一、大赛背景) U2 I8 @8 u+ w: A1 r% ^
! M7 P) Z& [' D1 i
1 T" L& S/ G% ?/ {4 O6 {7 ], ?( g
. b- U3 y1 s. `
松山湖(生态园)国家高新区为全面实施创新驱动发展战略,构建“大众创业 万众创新”的氛围和平台,加快推动松山湖(生态园)科技创新服务梯队建设,储备园区中长期发展动力、发掘吸引创新创业人才、理顺完善科技服务体系、实现创新创业梦想,决定举办“松湖杯”创新创业大赛(以下简称大赛),以“创新驱动,圆梦松湖”为主旨,以开放包容的服务,支持有产品推广需求、政府支持和创业资金需求的项目来东莞发展。大赛自2017年9月启动,将于2017年11月举办欧洲、硅谷、台湾、香港、俄罗斯、松山湖分赛决赛,本着公平公正公开的原则,通过商业计划书专家评审、分赛及决赛路演展示等评选,决出优秀项目逐鹿东莞松山湖,赢取总额430万元的20个奖励名额。除此之外所有有意赛后落地注册企业都将得到松山湖国家高新区牵头的资本对接、创业空间及园区政策支持、和园区创业服务。落地后项目所获国家、省市级的人才政策及项目奖励将得到松山湖国家高新区1:1的资金配套,以鼓励项目来松山湖实施落地转化。
+ C3 o2 V: R! `3 u
: p. A& N& _3 O& |7 Q. h7 S
二、 大赛赛程7 z5 ], B/ t0 Z9 n G" U. U
(一) 总决赛 (拟2017年12月 东莞松山湖)
2 v% w6 H/ `4 h( |. D" f
1. 大赛分行业,按照团队组和企业组进行总决赛,而海外分赛按企业注册情况分组。
4 Q2 `' y; N; J6 E3 c' M
2. 根据推荐进入决赛企业数量,决赛分半决赛、总决赛两个环节组成;企业组由企业负责人、项目(技术)负责人和财务负责人参加;团队组由核心成员参加(3人以下);大赛组委会给参赛团队一定行程食宿报销。
7 M4 M$ e" V. b6 I$ O8 I' `
3. 半决赛采取10分钟项目路演,6分钟答辩决出团队组和企业组各10个优秀企业和团队参加总决赛。
) q( o% Q P- s5 w1 o) M
4. 总决赛现场由中国科技传媒网现场直播,包括项目视频展示(自由选择,提前准备)、项目路演、专家问答等环节,产生企业组、团队组一等奖各1名、二等奖各2名、三等奖各3名、优胜奖各4名,共享大赛总额430万元的大赛奖金。
U& p/ c5 g& e/ n
(二) 欧洲分赛 (拟2017年11月底 德国慕尼黑)' P' @, ?2 P8 A9 H4 G
1. 欧洲分赛大赛不区分团队组和企业组进行决赛。
9 ~0 j! P8 U" y. J
2. 欧洲分赛由中欧高层次人才交流中心协同德国本地风险投资基金、孵化器、国内知名资本、欧洲各地华人协会等,在欧洲范围内设立报名通道,共同打造东莞国际化的名片,特此感谢全德学联团体联合会、亥姆霍兹学联、海外留学人员创业者协会(法国)、同济大学巴伐利亚校友会、比利时工程师协会、德中先进光子协会、荷兰HoiTalent公司、中德人工智能协会、比利时博士学联、布鲁塞尔学联、米兰博士沙龙、德中环境与能源促进中心、法中企业家管理协会、纽伦堡学联、柏林及波茨坦地区公派学联、卡尔斯鲁厄学联、弗莱堡学联等的协办。
" o0 e$ U% c5 q- @
3. 大赛组委会将邀请中国著名投资人、与德国孵化器创业导师、中德各领域教授与德国创投基金共同组成评审专家委员会,并对报名项目进行集中评审、尽职调查,选出14个项目晋级欧洲分赛决赛。
. A5 e; Z- h- B- l" j* v
4. 入围决赛的选手将参加慕尼黑欧洲决赛,组委会报销路费及期间食宿费用。
0 Q! h `/ `6 d' r0 B0 R6 b( K
5. 决赛以英文进行,形式为8分钟路演展示加7分钟答辩,一共15分钟,根据评分高低排序,评选出一、二、三等奖胜出队伍,颁发奖杯。
/ b, G4 f6 ]- A+ Y {% K6. 10支决赛队伍将被推荐到东莞松山湖参加全球决赛,大赛组委会将对赴莞参加总决赛的选手给予一定的差旅补助。
) A& c* h/ c, \; Y
三、 参赛方式+ F# X0 p% p' |
(一) 参赛行业领域
& j7 g U& t' R% ?$ Y
