本帖最后由 dahuludekeai 于 13.4.2010 23:15 编辑
你可以说:没有国家是完美的。No country is perfect!
你们印度完美吗?is India perfect?
你自己没看过电影《贫民区的百万富翁》吧?Didn't u see the movie "Slumdog Millionaire"?
印度教徒要杀穆斯林,穆斯林又报复印度教徒!Hindus kill Muslin, later, Muslin take revenge!
你就是印度人,你是什么种姓的?u r indian, so would u pls tell me which caste u belong to???
你们印度社会有着世界上最残酷和最邪恶的种姓制度,贱民因此受到很多不公正的待遇然后逃到了别的国家。ur society has the evil caste system, don't you no that? That's why so many untouchable people escape to other countries if they can, because your society doesn't have the justice.
除了上帝,没有任何人是完美的;同样的,除了天堂,没有任何地方是完美的。所以,请成熟些!任何硬币都有两面,睁开眼睛看看你们的国家哦。中国不完美,印度也不完美!after got, no one is perfect, similarly, after heaven, no place is perfect......so....pls be mature, grow up...open ur eyes to see the both sides of a coin. I know china is not perfect, but neither india!!! |