, Native Produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA) ,and the Guangzhou Fuya Exhibition Co.,Ltd. CIFE has been successfully held 6 times since 2004 with the goal of building a global professional trade,add communication platform for the food and beverage industry.  9 E# O" A! r$ T- v' D
For CIFE 2010, Over 25,饮料展,000 professional visitors have met with 523 exhibitors from 23 countries/regions of which there werw 34 official national pavilions .Overseas exhibitors accounted for 38% and 62% are local Chinese exhibitors. CIFE is known to be the largest trade fair for the food and beverage industry in South China.7 M5 ~, ^$ t* c9 w% N2 p4 s
II. CIFE 2011 Events Programs   
7 M5 {; S8 r0 A1、CIFE 2011 Products Promoting Meeting
. Z, G$ x0 Q5 K9 i. z7 R; e$ U* To build a on-site Classroom type meeting center;6 k) y# S* r& I/ F
* Including the sound system, projection system and other necessary equipments;- p! ?7 K7 i5 u2 g! b% C# k
* Priority for exhibitors below applying for the products promoting meeting:6 r- j& D7 a% |6 Q& G7 C. s. ~
1.1、Exhibitors with more than 36 sqm show area will receive priority;0 Y( E: `/ n8 W# r9 X0 `- j
1.2、Countries and regions pavilion will receive priority;6 }/ l" t& f/ J- n* C3 z% ]* @( t
1.3、Individual exhibitors with strong promotion thinking。
$ X6 i% `3 u- x7 U" g& S* Schedule of Products Promoting Meeting (At most: 7 sessions during the show date) 5 A5 G$ n) b' ~
   ◇ 1st session:June 2,2011   10:30-12:00 am1 n2 V$ f/ W9 V! m$ ~) \: m
   ◇ 2nd session:June 2,2011   13:30-15:00 pm( \0 J( L; h% F! T: m! s! x
   ◇ 3rd session:June 2,2011   15:30-16:30 pm& a+ K( V4 `8 _) d3 i
   ◇ 4th session:June 3,2011   10:00-11:30 am
+ l* i$ [5 h( `1 y   ◇ 5th session:June 3,2011   13:30-15:00 pm$ _) I6 E- A6 @# ^+ K* V* z; A& l) M
   ◇ 6th session:June 3,2011   15:30-16:30 pm
( U& W- l7 g) H  e2 s* ?2 Q& Y   ◇ 7th session:June 4,2011   10:00-11:30 am
1 S2 a& X* G' V" U2、The 2nd International Cate Festival-Taste Lingering in Guangzhou2 E& O: u, a0 F! r, |" A) E
Theme description:   , [( U# E- s/ m5 l
A、Promote the culture of Chinese and Western cuisine;
( \7 I% _3 p% \0 qB、Display the representative cate;" ^( i* v$ I7 B  B1 y; j0 y
C、Popularize the preference item and activity of the restaurants.
6 U) N0 s! l+ _3 h* ]4 c$ t3、Summit forum of Eastern and Western food industry) v: j; E8 M7 t& B! m
     Theme:Innovation and globalization development of traditional food0 c; u% }8 ~1 a" V8 r( r  z' a& i* `
   Main Topics:
  c7 v& R& o! C- W- FA、 Innovation of food industry
$ w: X/ p! F, B" oB、 Safety and trade of food / D, x8 ^# p' [! O
C、 New trend of Food technology and product development.  
' a4 w; Y1 @0 R$ o- M8 v$ [D、 Attitudes and idea of consumers; C$ O  B5 _. O; I6 p1 s
4、Wine Tasting ! L$ U9 c8 S) R" _' Z' i; U
  Theme:promote the fine wine from all over the world.+ ?7 c3 D6 m( A  @# T
  Descriptions:5 i! _5 c& @/ F4 H
  A、Wine tasting competition with the Memorial trophy" @! m- X' o2 B1 n+ `
  B、Auction of vintage wine and excellent alcohol
  d6 X3 i& K. S7 E  C# ~1 U! m4 i  C、Elegant wine models show
+ @8 ~% k. u! O+ c& ]( n) F5、Fine wine Carnival & Flairtending Competition  S& Y1 c( \4 D1 x, o
Theme:promote the culture of worldwide working flair' [. I* n' P" F9 P3 p. y
Descriptions:* m6 ^9 ?, `8 Z9 I9 X
A、Compete the champion、runner-up and third place bartender, and one acting prize, one taste  prize、one popularity prize and one Entertaining prize, all of the who can gain a honored certification,trophy and other reward by organizing committee./ Z: _0 F+ p. t3 x
B、Intersperse Samba and Latin dance.