须符合园区重点培育发展的“ 4+1”产业门类,即电子信息产业,生物技术产业,机器人产业,新能源产业,现代服务业(文化创意、电子商务)以及其他战略性新兴产业。已获得2016年松湖杯奖励项目不再参加本届大赛。
) } w) V/ S. c m
(二) 参赛条件
% @5 x6 e: Q/ D/ l
& y8 W+ \; B: b7 w: B& v) t初创团队组
! P% o8 T1 w, `
1. 参赛者应具备海外创新创业经历,并拥有创新的技术水平、技术成果或管理经验,且目前在国外有意向来东莞创业或工作的海外高层次人才。
2. 在报名时尚未在国内注册成立企业或工作的海外高层次人才团队(3人以上)。
3. 计划赛后6个月内在东莞注册成立企业或工作。
4. 参赛者的创新经历真实,创新成果归属参赛人员,与他人无产权纠纷,因侵权或资料失实产生的责任由参赛者自负。
5. 自愿接受大赛评审专家委员会的尽职调查。
% L9 N1 b+ l. | b5 N: ~$ w4 X' w企业组; H" z, C% Y; Q1 I
1. 全球范围内拥有创新性、自主知识产权的科技型中小企业;
2. 符合国家划型标准的、且2016年销售额不超过1.5亿元人民币的科技型中小微企业;
3. 符合松山湖(生态园)4+1产业政策,拥有自主知识产权且无产权纠纷;
4. 非上市企业且无不良记录。
5. 自愿接受大赛评审专家委员会的尽职调查。
6. 计划赛后6个月内在东莞注册成立企业或工作。
" ^' L# P. c9 B3 t
(三) 参赛报名: U9 @" n: Q; D, n9 E
0 A% \8 a5 [9 H8 q$ w. K4 e1 _1. 欧洲分赛区分赛不分组别,通过邮箱报名,进行统一的项目评审。
2. 所有参加国内松山湖园区分赛的参赛企业和团队登录“松山湖(生态园)创新创业大赛”官网按组别统一注册报名。
/ x. W4 G2 P: c) i
(四) 报名方式(报名截止日期:2017年10月29日)5 }! b5 r. {% }$ G: a) U/ u
" ]* {% _ M. O# H
1- 报名表-2017“松湖杯”创新创业大赛-欧洲分赛.doc(必要)
2- 商业计划书模版-“松湖杯”创新创业大赛.doc(模版仅供参考,包含信息点的前提下可用已制作好的商业计划书替代)(必要)
3- 团队合影或企业形象.pdf(必要)
4- 产品图片.pdf(必要)
5- 专利证书.pdf
6- 查新报告.pdf
7- 检测报告.pdf
8- 其他表现项目、团队竞争优势的证明文件.pdf
9- 营业执照或三证合一证.pdf(如已注册企业、参加企业组总决赛,必要)
' o+ |. F# S n5 _
, e" q5 q* H" N4 p
% {! q# D2 R, O3 Z4 d3 g) {
| | |
| 产品/服务的创新性或先进性(独特卖点/价值、专利技术等) | |
| 目标客户与成功案例(客户群体、是否有天使客户、典型客户开发状况等) | |
| | |
| 商业模式(客户关系管理方法、分销渠道、供应链、研发生产策略、关键资源、主要合作伙伴等) | |
| 团队评价(成员搭配、行业经验、执行能力、管理工作分工等) | |
| 现场表现(展示方式新颖性、陈述清晰程度、演讲表现力等) | |
| 风险控制与防范(生产、市场、经营、团队、技术、政策、法律等) | |
| 企业发展计划(企业长远愿景、主要里程碑、当前项目重要性、已达成目标与下一步计划等) | |
| 财务预测(未来三年)及融资方案(资金需求、使用计划、股权出让比例等) | |
) I* r3 Z: L; s9 R5 I( O
四、奖项设置 ^: L% _6 Q. F7 w c" _7 `
级别 | | | | | |
| | | | | 获奖项目、企业需在获奖后6个月内完成工商注册并进驻园区办公以及提交相关证明文件向大赛组委会申领奖金。 |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | | 1. 无需落户松山湖园区2. 总决赛抵达东莞时领取 |
| | |
| | |
* d. [4 z9 ?- P) Z* S L8 m
9 U" O2 x7 e- |4 a: W
(一) 人才政策( w! s' a1 @' B! ]
