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发表于 29.6.2003 13:51:53 | 只看该作者
<span style='color:purple'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES 印欧语系 </span></span><br><br>The Indo-European of languages is the world’s largest, embracing most of the languages of Europe, America, and much of Asia. It includes the two great classical Germanic languages such as English, German, Dutch, and Swedish; the Romance languages such as Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese; the Celtic languages such as Welsh and Gaelic; the Slavic languages such as Russian, languages, Lithuanian and Latvian; the Iranian languages such as Sanskrit and Hindi; and other miscellaneous languages such as Albanian and Armenian. In Europe only Basque, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Turkish, and a few languages of Russia are not of this family; the others have apparently all descended from an original parent tongue.<br><br>印欧语系是世界上最大的语系,它包括了欧洲、美洲的大部分语言和亚洲的许多语言。它包括两大最古典的语言,拉丁语和希腊语;日耳曼语族诸如英语、德语、荷兰语和瑞典语;罗曼语族如意大利语、法语、西班牙语和葡萄牙语;凯尔特语族如威尔士语和盖尔语;斯拉夫语族如俄语、波兰语、捷克语和塞尔维亚一克罗地亚语;波罗的海语族如立陶宛语和拉脱维亚语;伊朗语族如波斯语和普什图语;印度语族如梵语和印地语;另外还有其它各种语族如阿尔巴尼亚语和亚美尼亚语。在欧洲只有巴斯克语、芬兰语、爱沙尼亚语、匈牙利语、土耳其语和俄罗斯的几种语言不属于印欧语系,其它语言显然由一种母语派生而来。 <br><br>  Who were the original Indo-Europeans and when and where did they live? The general consensus is that the original Indo-European civilization developed somewhere in eastern Europe about 3000 B. C. About 2500 B. C. it broke up; the people left their homeland and migrated in many different directions. Some moved into Greece, others made their way into Italy, others moved through Central Europe until they ultimately reached the British Isles. Another division headed northward into Russia, while still another branch crossed Iran and Afghanistan and eventually reached India. Wherever they settled, the Indo-Europeans appear to have overcome the existing population and imposed their language upon them.<br><br>  谁是最早的印欧人?他们生在何时,住在何地?普遍的看法是,大约公元前30O0年在东欧某部份产生了原始印欧文明。大约在公元前2500年,该文明就分散了;人们离开家园,向四方迁移。一些人移居到希腊,另一些人进入了意大利,还有一些人穿过欧洲中部最终到达不列颠群岛。另外有一部分人向北进入了俄罗斯,还有一部分人穿过伊朗和阿富汗,最终到达了印度。无论印欧人在何处定居,他们似乎都胜过了当地人,对他们强制推行了自己的语言。 <br><br>
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