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发表于 2.5.2004 17:32:08 | 只看该作者
和其他语言一样,英语也有取自拉丁、希腊或法文的外来语。<br><br>  外来语开始时极为生疏,但经过多次的运用,而且常常在报章杂志上出现,它们便从生疏变成熟络。<br><br>  下面便是些常见的外来语:<br><br>  (1) Entrepot: 货物集散地<br><br>Hong Kong serves as an entrepot between the East and the West.<br><br>  (2) Entente: 协议<br><br>The entente among the superpowers will make for world peace.<br><br>  (3) Rapproachement: 恢复友好关系<br><br>There has been a rapproachement between the two once hostile countries.<br><br>  (4) Prorata: 按比例<br><br>Cash allowance will be given to full-time staff on a<br><br>prorata basis.<br><br>  (5) Curriculum vitae: 履历表<br><br>Interested applicants may submit their applications with copies of curriculum vitae together with other information.&quot;(Curriculum vitae可简写为&quot;CV&quot;)。<br><br>  <!--emo&(6)--><img src='http://www.kaiyuan.org/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/devil_smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='devil_smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> En masse: 全体<br><br>Workers&#39; representatives threatened to resign en masse.<br><br> (7)Lingua franca: 共通语<br><br>As a rule, English is an accepted lingua franca for former British colonies.<br><br>  <!--emo&(8)--><img src='http://www.kaiyuan.org/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/musical_note.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='musical_note.gif' /><!--endemo--> En route: 去……途中<br><br>They stopped in Hong Kong en route from Singapore to China.<br><br>  (9) De facto: 事实上<br><br>Although David&#39;s appointment is consultant,he is de facto president of the organisation.<br><br>  (10) Coup d&#39;etat: 政变<br><br>The successful coup d&#39;etat of the military forces laid the foundation of the new regime.<br><br>  (11) A priori: 从原因推出结果<br><br>A priori reasoning involves the use of a known cause to work out the fact in a particular situation.<br><br>  (12) Raison d&#39;etre: 存在的理由<br><br>After the surrender of the terrorists,the special military army no longer had a raison d&#39;etre, so it was disbanded not long eater.<br><br>  (13) Estrit de corps: 团结精神<br><br>Our badminton team won the match through esprit de corps.<br><br>  (14)Sine qua non: 绝对必要的条件<br><br>Sugar is a sine qua non for making cakes.<br><br>  (15) Quid pro quo: 报酬<br><br>In our society, can you show me someone who won&#39;t talk about quid pro quo?<br><br>  (16) Attaché:专员<br><br>Any businessman who has business problems in a foreign country may go to see the commercial attaché of his country.<br><br>  (17) Résumé: 简历<br><br>lease return your completed application form with a résumé.<br><br>  (18) Fiancé/fiancée: 未婚夫/妻<br><br>In Singapore, a fiancé and a fiancée can jointly apply for a government flat.<br><br>  (19) Laissez-faire: 放任主义<br><br><!--emo&(i)--><img src='http://www.kaiyuan.org/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/lightbulb.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='lightbulb.gif' /><!--endemo--> Western countries advocate laissez-faire capitalism.<br><br>(ii) It is inadvisable for parents to adopt a <br><br>laissez-faire attitude towards their children without suitable supervision and guidance.<br><br>[e手术台答案]<br><br>1.There are three errors :<br><br>(1) its joints→whose joints <br><br>(2) at pain→at pains<br><br>(3) now dozed and now nibbled→now dozing and nibbing<br><br>2.There are three errors:<br><br>(1) idled→idle<br><br>(2) raining days→rainy days<br><br>(3) of services →of service<br><br>3.There are three errors:<br><br>(1) cling with→cling to <br><br>(2) cattles→cattle<br><br>(3) form→make<br><br>
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