根据《东莞市成长型企业人才扶持试行办法》、《东莞市鼓励柔性引进海外专家来莞工作试行办法》、《东莞市特色人才特殊政策实施办法》以及即将出台的人才发展改革试验区方案等多层次的人才支持政策,东莞松山湖国家高新区为特级、一类到四类覆盖国际、国家、省市级人才称号的获得者,提供最高至 1:2的人才资助奖励。
4 d; |4 t, q6 ?3 B# ^1 W
(二) 创业资助与优惠政策. ?; @9 U' S( [ m
3 v7 r/ f. V3 G( D( n4 T4 f
(三) 风险投资与孵化/ d9 K, ~, P& K0 S$ G
9 V$ E. \$ G2 x( K& \, R
范围 | | |
| 组织园区内外PE、VC机构与优秀项目进行对接。为参赛者和入库投资机构提供信息查询、对接会组织、项目集中展示、闭门会议等服务。 | |
| 对获奖的企业和创业团队入驻园区办公载体,园区配合给予办公场所安排,并享受园区政策支持,获得2年60平方米以内的房租补贴,每平方米补贴不超过30元等优惠。 | 1.项目为留学生创业项目,落户松山湖; 2.分站赛获奖项目; |
| 对进驻园区的企业和团队,给予园区相关职能部门提供地创业培训、各级基金与人才称号申请培训、管理咨询、导师辅导、专利申请、创新资源共享、专业展会、国际交流及人才招聘等配套服务。 | |
| 大赛获奖项目在松山湖落地后,将针对项目发展情况提供相关的服务措施,其中包括:建立项目专人联系制度,定期回访项目团队,及时掌握项目运行情况;为项目团队配备创业导师, 进行创业指导;举办落地企业人才招聘会、创业沙龙、本市采购支持、搭建平台促进本市创新企业销售等活动。开辟帮助创业企业申请国家、省级基金、千人计划等各级人才计划的专门机构(如孵化器、产业园的办公室,具体到直接可联系的人);落户后提供免费申报服务、文书润色等等;为学术性人才寻找大学、研究所的更多的交流机会,促进产学研成果转化的同时,为人才生根东莞提供土壤。 | |
| 不高于70%银行贷款贴息,贴息不超过两年,每企业每年最高100万。 | |
(四) 其他支持
K9 |2 E/ C# ?0 V0 X+ O* k
1 s5 h& i2 g) _& R
: e# v' d( q* q& [
七、联系咨询8 {& N: | | c& o; j8 x
中欧高层次人才交流中心 副会长
电话/微信:+49 1785923583/zdhglz
3 G7 O5 n2 D q
4 K% g, }8 I5 r8 d2 M% ^
0 y2 v% v: O1 ]7 w7 J: `
, r, ^( Y% \9 O; s+ n+ P8 WDongguan"Songshan Lake Cup"Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (European division) startsregistration
C7 s" v+ }% q( Z/ g8 u8 U6 Z
7 e$ ? _9 X( [5 N( Z
Chapter 1. Introduction
W7 U& V, B; I8 e3 d
1. Background3 D. F4 \3 Y. h: n, S. s9 d1 F0 A7 K
Involving in the newnormal economic growth, Dongguan as a veteran manufacturing-featured city iswilling to promote economic restructuring and industrial transformation andupgrading during the 13th Five-Year Plan period of Chinese government, then ultimatelyrealize the "machine substitutions", "doubling plan","Dongguan Manufacturing 2025 "and other strategic objectives. Inorder to achieve the above goals, Dongguan needs to intensify efforts to buildhigh-end talent highland, innovative enterprise and regional innovation heights.
