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标题: 【招聘】中国科学院电子学研究所招聘英文刊科学编辑 [打印本页]

作者: KaiyuanEditor    时间: 4.2.2015 17:02
标题: 【招聘】中国科学院电子学研究所招聘英文刊科学编辑
工作性质:全职          招聘人数:1

    学        历:博士          专 业:MEMS/NEMS relevant areas


    1. Inviting manuscript submissions.

    2. Organizing international conference on M/NEMS to promote the new journal.

    3. Manuscript processing, including the initial quality check, assigning editors, and ensuring the timely return of the edited manuscripts.

    4. Coordinating language editing, crosschecking of accepted manuscript and ensuring that publication will occur on time.

    5. Other work related to the editor position.


    1. Excellent communication and writing in English.

    2. Great communication skills, tremendous working enthusiasm, and ability to work with a team.


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