
楼主 |
发表于 17.3.2016 08:52:42
在经历了漫长的等待之后,维珍航空回邮件了,根之前料想的一样,全篇没有为自己员工的错误行为做任何道歉更没有对其员工NathanSmith的处罚,整篇邮件就是投诉部门应付乘客的格式化范本,把名字改了改就发给我了。不过邮件里提到了那个64C的神经病的情况,是这么回复的:UnfortunatelyI cannot disclose any medical conditions that this passenger may have.(翻译:抱歉的是我不能公开那位乘客的疾病状况。想说那神经病发病时都快抖成筛子了,你要是真敢公开说有精神病,英国CAA-CivilAviation Authority早请你去喝咖啡了)
We do take situationslike this most seriously and I"m very grateful to you for letting us know whathappened. This really does sound like an incredibly upsetting situation for youand I want to assure you that we have investigated this thoroughly with ourcrew managers.(翻译:我们是很严肃的对待这件事的,很感谢你让我们了解事情的经过。这件事听起来确实很让人失望,我向你保证我们已经向我们的飞机管理层调查了此事。)
It"s verydisappointing that one of our other customers spoke to you in such adisrespectful manner. I appreciate how shocking this must have been for you andI understand the distress this no doubt caused. We do hope that our customerswill be respectful to their fellow passengers and it"s very upsetting that thiswas not the case.(翻译:令人失望的是我们的乘客对你做出了不恭敬的言论。我理解这无疑让你很震惊和痛苦,我们希望我们的顾客今后都能尊重其他乘客,很失望这次你没有受到尊重。)
I understand that Nathan agreed to move the other passenger, however unfortunately there were noseats available further up the cabin and he therefore remained in his originalseat.(翻译:我理解Nathan同意去调换那个乘客的位置,但是不走运的是前面没有空位了,所以他一直还留在他的座位上。)
Unfortunately I cannotdisclose any medical conditions that this passenger may have. (抱歉的是我不能公开那位乘客的疾病状况。)不能公开也没有解释为什么会让一个精神异常的人上飞机,你一个高中毕业的空服有医生背景吗?
其余的内容就开始打广告了”We are amulticultural airline and do employ people of all cultures and nationalities……“我们是多元化的航空公司bla bla,真心懒的翻。
准备升级投诉中,近期会随时更新,也请小伙伴们帮忙转发,现在我也只能依靠咱们人民群众有力量了。 |