2 P6 s: f- ^: b* T. G
With the economicenergy conversion, the vitality of Dongguan economic is increasing. OPPO, Vivoand other local enterprises grow rapidly, other well-known enterprises, likeHuawei, has also settled in Songshan Lake. International Data Corporation (IDC)released “China's smart phone market report first quarter 2017”, the data showthat Dongguan mobile phone brands: Huawei, OPPO, vivo share the top three, theirmarket shares have exceeded 52% in the domestic market and accounted for 22% ofthe global market.
" L+ X3 ]( P! ~3 C) B
In recent years Dongguan’sachievements were generally recognized by the outside world. CCID Consulting,formed by China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, recently issued"2016 China's new economic competitiveness of the city list", mainlyconcerning about high-tech, new energy, "Internet +" and otherindustries. Dongguan ranked fifth among all Chinese cities. The magazine heldby China General Administration of Customs, "China Customs",published "China's top 100 foreign trade city 2016" ranking Dongguanthe third place, only 0.3 point lower then Shanghai. In 2015, "China LocalGovernment Efficiency Research Report", Dongguan ranked the first among 54key cities in China. Baidu map released “China's urban population attractionranking 2017” with big data technology, Dongguan was found to be the fifth inthe country. In “Tencent 2017 China's wisdom life comprehensive index city list”,Dongguan, only after Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Chengdu, rankedthe sixth. Gao De map announced "2017 China" Internet + traffic "Urban Index Research Report".In the report Dongguan’s intelligent travel index score ranked the fifth amongthe top 100 cities, Only behind Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Guangzhou.
2 r$ p: t( T& t4 J2 t
To fully implement theinnovation-driven development strategy, build the atmosphere and platform forthe mass entrepreneurship and innovation, accelerate the construction of theSongshan Lake Park technology innovation service echelon, reserve long-termdevelopment momentum of the park, explore and attract innovation andentrepreneurship talents, straighten out and perfect science and technologyservice system and realize the dream of innovation and entrepreneurship, SongshanLake (Eco-Park) National New & Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (i.e.Songshan Lake Park) decides to hold the "Songshan Lake Cup"Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. This Competition takes the"innovation-driven, Songshan Lake dreams" as the main thrust andsupport the development of those projects which are of products promotionneeds, government support and venture capital needs in Dongguan. The competitionofficially started in September, 2017 and the finals of Europe division,Silicon Valley division, Taiwan division, Hong Kong division, Russia division andSongshan Lake division will be held in November, 2017.
! w! b5 N/ A. o/ q9 t
In line with theprinciple of fairness and openness, the business plan and the performance onthe pitch presentations of divisions will be appraised by experts. Through theabove selection, all chosen outstanding projects teams will get together inSongshan Lake, Dongguan in December 2017 to fight for the rewards which is 4.3million CNY and 20 places in total.