; R/ p4 a3 M7 O  I3 _, C) L6 K) r! \, gC、Inviting the photographers to take photos on-site, and the best photos will be voted through
/ F6 ^' L) J/ ?2 Z  z. @the internet. Then the photographers who win can gain the honored certification, trophy and other reward. by organizing committee.
0 Y! `; b8 i& ~8 p 6、Investment Forum of Chinese Potential Farm Food , U3 x' U: W- X$ {. k) Q
* Jointly organized by the Venture Capital Institutions、bank、investment company.
' o; N/ o6 y' q! r* Target Audience:Government, enterprises and individuals who has farm food project.2 H# g( P! M: j' Z
* Main Topics:! d* L) S) E' S3 k% b- [) h
     6.1、Concerns and process for Venture Capital Institutions and fund organizations investing ' t& q' j# K. ]- g
farm food project.
* G9 J+ s- f+ r/ y  U- y' H     6.2、Business match and recommendation of farm food project.0 S; Q& O$ j  u9 h5 E8 d, l
  7、Cooking competition of healthy oil: y$ F( T& x: q$ H
* Set up the on-site tasting area;
, I5 {0 p6 l1 _: _9 U4 z5 [' y* Set up three Awards:The best taste、the most healthy and the most innovation
# f* B  O: D  u+ n+ }; l6 x* Chefs from five and four star restaurant get together and display their excellent cooking skill;2 m/ V  P7 t/ |$ b
* Oils in competition: Olive oil、tea seed oil、palm oil、coconut oil、sunflower seed oil、grape seed oil
. K% {4 P0 y& t9 O5 S6 c* Invite the diet column of TV station and print media, and food channel of web portals to shoot the whole competition.5 `+ \  m& u/ G8 ]
8、Forward-looking Statement and Investment Analysis of Chinese Food
( P$ c; g' J+ {5 j# c  qIndustry.
" V0 q$ K- Z2 L% Q4 I2 Y  YTopic 1:Analysis of Chinese Food Market
/ ]+ q8 B) H' w7 E/ y( B+ @8.1、Overview of international food industry   
/ h8 b1 o4 z7 X9 l) m2 s' m8.2、Analysis of Chinese food industry development 3 E# Y5 \4 H: W) `. Z. [' x, T6 v! F
8.3、Analysis of Chinese food Market development        3 g: ]7 V0 v2 |6 ]; L
8.4、Highlighted regional market of food industry7 C* g, V' ^( L& u4 ]
8.5、Marketing analysis of food industry          2 Y0 ~0 n* `. V- Z% y: V- D
8.7、Imports and exports analysis of Chinese food industry( z) u! p7 ~. |1 J) Y; r
8.8、Investment analysis and prospect forecast of Chinese food industry- D0 l* _% q: b
Topic 2:Food Safety and Circulation of Chinese Food
+ a/ R9 V+ v, a1 @' q% J8.9、Discuss investment opportunity under Food Safety Law, and food company how to answer $ c0 o% d1 R' C9 y  P  n" B  P3 T) W
the food circulation certification;  
' X, i, n7 w' b0 s- \8.10、Influence to company of Food Safety Law,merit and demerit of food circulation certification;: P& g# x& a: o  v0 e
% b  p/ a2 o1 _  {! r+ T" PFood dealers, food importers and exporters, food wholesaler,supermarket, convenience stores, hotels, guesthouses, restaurants,bars, dessert shop, food deep/ fashioning enterprises, food packagingdistribution center, department stores, club and business center,airlines, railway procurement center, government agencies, equipmentprocurement department of restaurant food of schools and colleges, foodservices provider, the relevant personage, food related business association, the media, etc.0 O/ A1 f3 p. |! g
Ⅳ.ORGANIZER CONTACT + w0 k5 f& u; N" B; v
Guangzhou Fuya Exhibition Co., Ltd7 ~9 D! L5 z2 K- g# q
Add:Room 2306,  Hualong Building, No.238 Tianhe Road, Guangzhou City,China.. l' Y1 ^- p: {8 c
ATTN: Vanny Kong
* f! K( q& ~5 b! t$ c% t( \Tel No: 0086-20-8551 8091 / 8526 2696 (25 lines in circle)   a" e$ f9 ]% P
Fax No: 0086-20-87517368   
! h$ ^4 _3 o+ `, RE-mail: vannykchina@gmail.com
) Z0 X4 Q$ D" a: T7 uWebsite: http://www.fuyaexpo.com/en  www.cifexpo.org

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