这个就是跟我买的一样的哈,,第3方责任险我怎么是需要另外买的呀。。。。 ...' N' X6 i9 V0 d( v! u- i$ g2 S
waterwasser 发表于 13.7.2010 14:51 1 j2 i! ~) Q) Q' e, j, {/ i% t
) t8 s; N% w x5 j; Q; p; h8 N
: k5 J) `, s. u- w' h! ^ 这个我不知道也,这5个人都顺利回国了,中间没有遇到什么不幸的事情,所以我也没有找过保险公司
+ Z P% ]% m' F8 W3 [合同上写的是
( w; X: @; x0 A5 P1 b$ vThe following conditions apply/ L' u+ f* c! i8 \ q0 y
EUROPE-CARE is a combination of legally independent insurance contracts. The health insurance policy is based" r& X! q- [% g) K
on the General Insurance Conditions Tarif AVB-ARK 2008, Tarif Visitor and the Special Insurance Conditions% a9 u) Z. J$ N& f+ N" s- a4 f
EUROPE-CARE-VISITOR (2008) of Central Krankenversicherung AG Köln. The liability insurance policy is based
3 u, H% M8 ?& E& J, n1 U2 P* Con the General Liability Insurance Conditions (AHB 2008), the accident insurance policy is based on the General
8 h# T( |* n+ b$ BAccident Insurance Conditions (AUB 2008) and the Special Liability and Accident Insurance Conditions
. F) B* \' o- h8 _( G/ F2 x( v8 sEUROPE-CARE (2008) of Generali Versicherung AG.- U7 m( W0 f# l7 _
f4 a& x2 C& \8 u
- k% \9 E0 K& Q f7 u- N没有说要加钱呀???我是3个月前买的。 难道现在规矩改了?? |