' a" A, h4 m7 |& t% t
Besides, every projectteam interested in landing after the competition will be aided by Songshan LakePark to get the capital docking, entrepreneurial space and park policy support andpark business services.
, x- a3 Y: f+ T" r. {" M2 V
After landing theproject, if the project gets further reward from the national, provincial andmunicipal talents policies, Songshan Lake Park will offer the same amount of fundingbecause of implementation of the project in Songshan Lake Park.
2. Global finals(December 2017, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan)1. Thecompetition will be divided into two groups (startup group and enterprisegroup) regarding of industry fields, while the oversea divisionswill be grouped according to the registration status of enterprises.
, O0 r4 S: i/ |" H- v1 s* G$ P$ d
2. Accordingto the number of enterprises being recommended to enter the global finals, thefinals will be divided into semi-finals and the finals. About the people whoare invited to participate the semi-finals and finals, for enterprise group, theCEO, CFO and CTO of the company should attend the finals, and for startupgroup, the core members of startup team (no more than 3 people) should attendthe finals. Organizing Committee of the competition will reimburse certainamount of the cost of food, accommodation and journey to the teams.
6 ^ R0 F# m8 F1 s' \! n
3. In the semi-finals,each team will have 10 minutes for roadshow and 6 minutes for defense. At theend, 10 outstanding projects will be chosen from each group to participate inthe finals.
8 Y; y' C& r5 u4 D3 G
4. The finalswill be live broadcast by China IT media. The finals will include project videodisplay (optional), project roadshow and expert quiz. At the end, there will befor each group one first prize, two second prize, three third prize and fourwinning prizes to share 4.3 million CNY rewards.
& j5 [' {/ q$ h' C7 r" @: _/ W
3. European division(November 2017, Munich Germany)1. Europeandivision will not group all projects into startup group and enterprise group.
/ A' P" V# e4 I& q3 X1 o5 G9 J4 J
2.Europeandivision will be co-sponsored by Sino-European Professionals ExchangeCenter-SEPEC e.V. and German Incubator, in collaboration with the Chinese-GermanInnovation and Entrepreneurship Association, German local venture capital fundsand the experts from whole Europe, to build Dongguan’s international businesscard.
( {* u8 N# G/ c
3.The reviewboard of European division compose of well-known Chinese investors,entrepreneurial mentor from UnternehmerTUM, Professors, German local venturecapitalists. The review board will review all registered projects and recommend14 projects to the European division.
! u/ ^' z) o+ \/ [& h7 J0 Y
4.The 14teams being recommend by the review board will participate in the finals ofEuropean division in Munich, the cost of journey and accommodation for attending thesefinals will be reimbursed by the organizing committee of European division.
' ^1 m! T3 L2 u+ Y" B% q
5. The presentationshould be presented officially in English within 15 minutes, which includes 8minutes’ roadshow and 7 minutes’ defense. The review board will score allprojects based on the roadshows and business plans and then rank the first,second and third prize to 10 winning teams.
l6 x, {$ ]# M* q
6. These 10teams will be recommended to participate in the global finals in Songshan LakePark, Dongguan. The organizing committee of global finals will reimburse certainamount of the cost of travel and accommodation.
1 {' \$ V/ }1 {9 J5 j
7.Mediasupport: Kaiyuan network and German channel of the People's Daily OverseasEdition.
3 \: a& m; R9 [4 z0 B
Chapter2. Participation Information1. Focused industry sectors& p3 U) D2 }+ h( `5 b4 w8 I
It is necessary tomeet the "4 + 1" industrial categories, namely electronic informationindustry, biotechnology industry, robot industry, new energy industry, modernservice industry (cultural innovation and E-commerce) and other strategicemerging industries. Projects which have won the 2016 Songshan Lake Cup prize arenot qualified to join in the competition this year.
2 D4 L0 Z/ e7 c: r
2. Participation requirements
% m3 }- N, c% q' x
Startup Group
' `6 g* G8 {) G z( J$ t ?
