事情其实不大,但是在我们还在为德煤不实报道而愤慨的时候,我们专业(FH Deggendorf-International management )发起了向四川灾区捐款的倡议,倡议如下:<br><pre>Dear IM students,<br>there has been a recent earthquake in china that was devastating. the<br>earthquake was of 7.9 magnitude and killed 34,073 and injured 245,108. In<br>Sichuan province, the worst affected, more than 9,500 are still buried in<br>collapsed buildings and 29,418 people are missing.<br>it is the deadliest to hit the country in 32 years!<br>these people need our help. we studying IM are an international community<br>and it is our responsibility to lend a hand to those in desperate need. we<br>would be the first university in germany to my knowledge to help out in<br>such a disaster.<br>every 60 euros can help provide the basic needs of survival for a person<br>for a month!<br>please donate as much money as you can, if we each donate a minimum of 5<br>euros, we can help many people start up again and try to rebuild their<br>lives.<br>the money will be sent to a fellow IM student Mark Ngauv on his internship<br>in china who will give it to the right organisations that will distribute<br>it to the people.<br>they are counting on us to help!<br>if you are willing to donate please write back to<br><a href="https://svr-mail.fh-deggendorf.de/squirrelmail/src/compose.php?send_to=sereen.braun%40stud.fh-deggendorf.de">sereen.braun@stud.fh-deggendorf.de</a><br>thank you!!</pre>看到后有些感动,至少让我知道,德国人民并没有像媒体一样冷视我国的这次灾难。<br>为我们的祖国祈祷,为在这次灾难中失去了生命的人们哀悼~<br> |