
楼主 |
发表于 6.9.2003 10:31:47
51. 走开,别烦我。<br><br>Go fly a kite and stop bugging me.<br><br><br>52. 快点,否则你要赶不上了。<br><br>Shake a leg, or you’ll miss it.<br><br><br>53. 我谢谢你的关心。(不耐烦的)<br><br>I share your enthusiasm.<br><br><br>54. 这些都很畅销。<br><br>They’re selling like hot cakes.<br><br><br>55. 赶快!<br><br>Get a move on!<br><br><br>56. 谢谢为我提供信息。<br><br>Thanks for the info.<br><br><br>57. 我们休息一会儿吧。<br><br>Let’s take a breather.<br><br><br>58. 这次我请客。<br><br>It’s on me this time.<br><br><br>59. 我们计划去看场电影。<br><br>We plan to take in a movie.<br><br><br>60. 我觉得你说到点子上了。<br><br>I think you’ve put your finger on it.<br><br><br>61. 什么事让你烦恼?<br><br>What’s bugging you?<br><br><br>62. 最近他变了个人。<br><br>He hasn’t been himself lately.<br><br><br>63. 我每天大喊英语一个小时。<br><br>I put in an hour a day speaking English loudly.<br><br><br>64. 这取决你花的时间。<br><br>It all depends on how much time you’d like to put in.<br><br><br>65. 随大流。<br><br>You’ve jumped on the bandwagon.<br><br><br>66. 你得为此承担责任。<br><br>You’ll have to answer for that.<br><br><br>67. 我从你这里学到了很多。<br><br>I learned a lot from you.<br><br><br>68. 我左右为难。<br><br>I’m really in a bind.<br><br><br>69. 我替你照顾他。<br><br>I’ll take care of him for you.<br><br><br>70. 我们还是找一个折衷的办法。<br><br>Let’s find a happy medium.<br><br><br>71. 他沉溺于赌博。<br><br>He’s addicted to the gambling.<br><br><br>72. 这令我兴奋。<br><br>It really turns me on.<br><br><br>73. 狂欢。<br><br> ainting the town red.<br><br><br>74. 这个成语把我搞胡涂了。<br><br>This idiom baffles me.<br><br><br>75. 你说的我听不懂。<br><br>What you said is over my head.<br><br><br>76. 也许我应该扔掉我的语法书,重新开始。<br><br>Maybe, I should throw out my grammar books and start from scratch.<br><br><br>77. 猴年马月。<br><br>One of these years.<br><br><br>78. 你不懂你的笑话。<br><br>I don’t catch on to jokes you told.<br><br><br>79. 我这人没有艺术细胞。<br><br>I’m not artistically-minded.<br><br><br>80. 他的建议对我没用的。<br><br>His proposed didn’t serve my turn.<br><br><br>81. 你能代替他吗?<br><br>Could you fill in for him?<br><br><br>82. 我不擅长即席演讲。<br><br>I’m not good at speaking off the cuff.<br><br><br>83. 我赞成。<br><br>I’ll buy it.<br><br><br>84. 你说的真好。<br><br>You’ve never said a truer word.<br><br><br>85. 我婉言谢绝了他们的邀请。<br><br>I politely refused their invitation.<br><br><br>86. 什么时候开演?<br><br>What time does the curtain go up?<br><br><br>87. 我受够他了。<br><br>I’ve had it with him.<br><br><br>88. 冷静点。<br><br>Keep your cool.<br><br>Keep your shirt on.<br><br><br>89. 给我一次机会吧?<br><br>Give me a break, will you?<br><br><br>90. 咱俩谁也别说谁。(半斤八两)<br><br>Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.<br><br><br>91. 别激动。<br><br>Don’t get excited.<br><br><br>92. 我一时想不起他的名字。<br><br>I can’t think of his name right off the bat.<br><br><br>93. 我们从今以后别吵嘴了。<br><br>Let’s give up arguing from now on.<br><br><br>94. 我听得是小道消息。<br><br>I heard it through the grapevine.<br><br><br>95. 眼见为实。<br><br>I’ll believe it when I see it.<br><br><br>96. 他们两人很相配的。<br><br>They, are suited to each other.<br><br><br>97. 他们是美满的夫妻。<br><br>They’re the perfect couple.<br><br><br>98. 让过去的就过去吧。<br><br>Let bygones be bygones.<br><br><br>99. 开心的时候会觉得时间飞快。<br><br>Time flies when you’re having fun.<br><br><br>100. 日出的美景真令人心旷神怡。<br><br>The beauty of the sunrise is really breathtaking. <br> |