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发表于 7.6.2006 20:55:49 | 只看该作者
GREEN-PLANET参加欧盟环境活动——GreenWeek2006&quot;绿周&quot; <br /> <br />绿色行星中华环保社代表于5月29日至6月2日参加了布鲁塞尔由欧盟环境委员会主办的2006年环保绿周活动,期间以报告和书面形式介绍和宣传我社,同时与欧盟主要环保组织讨论对GreenPlanet环保社支持等方面的事宜,引起欧盟官员和学术研究机构以及其他环保组织对中国环保运动的兴趣和关注。<br /><br />环保社理事会将于与支持和协助环保社会员积极参与所有环保活动。<br /><br />本次参会经费部分由欧盟有关组织赞助,特此表示感谢。<br /><br />欧盟绿周活动的具体内容参照如下。<br />Green Week 2006 - Biodiversity is life - conference programme<br />Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is the rich variety of species, ecosystems and genes that forms the web of life on which we all depend.<br /><br />Europe hosts a unique set of natural diversity. However, loss of biodiversity has accelerated to an unprecedented level, both in Europe and worldwide. The main causes of biodiversity loss are well known. The principal cause is the destruction, degradation and fragmentation of wildlife habitats. Other pressures include over-exploitation of certain species, the spread of invasive alien species and pollution. These direct pressures reflect a range of underlying driving forces, including demographic changes, economic and sector development, technology and social and cultural factors.<br /><br />The EU&#39;s leaders agreed in 2001 to halt the loss of biodiversity in the EU by 2010 and to restore habitats and natural systems.<br /><br />The timescale for delivering on this commitment has now reached the halfway mark. However, the decline is continuing and is far from halted. The Green Week 2006 conference programme therefore looks at key aspects of EU biodiversity policy and potential approaches for strengthening cooperation with stakeholders to ensure the 2010 target is reached. The programme is structured around four main strands:<br /><br /> <br />

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 楼主| 发表于 7.6.2006 20:59:30 | 只看该作者
上图右为本次国际活动的最高官员——欧盟委员会环境总司司长Mr. Staros Dimas<br /><br />左为道法自然 <!--emo&:blush:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blush.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='blush.gif' /><!--endemo-->
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 楼主| 发表于 7.6.2006 21:05:31 | 只看该作者
<b>如何报名参加GreenPlanet中华环保联谊社 </b><br /> <br /><i><b>very simple&#33;&#33;</b></i><br /><br />欢迎报名参加GREEN-PLANET绿色行星-国际中华环保社<br /> <br />请Email如下资料至lidongdao@yahoo.com或henianchen@hotmail.com:<br /> <br />1. 姓名NAME<br />2. 性别GENDER<br />3. 出生日期BIRTH-DATE<br />4. 出生地点BIRTH-PLACE<br />5. 国籍NATIONALITY<br />6. 学历学位EDUCATION-BACKGROUND<br />7. 学习或工作单位INSTITUTE<br />8. 所在国家和地区RESIDENCE<br />9. 联络电话TELEPHONE-FAX<br />10. 电子邮箱E-MAIL<br />11. 推荐人(会员编号)REFERRER (Member No.) (亦可用上列Email作为介绍人)<br />12. 简单介绍—关于个人,GreenPlanet环保社和中国环保运动的认识和设想。<br /> <br />报名者通常在接到Email报名一周内得到GPC环保社会员编号,其将作为会员身份、推荐新会员、参加环保活动和累计环保积分使用。<br /> <br />在每个会员地区将设联络人和联络站,会员超过7人以上将授权设立分社。分社根据规模可申请注册和独立经费而展开活动。通过会员环保积分累计达到资格者有环保总社奖励和培训。<br /> <br />加入GPC环保社的会员请及时参与邮件组的信息交流活动。<br /> <br /> <br />加入GreenPlanet环保社,她将成为你的社团——<br />推荐新会员本身就是宣传环保理念。<br />培养个人环保的良好习惯就是最基本的环保活。<br />关注中国环保问题就是我们环保的出发点。<br />交流环保信息就是环保的学习教育和宣传方式。<br />出谋划策为你的环保组织贡献力量。<br />组织环保活动培养个人领导和管理能力。<br />参与建设GreenPlanet环保社,你的环保朋友将遍布天下!<br />团结联系世界的环保华人,中国的环保运动将势不可挡!<br /> <br />
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 楼主| 发表于 7.6.2006 21:11:02 | 只看该作者
1。会场入口和安检<br />2。会址大楼(欧盟会议中心)<br />

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 楼主| 发表于 7.6.2006 21:14:40 | 只看该作者
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