1. Participantsshould have innovation- and entrepreneurship-related oversea experience, andmaster the industry's cutting-edge technology, technical achievements ormanagement experience. Meanwhile, participants should be interested in startingup business or working in Dongguan.
2. Before theregistration to this competition, participants have not registered or set up abusiness or worked in China. And the members of each team should not be lessthan 3.
3. Participantshave to agree to register an enterprises or work in Dongguan within 6 monthsafter the global finals.
4. Participants’integrity about the innovation experience is assumed. At the same time, theparticipants need to have the property rights to the innovations and have noproperty disputes. Participants are responsible for outcomes of theinfringement and dishonesty during the competition.
5. Participantsshould voluntarily agree to be checked about the information related to theprojects from the review board of this competition.
+ L4 @. E9 Y. P1 _
Enterprise group+ ]% P6 @, D0 ^2 q5 L
1.Participantsare preferred to be small and medium-sized innovative enterprises in the worldand have independent intellectual property rights;
2. Participantsare preferred to be technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises thathave a sales volume no more than 150 million CNY in 2016;
3. It is necessaryto meet the "4 + 1" industrial categories from Songshan Lake Park, haveindependent intellectual property rights and no property disputes;
4. Participantsshould be unlisted enterprises and have no bad legal record.
5. Participantsshould voluntarily agree to be checked about the information related to theprojects from the review board of this competition.
6. Participantshave to agree to register an enterprises or work in Dongguan within 6 monthsafter the global finals.
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3. Application
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1. Participantswill not be grouped in European division and the same rules will be applied toevery project. Meanwhile, participants have to register with email accounts.
2. Allenterprises and teams participating in the domestic Songshan Lake Park division(in China) have to register through the homepage of this competition
2 v7 R3 Z$ L) |5 z p4. Applicationaccess (deadline: October 29, 2017)* H; g- @+ v- ^. k
Chinese Students and Scholar Association at Helmholtz MunichCenter received the commission from Sino-European Professionals ExchangeCenter-SEPEC e.V., the organizer of European division that through thefollowing registration email address to accept all applications:
* N: I8 C: H @7 H
1- ApplicationForm -2017 "Songshan Lake Cup" - European division.doc (compulsory)
2- Businessplan template – 2017 "Songshan Lake Cup". Doc (the template is forreference only, under the premise of all required information being included, aprepared business plan is acceptable.) (compulsory)
3- Photo ofthe team.pdf (compulsory)
4- Product Image.pdf (compulsory)
5- Patent Certificate.Pdf
6- Novelty assessment report.pdf
7- Test Report.pdf
8- Other certificatesdemonstrating the competitive advantage of the project or team.pdf
9- Business license or company registration file.pdf(for registered enterprises, to participate in business group finals, this is compulsory.Optional for startup teams.)
10-FinancialStatements .pdf (for registered enterprises, to participate in business groupfinals, this is compulsory. Optional for startup teams.)
Chapter3. Assessment criteriaThe reviewboard of European division composes of experienced venture capitalists,well-known entrepreneurs and experts from technical fields. In the principle ofopenness, fairness and justice, the project will be graded according to thefollowing evaluation standards:
*The above criteria arefor the European division only. The global finals are divided into Enterprisegroup and Startup group, so the standard will be slightly different.
) A, N+ R% S6 t6 f* @Chapter4. Rewards
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Chapter 5. SupportpolicyBesides the supportfrom the framework of “Science and technology policy”and “Key industrial policy” of Dongguan, Songshan Lake Park and Dongguan City alsoprovide talents and their families with life, work, education and medical caresupports. By providing a rich, multi-level support for the talents in startupand business, Songshan Lake Park promise to help the talents work and live happilyin Dongguan.
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To provide a windowfor oversea talents to better understand Dongguan and Songshan Lake, DongguanMunicipal Government will hold “Talents week” whose theme is "Innovation-driven development, Talents-drivingDongguan" from 23th, November to 25th November 2017.
