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发表于 24.8.2003 13:33:49 | 只看该作者
<br><span style='color:blue'>---By Ogden Nash(1902-1971)<br><br>Translated by 金舟</span><br><br>章鱼<br><br>告诉我,啊章鱼,我恳求你,<br>那些东西是腿,还是手臂?<br>我对你倍感好奇,章鱼;<br>如果我是你,我会用我们称呼自己。<br><br><br>The Octopus<br><br>Tell me, O Octopus, I begs, <br>is those things arms, or is they legs?<br>I marvel at thee, Octopus;<br>If I were thou, I’d call me Us.<br><br><br>蚂蚁<br><br>那蚂蚁通过不懈的辛劳勤奋<br>已使得它自己杰出辉煌。<br>那又怎样?<br>如果你被装满了蚁酸<br>难道还会平静安详?<br><br><br>The Ant <br><br>The ant has made himself illustrious <br>Through constant industry industrious. <br>So what?? <br>Would you be calm and placid <br>If you were full of formic acid? <br><br><br>杜鹃<br><br>杜鹃过着放荡不羁的生活,<br>它们不能作为丈夫和老婆,<br>因而它们冷嘲热讽<br>诋毁每个人的婚姻生活。<br><br>The Cuckoo <br><br>Cuckoos lead Bohemian lives, <br>They fail as husbands and as wives, <br>Therefore they cynically disparage <br>Everybody else&#39;s marriage.<br><br><br>鸭子<br><br>瞧那只鸭子。<br>它并不蠢笨。<br>少了个笨蛋。<br>它呱呱乱叫。<br>它特别喜欢<br>一个水坑或池塘。<br>当它进食或饮水,<br>屁股翘起朝上。<br><br><br>The Duck <br><br>Behold the duck. <br>It does not cluck. <br>A cluck it lacks. <br>It quacks. <br>It is specially fond <br>Of a puddle or pond. <br>When it dines or sups, <br>It bottoms ups. <br><br><br>鳗鱼<br><br>我不在意鳗鱼<br>除了作为膳食。<br><br>The Eel <br><br>I don&#39;t mind eels <br>Except as meals.<br><br><br>白蚁<br><br>一些最初的白蚁敲击木头并品尝,<br>然后发觉味道好香!<br>而那就是你的远亲<br>今天砍穿客厅地板的原因。<br><br><br>The Termite <br><br>Some primal termite knocked on wood <br>And tasted it, and found it good&#33; <br>And that is why your Cousin May <br>Fell through the parlor floor today. <br><br><br><br><br><br>细菌<br><br>一个巨大的生物是细菌<br>虽说小于厚脸皮的人。<br>他习惯居住的地方<br>就在人类的内里纵深。<br>他孩子般地自鸣得意<br>常常高兴给人们怪病顽疾。<br>我的乖乖,你是否感觉体弱<br>你大概就含有一个细菌。<br><br><br>The Germ <br><br>A mighty creature is the germ, <br>Though smaller than the pachyderm. <br>His customary dwelling place <br>Is deep within the human race. <br>His childish pride he often pleases <br>By giving people strange diseases. <br>Do you, my poppet, feel infirm? <br>You probably contain a germ. <br><br><br><br><br>我的梦<br><br>这是我的梦,<br>它是我自己的梦,<br>我梦到了它。<br>我梦到了我的头发梳理整洁。<br>然后我梦到我爱人蓬乱的头发。<br><br><br>My Dream<br><br>This is my dream, <br>It is my own dream, <br>I dreamt it. <br>I dreamt that my hair was kempt. <br>Then I dreamt that my true love unkempt it.<br><br><br>荧火虫<br><br>荧火虫的光焰<br>是没有学名的东西<br>我想不出什么比它<br>周围带着一种未知的光亮<br>飞在一个人后面更可怕。<br><br><br>The Firefly<br><br>The firefly&#39;s flame <br>Is something for which science has no name <br>I can think of nothing eerier <br>Than flying around with an unidentified glow on a <br>person&#39;s posteerier.<br><br><br>苍蝇<br><br>上帝以其智慧造了苍蝇<br>然后却忘了告诉我们为什么。<br><br><br>The Fly<br><br>God in his wisdom made the fly<br>And then forgot to tell us why.<br><br>
发表于 24.8.2003 14:40:31 | 只看该作者
发表于 25.8.2003 23:45:10 | 只看该作者
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