德国开元华人社区 开元周游

标题: 技术服务及销售代表 汽车原厂涂料事业部 [打印本页]

作者: 那些我爱的    时间: 22.3.2015 17:47
标题: 技术服务及销售代表 汽车原厂涂料事业部

Recruitment Information


Position: Technical Service and Sales Representative, Automotive OEM Coatings

招聘职位:技术服务及销售代表 汽车原厂涂料事业部

Working Location: China


Job Description


该职位主要为汽车厂客户提供现场驻厂服务,包括专业的服务和技术指导等,使PPG汽车漆产品能够得到正确地使用,达到应有的汽车漆膜的有关质量指标和规范。当现场有问题时,能及时发现问题并提出指导意见,当有重大问题发生时,能及时联系PPG有关专家和技术人员,提出和落实行动方案。该职位是联系客户现场和PPG 内部的沟通桥梁。主要服务于德系客户,如:奔驰(Daimler)/宝马 (BMW)/大众(VW group).

Should meet all related requirements regarding Quality Management Systems and EHS Management Systems in work.




1. Manage or coordinate technical service working for assigned customer.
2. Participate in process start-up for new products to achieve rapid commercialization of our products.
3. Monitor process parameters to keep the substrate preparation, coating process stabilization and within specification.
4. Communicate with customer personnel to operate their processes with the minimal intervention by PPG.
5. Troubleshoot problems at customer locations and work closely with labs to successfully resolve product and process issues.

6. Working closely with engineering firms to review customer line design and give recommendations based on PPG design considerations.
7. Improve PPG’s reputation and improve our sales value based on current account.

1. 为客户提供技术服务支持

2. 积极推动新产品的研发及应用,使其尽可能快的市场化

3. 对表面处理及涂料稳定性进行监督并记录

4. 为客户提供技术培训,以实现PPG产品在客户现场的稳定施工应用

5. 现场为客户排除故障,解决产品及工艺环节上出现的问题

6. 通过与实验室的紧密合作,帮助客户完善施工流程,并基于PPG产品特性给出专业的建议

7. 维护PPG声誉,提高PPG在现有客户心目中的形象



1. Fluency in German & Mandarin
2. Bachelor or above degree in chemistry or equivalent
3. Internship in Automotive industry is preferred
4. Good communication and interpersonal skills
5. Hard-working and studious

1. 德语及中文普通话流利

2. 本科及以上学历, 化工类或相关专业

3. 具备汽车行业实习经历者优先

4. 较强的沟通表达能力

5. 吃苦耐劳, 勤奋好学

Success Factors


Planning and Organizing; Solve Problems; Attend to Detail; Build Strong Work Relationships; Communicate & share Information


Contact Us

Please send your resume to CRP8963@ppg.com, entitled “Apply for PPG TSSR (Language: German)”, or you can contact us directly via 0086-022-6620 6667 (Ms. Hao) or 0086-022-6620 6156 (Ms. Han)

请将中英文简历投递至 CRP8963@ppg.com, 邮件题目请注明“Apply for PPG TSSR (Language: German)”,或电话联系0086-022-6620 6667 (郝女士) or 0086-022-6620 6156 (韩女士)

Company Introduction


PPG Industries' vision is to continue to be the world’s leading coatings and specialty products company. Through leadership in innovation, sustainability and color, PPG helps customers in industrial, transportation, consumer products, and construction markets and aftermarkets to enhance more surfaces in more ways than does any other company. Founded in 1883, PPG has global headquarters in Pittsburgh and operates in nearly 70 countries around the world. Sales in 2012 were $15.2 billion. PPG shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol: PPG). For more information, visit www.ppg.com.

PPG: 创新,如你所见
PPG工业公司的目标是继续保持其作为世界领先的涂料和特殊产品供应商的地位。凭借其在创新、可持续发展与色彩方面的领导地位,PPG以多种形式帮助来自工业、交通运输、消费品、建筑等领域及其售后市场的客户提升产品的外观。PPG工业公司始建于1883年,总部设在美国匹兹堡市,在全球70多个国家设有生产基地及附属机构。2012年公司全球销售额152亿美金。PPG在纽约证券交易所上市(股票代码:PPG)。更多讯息敬请浏览www.ppg.com 或 china.ppg.com

PPG China
PPG is one of the few global chemical companies that invested in China in the 1980s. Today, PPG produces and sells a wide range of products including paints and coatings, glass and fiber glass, optical products and aerospace materials. PPG operate fourteen manufacturing plants throughout China, including facilities in Tianjin, Shanghai, Suzhou, Kunshan, Wuhu, Zhangjiagang, Zibo, Guangzhou and trading companies, offices, labs and training centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen.


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