北京时间8点11分 / D& L7 O8 l3 Q/ l1 P: O . T" r* M* o+ m8 u/ A火箭拿Bobby Jackson, 下赛季第一轮选修权,未知名人一人,共三人换阿泰。出于交易考虑,直到8月14日才能向外宣布,这可能意味着,未知名的选手可能是东特格林,因为他只有到那时才能被交易。- ?9 c& {9 ~) F3 u& H4 t
TheRockets will give up guard Bobby Jackson, a No. 1 draft pick nextseason and another player that the individual with knowledge of thetrade could not name. Rockets general manager Daryl Morey could not beimmediately reached for comment.2 U+ m& S7 U* Q& E& J# H+ w9 m3 Q4 J) b
# _+ I) w" I/ g5 S" ABecause of contractconsiderations, the trade will not be announced until Aug. 14, thoughthat would indicate the deal could include Rockets’ first round draftpick Donte’ Green. Green is not permitted to be traded until then, onemonth from when he signed with the Rockets.. U6 n* p9 J6 R) _
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为匹配薪金可能还有其他人会被牵涉进此次交易,但火箭不准备保留此人。火箭还要给国王超过100万美元。. j7 D6 t9 T. U! @
Therecould also be other players involved to make the money match but nonethat the Rockets would plan to keep. The Rockets will also send theKings cash in excess of $1 million.- s& a5 U7 Q5 K% Y) ~4 i0 K
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