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1. Talent Policy: Y/ u X) k0 V' P Z6 B
According to variousexisting codes and government supporting frameworks and the upcoming multiple levelsupport policies for talents, Dongguan Songshan Lake Park will provide up to 1:2 monetary grants for both talents and projects for the winner of variedentitlements, covering international, national, provincial and municipal level talentstitle).
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2. VentureCapital and Preferential Policies
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Professionalssupported by ‘Dongguan leadership of entrepreneur’program will get 2 million CNYas startup grant in the first 2 years. After the first 2 years and the adoptionof experts, talents can receive another 3 million CNY as awards.
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Project teams gotsupported by‘Dongguan scientific research teams’program, can receive 5 to 10million CNY funding after the initialization of projects. Upon the finalizationof the project, teams will receive the awards no more than the funding givenfor project initialization according to the implementation condition and degreeof contribution of the project.
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3. Venture Capital and Incubation
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The OrganizingCommittee together with all organizers and co-organizers will give full play topossessed advantageous resources, initiate matching meetings for venturecapital institutions, well-known enterprises, project teams and individuals tostrengthen the exchange between overseas talents and local capitals. Otherefforts will be made to promote the soft landing, implementation andtransformation of projects in the Songshan Lake park.
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Scope | | |
| Organize business matching meetings for the PE, VC and outstanding projects. Provide inquiries, match-making meetings, projects roadshow, closed-door meetings and other services for the participants and investors in cooperation. | 1. Including but not limited to winning projects |
| The winning teams will be granted the Songshan Lake office area and services support from the park, such as housing subsidies (no bigger than 60 square meter within 2 years and the subsidies per square meter is no more than 30 CNY and so on). | 1. The project is a startup project for international graduate students and available to settle in Songshan Lake park. 2. The winner of all divisions; |
| For the enterprises and teams settled in the park, relevant functional departments of the park will provide entrepreneurship training, application training for funds and talents title, management consulting, mentoring, patent applications, resource sharing, exhibition, international exchange and talent recruitment and other services. | 1. Project settled in Songshan Lake; 2. Projects participating the competition will be prioritized. |
| After settling in Songshan Lake Park, the winning projects will enjoy relevant service based on the phase of the project, including: One contact will be assigned to each team for project progress update and communication; One team will be aided by a business mentor; Talents recruitment and entrepreneurship Salon will be held for enterprises; Discount for local purchase will be given; The platform to promote the sales of innovative business and other activities will be built; Organize specialized institutions to help start-up enterprises to apply for national, provincial funds, “the Thousand Talents Plan” and other talents policies (Such as incubators, the administration offices in the Park, specific contact person); After settling, free services, such as paperwork polishment will be available. For academic talents, help to build more communication and cooperation channels to universities and institutes to promote the transformation of research results to production, meanwhile providing the soil for the talents to root in Dongguan. | 1. Project settled in Songshan Lake; 2. Projects participating the competition are prioritized. |
| No more than 70% bank loans discount within two years, each enterprise loan up to 1 million. | 1. Projects settled in Songshan Lake and experts titled by Dongguan. |
4. Other Supports( H# u2 A6 S' I8 r# z4 ~& H: F
Dongguanwill support the talents setting up business or work in Dongguan from allaspects of life and work, including (but not limited to): talents can enjoy thesimplified registration of business with priority, apply for housing subsidies;be available to medical treatment through VIP channel (in second-class orbetter hospitals), annual physical exam and personalized health care programs; get80% refund from personal income tax (the part retained by local government) andchoose one of the municipal level or better public primary and secondaryschools for children's compulsory education.
Chapter6. Contact usManager:ZhengLin
Vice President, Sino-EuropeanProfessionals Exchange Center-SEPEC e.V.
Wechat: zdhglz
Sino-European Professionals Exchange Center-SEPEC e.V.
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