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German police is crazy...

发表于 24.11.2009 15:43:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,663090,00.html                 $ V. J" M+ b3 q9 f

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2 Y8 f- @6 l% Z6 _- TPolice Raid in Munich        Germany Suspects China of Spying on Uighur Expatriates       

By Holger Stark

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                : K* y% _5 O) T- M" F$ N
                                                        : i! D$ H+ Y0 x+ P' k
Authorities suspect that the Chinese Consulate in Munich is a hotbed of espionage activity.                                                        , W0 j" C$ j4 l$ G
" l! t" w- Y, P' M( Z                                " u+ Q, ^0 d# u3 k

German investigators on Tuesdaymorning searched the residences of four suspected Chinese spies.According to information obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE, the suspects hadbeen spying on Munich's Uighur community on orders from the Chinesegovernment.

0 X/ o0 Q8 m! RUnlike China's imposing embassy in Berlin, the general consulate inMunich is no symbol of power. The representative office in the Bavariancapital is located in the upmarket district of Neuhausen in aninconspicouous corner building close to Nymphenburg Palace.
9 A8 Z2 b1 n7 a( |: @2 @& A3 |6 Z$ s: B  r" f

) E7 x  A8 w/ _If you believe the consulate's own PR, the institution deals withpleasant issues such as business and travel visas, the Olympic Games orGerman-Chinese trade relations. But if German investigators are to bebelieved, this idyll is merely a facade behind which the Chineseintelligence service is operating a network of spies.   W" R, v# o3 j7 j' J! _2 w. j% m
On Tuesday morning, officers from Germany's Federal CriminalPolice Office and the Bavarian police searched the homes of fourChinese nationals in the Munich area, SPIEGEL ONLINE has learned. Theyare under suspicion of being intelligence service agents for theChinese government tasked with spying on Munich's large expatriatecommunity of Uighurs, a Muslim ethnic minority in China that has beenengaging in violent protests this year against perceiveddiscrimination.
# k3 ^8 i% T7 k( }1 D7 R$ YA Center for Expatriate Uighurs) l6 w: @! T2 h" ?5 J. k. k2 m
Several hundred Uighurs live in exile in Munich, and many of themare politically active. Munich has one of the world's largest exilecommunities of Uighurs and the World Uighur Congress is based there.The government in Beijing is interested in everything the Uighursthink, talk about or plan. The Uighurs are one of the "five poisons"the Communist government is fighting against with all the means at itsdisposal.4 u3 ]3 ?; j7 k3 s
The Federal Prosecutor's Office has discovered that the Chinesegovernment has been recruiting a number of informants to spy onMunich's Uighur community. Investigators believe that the suspectedgroup of agents is controlled from within the Munich consulate by aconsul who has been observed conducting conspirative meetings with thealleged agents. The consul himself has diplomatic immunity fromprosecution in Germany but prosecutors are investigating four of hisalleged informers. " B! U" k6 i$ H: a. C% W# H
The investigation presents yet another strain on the already tenserelationship between China and Germany. The spying activities in Munichare closely coordinated with Beijing, with the consul reportingdirectly to the homeland. The Chinese government is following everystep taken by the German government with interest.
6 t: n( ]" A5 Z3 i& u8 W( SThe rigid countermeasures taken by German officials are new. Lastyear, the Federal Prosecutor's Office established a procedure wherebyall evidence regarding suspected Chinese spying activities wascollated, but until Tuesday, no searches or arrests had been carriedout. Officials largely limited themselves to keeping a close eye onhostile behavior on the part of the Chinese government and on theextreme interest showed by consulate employees in Munich's community ofUighurs in exile., \( X  ~! y7 _( ?, ?% r& R8 U
Two years ago, the Chinese diplomat Ji Wumin, who also lived inMunich, had to leave the country after investigators observed himmeeting around a dozen times with spies who provided him withinformation about the Uighur community. Ji left before he could beexpelled.
" b1 Q. G. w2 L6 ~) o5 R$ cJi's case remains a source of tension in diplomatic relationsbetween China and Germany. Beijing would like to send Ji back toMunich, but Berlin fears that he would merely resume his previousspying activities. Tuesday's searches, however, make Ji's returnunlikely -- the consul now under investigation is Ji's officialsuccessor.
发表于 24.11.2009 16:14:16 | 只看该作者
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发表于 24.11.2009 17:01:21 | 只看该作者
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发表于 24.11.2009 17:13:58 | 只看该作者
驻外武官和经济参赞之类的都是会搞些情报收集工作,这都是不用公开的秘密。不过,德国人这么报道也显出其心 ...9 K! V% x& |0 F2 \( x
terlancetian 发表于 24.11.2009 17:01
. |0 D& `& H$ w8 ?( Z9 K& t  `* u2 K
% ~! R9 `' E/ [  U  k
' p/ s2 r2 X: m, m* r, |
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发表于 24.11.2009 20:03:43 | 只看该作者
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发表于 24.11.2009 20:06:25 | 只看该作者
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