信茂国际搬家公司,在上海、北京、广州及国内多个城市设立分公司,是国内致力于提供全方位国内物流服务和国际物流服务的先驱企业之一。过去的几年间我们为驻中国的外国使领馆外交人员、国际商人、三资企业外国人、留学生、移民人士或游客的私人物品国际搬迁提供服务,积累了丰富的操作经验。公司获得了ISO9000国际质量管理体系认证证书,之后又成功地通过了国际搬运行业协会的质量审核,成为国内较早一家获得此行业质量认证的企业。 我们的服务对象: ★使领馆工作人员及家属 ★外籍在华工作人员及家属 ★外国留学生、广大移民人士 ★留学生、国际商人、游客等 我们的服务内容: ★家庭、私人物品国际(跨国)运输; ★货物专业包装; ★进出口报关、清关; ★国际、国内、市内搬家; ★大面积办公室搬迁; ★古旧家具、工艺品运输; ★仓储及其他物流服务 无论是您的私人行李物品,还是货物的进出口;无论您是需要陆运、海运还是空运;无论您是需要整箱还是拼箱,信茂都将为您提供专业的海关法律、法规及有关手续的咨询和专业的国际运输全程服务。 质量,效率,人才——信茂国际搬家的核心价值 ShanghaiTrust Mover has established in Shanghai and withbranches in all major cities in China.We are one of the pioneers that are dedicated to providing comprehensiveinternational and domestic household goods moving services. Our professionalservices are specialized for consulate staff, foreign businessman, expatriatesand Chinese immigrants. Trust Move has acquired ISO 9001 certificate and also aquality member of organization of the IAM which is one of the earliestcompanies that are granted the certificate from the IAM. Our majorclient: ★ Consulatestaff ★ Foreignexpatriates ★ Foreignstudents and immigrants ★ Businessmenand tourists Ourservices: ★ Family,household goods international moving services ★Professional packing services ★Inbound/Outbound customs clearance ★International, domestic and local moving services ★ Officemove ★ Finearts moving services ★ Storageand other related moving services No matter it ishousehold goods or goods import/export; no matter you need in-land, ocean orair transportation; no matter you need full container or partial shipment,Trust Mover will always assist you with professional customs regulations,procedures and door to door moving services. Quality, Efficiency, Talent —— Shanghai Trust Mover`s Core Value! 联系人:高小姐/sunny
1 p, i* C" }# ?, s$ Y( [# Q手机:15683720558、023-67170855+ o6 f7 o9 ~0 J7 |' g; n q
' A: E+ R. n8 q) n" h# ]: K电子邮箱:sunny@trustmover.com.cn/chongqing@trustmover.com
[* t# e' ?2 W. W$ |1 N+ W公司网址:www.trustmover.com.cn/www.trustmover.com
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