14 PhD and 2 PostDocs for multiscale modeling in Marie Curie ITN
The project funded by European Commission with € 4.32 Million for 4 years.
The project MUMOLADE within Marie Curie ITN deals with Multiscale Modelling of Landslides and Debris Flow (http://www.mumolade.com/). Landslides and debris flows are serious geo-hazards of great complexity common to countries with mountainous terrains and can be best described as multiphase and multiscale. MUMOLADE addresses the triggering mechanisms, run-out dynamics, deposition patterns and impact forces and rational design of stabilization and protection structures. The multiscale problems in multiphase media will be tackled by close cooperation among researchers from different disciplines including soil mechanics, fluid mechanics, physics, multiphase flow, FEM (meshless), CFD and DEM. MUMOLADE covers a broad spectrum of research topics such as constitutive model, numerical methods, laboratory tests, centrifuge model tests and numerical modelling of field cases. We are searching for ambitious young researchers worldwide to take on these challenging problems in a network of the best research institutions in Europe.
We offer:
Frontier research at best research institutions;
Supervision by finest scientists;
Competitive salary plus mobility allowance;
Excellent social insurance;
Multidisciplinary team;
In-depth scientific training;
Industry experience through secondments;
Numerous network activities (workshops, summer schools);
PhD fellowships are awarded for a total of 3 years, PostDoc fellowships for a total of 2 years.
We expect:
A recent masters degree in engineering or science;
Proficient in written and spoken English;
Scientific research skills;
Outstanding communication skills and teamwork;
Fulfilment of eligibility for the training scheme in experience and nationality (see our website).
The positions are open immediately until the positions are filled, and will start upon agreement. More information about MUMOLADE is available at http://www.mumolade.com. Applications should be made online through the project website.
eine/n Sachbearbeiter (m/w)
Als Tochtergesellschaft in Deutschland von einer chinesischen Muttergesellschaft in China in
Sauna/Wellness-Branchen suchen wir zum schnellstmöglichen Einstellungstermin
eine/n Sachbearbeiter (m/w)
Ihre Aufgaben:
• Alle Büroarbeit
• Kommunikation zwischen Mutterunternehme (in China) und Tochterunternehme (in Deutschland)
• Verantwortungsvolles, qualitätsbewusstes und selbständiges Arbeiten
Unser Wunschprofil:
• Sehr gutes Deutsch in Wort und Schrift
• Sehr gutes Chinesisch in Wort und Schrift
• Serviceorientierung und hohe kommunikative Fähigkeiten
• Arbeitszeitflexibilität
• Abgeschlossene kaufmännische oder Buchhaltungsausbildung ist bevorzugt.
Altenschlirfer Str. 11
36355 Grebenhain
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