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慕尼黑英语角 *** munich english corner ***

发表于 13.4.2008 15:42:23 | 只看该作者
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发表于 14.4.2008 11:59:34 | 只看该作者


中国人在一起说反而可以自由大胆,不害怕。。。。。4 W- m! u1 g E/ J% W/ F6 Q 9 ~2 P0 ?/ f* u! |: @最好每周有个不同的论题,比如这周日讨论西藏问题, 可以分成2队进行辩论。。。。如果组织的好的话,以后可以举行各种各样的派队,比赛等等。 K( H z& }2 M4 s+ P 6 D( d7 D2 ]! `0 q ; P; {4 f3 a+ P# V$ n 另外最好周日吧,因为本周6很多人要去柏林游行,天气好的话可以在公园。。。。3 s, P! B: G. P' j% i % G1 |5 o$ T4 p 我希望这个周日。
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 楼主| 发表于 14.4.2008 18:25:42 | 只看该作者
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发表于 14.4.2008 18:51:40 | 只看该作者
既然kruemmel 都报名了,那我也报吧...
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发表于 14.4.2008 23:22:53 | 只看该作者
学联不是说给个地方么,等他的好消息了。。, m5 [. l+ l: W f; Z3 r a 最好是不花钱的。。。。
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发表于 15.4.2008 10:28:53 | 只看该作者
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发表于 15.4.2008 10:32:14 | 只看该作者
i might be able to join you again this weekend. not sure yet
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 楼主| 发表于 15.4.2008 13:14:58 | 只看该作者
学联刚和我MSN上聊了一下, 关于英语角地点问题想和我们这些英语角的人协商一下, 英语角是自发性质的, 所以不可能人人都去和学生会碰头, 但还是需要多一些人出头来调节. 不能因为一个或几个人有其他事情不能来, 英语角就进行不下去. 所以还请这里热心的朋友, 如果时间允许的话, 能多些人一起去比较好, 毕竟人多可以集思广益, 也可以更好的和学联沟通, 更有效的把信息传递给其他人., D2 f0 H5 G: P5 t% H) | b2 J& R0 ]( g & n' c- L: e+ ~' R我会去的, 另外如果还有谁有兴趣和学联碰头的, 请告诉我或者跟贴, 时间是这个周五6点以后或者周末什么时候, 我们定时间, 然后我去联系他们.
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发表于 15.4.2008 16:53:11 | 只看该作者
if there is real enthusiam for this language group, we could consider and discuss about the way we're gona continue with it." r$ g+ W m% A& ?- V 9 J w3 c+ H, X, kI think one of the best ways to practise or improve english is to make presentations and discuss on a certain topic using that language. , K# s6 S& [" |% X; |) m3 r! _! ^( Z If there are other people that are in favor the idea, I suggest we meet in a seminar room every weekend(or anytime appropriate) and have a certain amount of time to make presentations and have discussions. Afterwards we can go somewhere else together to have some fun. : f( Q8 X7 |2 W. L8 Q) T 9 e+ Q( z2 \8 A1 O0 p2 j For each session we meet, there can be a moderator who introduces the presentations and guides the disscussions during and afterwards, several presentors who talk on their prepared topics. In the end of the meeting we should also decide a moderator and presentors for next round. As of the possible topics that we can talk about, i think there's no restrictions on it. we can talk about a travel, cities that you've visited, a thought or a belief, a subject related to your study or a project the you are working on, anything we like. If later there are people passionate for discussing business topics, we can also try some cases. well, it's quite resillient how we do it. - o% y7 s; R3 j6 n5 _ " _" G2 ~1 p: X Y7 KA room or the like is out of the problem, the only thing that matters is whether there're a good bunch of people who really want to self-learn by learning together.1 b6 d8 L" M8 m# d * D( f$ w5 ^# M; x! l[ 本帖最后由 蓝海长尾 于 15.4.2008 18:23 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 16.4.2008 12:45:33 | 只看该作者
和学联碰头的时间定在周日(20号)下午两点准时, 地点还是先在 marienplatz 那个喷泉碰头, 之后再说去哪里. - u$ n/ }; d0 ]- i2 g: v$ ~ @8 {3 L s 学联能支持英语角并且提供地点是好事, 接下来就看大家对学习英语的热情有多高了. 8 W' Q) o* e% L3 V& ^9 b0 U: y4 w" b1 Q P6 ~0 [" {; E! c" y 周日下午两点和学联的碰头后, 直接开始本周的英语角活动. 欢迎大家踊跃参加.
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