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发表于 4.4.2008 08:53:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
http://www.popyard.com/cgi-mod/newspage.cgi?num=182293&;r=0&v=0 ! @* e5 I# h y" c 3 I& a" V }5 c$ M& x1 F* C+ U/ z一些同胞把反驳西方同事同学藏独事情登在网上,我看之后,感觉偏于被动,如果只是对方提出指责,我们辩解,有点象审判.总是被动挨打的感觉.特提点建议,有力有礼的反驳对手. 对德国人:要直接往衲粹上扯,衲粹和西藏有密切关系,当年希特勒对西藏有特殊兴趣,和他的种族主义观点有密切联系.这是德国的软勒.要毫不留情的捅上去.笑眯眯地告诉他,你理解德国对西藏的关心,再解释一下"历史渊源".和德国文化再拉拉勾,那样就不是你辩解,你可以微笑着看德国人满头大汗地解释. - A! d# t5 ]* s% V- T" l4 a% W& j 对英国人: 要往贩卖黑奴,种族清洗,殖民历史上扯,直接告诉他,英国人没有资格谈西藏人权,因为奴隶贩子殖民帝国后代谈民族压迫.很滑稽. : U6 o: U; g. Z/ Q- }: P0 B对美国人: 要笑眯眯地告诉他,中国人没有想他们那样种族灭绝印第按人,所以才有西藏问题,我们没有美国那么文明,要向他们学习.特别是留几个印第按人活口建保留地,展示人权. / K% P, H+ S1 X 对法国人: 要和他们谈殖民历史,谈西嘉岛独立,特别是因种族歧视引起的城市暴乱问题.这次法国内政部长对此问题的态度,说明他是法国人的软肋,要无情地狠狠得划一刀,再撒盐. % j$ ~( @" A% r9 X总的感觉就是,咱们不能被动辩解,要主动出击,对西方历史的现实的问题来个总暴露,他打他的,我打我的.不要跟着他转.抢回主动权.
发表于 6.4.2008 09:23:52 | 只看该作者
我并不认为这样是解决问题的方法. 反而会使人家觉得我们很无赖. 现在愤慨我们也愤慨了, 游行也游行了. 对于那些外国人,我们的态度应该是首先抵制反击媒体的歪曲报道,并且告诉那些说三道四的德国人,不管西藏发生了什么,既然它是中国的一部分,就应该由我们自己想办法解决,不关他们的事.他们要是真想帮助,也应该首先了解些中国方面的观点. - b" C" t- g& t/ ~! ]( D但是更重要的是我们应该自己好好反思一下我们在西藏问题上的是与非,想想怎么解决这个来源以久的问题.这个才是最重要的.共产党,甚至汉人这五十几年来在西藏干的事情,也并非只是修铁路和盖学校而已。 8 T# J! q9 l8 ^$ ?" ~' ]) d跟外国人对骂,揭人家的短根本不是解决问题的最终方式.再说人家一句话就给你顶回来了.你说的那都是历史,人类社会是不断进步的.当然是有独裁到民主,血腥到文明.你说的都是半个世纪甚至更久以前的事了,现在人家民主文明了.况且你这不是拿我们国家的现在和他们那些无赖的时候比,不是自己扇自己巴掌吗.8 }' o7 B& i6 S9 I% D5 e 我没有恶意,lz也是爱国,我只是觉得这种方式不能解决问题,还会显示我们非常偏激。
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发表于 4.4.2008 16:58:45 | 只看该作者
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发表于 4.4.2008 14:57:23 | 只看该作者
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发表于 4.4.2008 14:17:41 | 只看该作者
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发表于 4.4.2008 11:18:01 | 只看该作者
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发表于 4.4.2008 09:51:28 | 只看该作者
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发表于 4.4.2008 09:34:59 | 只看该作者
太偏激了吧 我们不愿意被伤害 怎么就可以去伤害别人 己所不欲勿施于人
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 楼主| 发表于 4.4.2008 09:05:22 | 只看该作者

1939 Nazi German Expedition to Tibet

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_German_expedition_to_Tibet$ o2 h8 |8 s" y' \ % p, q; n- R1 Z/ T+ ~ ; s" a2 V3 ^2 x+ s8 E- t& L. Z1 D; ]1 n$ W+ \+ R' n o The 1939 German Expedition to Tibet was an August 1939 SS expedition to Tibetan territory under the sponsorship of the Third Reich. 6 {& P; K: i* R; TOn September 29, this group had been observed by the British authorities in India. The SS unit included Heinrich Harrer and was guided by Ernst Schäfer, an Ahnenerbe Institute member and SS commander. Coincidentally, the Japanese ordered Kwantung Army agents to arrive in Tibet and Xinjiang to research the country and make contact with the inhabitants. [% k9 ~9 l7 `; u. o Harrer, an expert alpinist, was a member of the SS Alpine unit. The unit practised on the Eiger mountain in Switzerland in 1938. When the group returned to Germany, Hitler met with them. (This SS unit also climbed the Elburz mountain in the Caucasus and raised a Swastika flag on the summit in 1942 during the Eastern Front Campaign. It has been suggested that Himmler ordered the Elburz expedition because it was sacred to the Aryan Gods in ancient Persian cults.) : N/ Q* ~) s9 r( Z# ^. f) iOther experts in the field such as Otto Rahn knew about the Tibet expedition. Others including Rudolph Hess, Vacher von Lapouge, Horbiger, Sievers, Oberth and Hielscher ordered an in-depth research into ancient Runic and Sanskrit texts, in hope of finding ancient powers related in legends.5 R0 U7 w2 f( U7 ], S3 ^ The official plan of the expedition included research on thelandforms, climate, geography, and culture of the region, andcontacting the local authorities for the establishment ofrepresentation in country. However the real (and undercover) objectivesspecially ordered by Himmler were: . S Q. P# p% U3 L. g* U
  • To obtain documents and texts relating to Tibetan Vajrayana (Diamond Way) Buddhism and knowledge of paranormal powers;
  • To measure the skulls of living Tibetans to determine if they were related to the original Aryans, which were believed by the Nazi to have migrated from Atlantis.
