01. 暖味 Vagueness
02. 容易受傷的女人 Vulnerable Woman
03. 執迷不悔 Bigoted Heart
04. 棋子 Chessman
05. 約定 Promise
06. 多得他 Thanks for Him
07. 我願意 I will
08. 但願人長久 May They Live Long
09. 奈何 However
10. 流非飛 Too Many Tales
11. 愛與痛的邊緣 On the Edge Between Love and Pain
12. 雪中蓮 Lotus in the Snow
13. 冷戰 Cold War
14. 天空 Sky
15. 墜落 Degeberation
01. 浮躁 Fickleness
02. 藉口 Excuse
03. 紅粉菲菲 So lntense
04. 胡思亂想 Woolgathering
05. 又見炊煙 Smoke Rising from the House Again
06. 無常 Impermanence
07. 天與地 Heaven and Earth
08. 出路 Way Out
09. 只因喜歡 Faye Just Because I Like FAYE
10. 夢中人 The Person Dream
11. 無奈那天 However,that Day...
12. 暗湧 Invisile Waves
13. 一人分飾兩角 One Person,Two Roles
14. 君在我心 You Are in My Hearts
15. 一個小心願 One Liittle Wish