本帖最后由 弗莱堡学生会 于 17.2.2016 17:46 编辑 1 I1 R% d9 O/ Y# D5 N s3 j" g4 q$ n
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Project INTERPROF-TECH:international professionals for Baden-Württemberg (IT, electrical engineering,mechatronics, automation engineering and energy engineering) " d$ h+ d3 E8 m6 i e
BEN Europe is an Institute forprofessional mobility, integration of international professionals in Germanyand welcome and integration culture. The work of BEN Europe-Institutecontributes to the development of the European educational, cultural andeconomic area. We build bridges for skilled workers and companies betweenGermany and Europe.
$ }7 U Q6 }3 ~% U" W) aThe Project INTERPROF-TECH (IncomingProfessionals) is part of the network IQ Baden-Württemberg (IQ: Integrationthrough Training) and is financed by the theFederal Ministry of Labour andSocial Affairs, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the FederalEmployment Agency. The goal of this project is to build integrational bridgesin Germany. We accompany international skilled workers at their sustainableintegration in Germany and help them to settle in and to network.
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1 z' C8 `; s. ]5 v& f" f0 M详情请参考: http://bridge4professionals.de/en/ |