佛教 Buddhism
佛法 BuddhaDhamma
达摩 Dharma
retaining its own nature,such that it can be recognized
正觉 enlightenment
等觉或遍觉 erfect enlightenment
supreme or paramount enlingtenment
All living beings have Buddha-nature ,everyone with the Buddha-nuture may attain Buddhahood.
缘起 dependent origination
八正道 the Noble Eightfold Path
不变的“我”,恒常的我 the self-same manner
明缘起,即明佛法 One who discerns dependent origination discerns the Dhamma
十二因缘 the twelve-linked causal formula
因果律 the causal principle
Whenever A is present , B is present ; whenever A is absent , B is absent. Therefore , from
the arising of A, B arises; from the cessation of A , B ceases.
Sumeru 须弥山(位于世界的中心)
Sentient beings有情众生
Bodhisattva 菩萨
Metteyya 弥勒菩萨 未来佛,现在在兜率天宫住。
Tusita deva-world 兜率天 |