  • To establish ways to contact the Shambhala Tibetan Mythical kingdom;
  • To establish links with followers of the pre-Buddhist Bön and Dugpa religions;
  • To enable some SS personnel to receive the Kalachakra Tantra ceremony; it is supposed Schäfer or some other members of the group also received such a ceremony;
  • To contact an envoy from Tibet, one Tulpa or Tulku, as special incarnation, for aiding the Führer in his special function as spiritual leader of the Aryan cause. (In 1923, Houston Stewart Chamberlain recalled after an encounter with the future German leader in Bayreuth,"Hitler was a spirit awakener, the vehicle of messianic powers... herewas the new leader sent by God to the German people in their hourmoment of most need".)
The early Bön and Dugpa believers were regarded as the "Masters of the World" and were supposed to have both brain control and mass control powers, black magic, and telepathy. They also introduced concepts such as "sub-race", "main race", "coming race", "supermen" or "sixth main race". Such terms, similar to the teachings of Theosophy and further outlined in Ariosophy, were also used by the Nazis in their "Fire and Ice" doctrine and both cults used the swastika in a left orientation (Sauwastika), similar to the Nazi use of this symbol. 4 p( C1 E6 B8 g6 H4 mAlso relevant are certain occult Hitler spiritual advisors pertaining to "Order of Green Dragon", linked with "Seventy Two Unknown Superiors of Seth"./ y. w. f+ |$ r( ~% M& w Members of the expedition returned to Germany with a complete edition of the Tibetan sacred text the Kangyur (108 volumes), examples of Mandala, other ancient texts, and one alleged document regarding the Aryan Race. These documents were kept in Ahnenerbe archives, with others being kept by Hitler and Himmler in the Reichstag bunker.) ?2 ~" T: ^& S The group of five researchers and twenty selected SS guards intended to contact the Dalai Lama and visit the sacred cities of Lhasa and Shigatse. Even with wartime difficulties the group was able to contact the Tibetan authorities and people. (Other Nazi representatives contacted Xinjiangpeoples for support with the political cause in same period.) Thereexist some photos taken from the expedition of Harrer, Schäfer andcolleagues with Tibetan dignitaries in a room decorated with black and white SS banners, Swastika and Tibetan flags. Others show Schäfer with the Potala Palace in the background, and Harrer and other group members undertaking research in the Tibetan mountains.0 i3 v" C" t* |+ t: G It is claimed that a Tibetan SS horsemen unit fought alongside other SS foreign units on the southern sector of the Eastern Front, and that the Russians found some corpses of Tibetan and Hindu monks in a bunker unearthed in Ahnenerbe installations in Berlin.5 y5 q4 d: |9 g" R In August 1939, Harrer awaited orders to return to Nanga Parbat, one of highest Indian mountains, as part of the German research group. They discovered other new ways to raise and in Karachi awaited the vessel for recovered this group.; T: |- M9 `: Y4 r4 \ Heinrich Harrerand his group were captured by British forces in October of 1939 andescaped from jail. He was later recaptured and escaped from his captorsagain. Harrer arrived alone in Tibet on May 17, 1944, thanks to other German representatives why if maintaining in Lhasa can to contacted with proper Dalai Lama for himself maintaining in same country until the Chinese Communist invasion. Some evidence of this expedition was kept in the National Archives of Washington D.C.' J& L8 l/ ^9 U; {9 ]6 C) f Karl Haushofer personally organised various expeditions to Asia, amongst ordered to arriving at Berlin at Ahnenerbe HQ. at Tibetan and Hindu initiates was burnt during the final stage of conflict. The Red Army encountered the corpses and submitted them for autopsy, but did not publish the results. The Soviet researchers of Atlantis, Gorbusky and Novikov, only are to access at minimal portion of Third Reich archives kept in Leningrad (now St Petersburg) and Moscow, they show that Soviet forces were the first to enter the AhnenerbeInstitute building and left tons of assorted documents from Berlin; butif evident are banned the seeing of confiscated material. * a7 p1 g% H3 Q& E' `Alliedforces reported the encounter in the last stages of the war in one setof flight documents and charts related to the flight plan of the fourengine bomber Heinkel He 277. Apparently the aircraft departed from Salzburg, Austria with selected Nazi personnel in April 1945; its destination being a Far East mountainous area, possibly Tibet. Other sources comment that such a flight was similar to a legend told by Otto Rahn in 1931, related by one Languedoc peasant: "All Cathars perished in fire, except Esclarmonde de Foix, who, after knowing the Holy Grail was safe, left the mountain transformed into a white dove to fly to Farway Asian mountains" `* A- q2 `/ ^7 n 0 N% V: {( ]+ I7 o+ }[edit] References
  • Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, The Morning of the Magicians, Stein & Day, New York,1960.
  • Spanish Review Año Cero (Year Zero), article "Nazi Occultist in Tibet" by Ernesto Mila, year VIII (N°89), Vol 12-0298-89, Editorial America Iberica
  • Jean Robin, Hitler l'Élu du dragon: reinaissance du nazisme ésoterique, Editions de la Maisnie, France (1°edition), 1987
  • David Hatcher Childress, Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria & the Pacific, Chapter 1: "Lost Lemuria: Legends of an Ancient Land" (pp. 9-28), Adventures Unlimited Press, 1988.
  • Alexandra David-Neel, Mystics and Magicians of Tibet, 1929.
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