楼主: yuankai
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慕尼黑英语角 *** munich english corner ***

发表于 17.5.2008 18:29:52 | 只看该作者


地址在 1977。9 r) G7 z! ?" p 就是9号楼,1层(中国2层),77房间(比较不常见的编号方法)! H$ `3 S0 W+ D2 o/ i3 Q. R. s . s% R0 Z% K j# A j- X; b: k 9号楼就是Audimax的楼,也就是图书馆内门对面,银白金属色的楼。9号楼入前有一个小广场,入口旁边有一些长凳和桌子。
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发表于 17.5.2008 18:36:04 | 只看该作者

2008年5月18日英语角地址 (2)

在TUM主校区,U2的Theresienstr. 下车,向东约400米,过2个十字路口到Arcisstr. ,在向右转就是Arcisstr. 21号 / r& U( V2 q7 P1 ?2 g6 r7 h2 a# V1 Q 0 G R# U% F4 t# e周日只有Arcisstr. 21号的门开放。从门卫旁边的门进入。一般门卫不会问, 如果门卫有询问,就说来参加English Corner. 穿过走廊与图书馆大厅就来到院子中,就看到了Audimax的9号楼。
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发表于 19.5.2008 22:27:50 | 只看该作者
刚刚才看到这个帖子,真的很不错~ ' m8 w& ]& X5 t" c- O如果这个周日有活动,我也参加:)
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 楼主| 发表于 20.5.2008 10:52:27 | 只看该作者
原帖由 tiara 于 19.5.2008 23:27 发表 % x/ r9 Z9 ^, P# X$ M* G刚刚才看到这个帖子,真的很不错~ : J* h: o, R/ H' g/ b9 @/ R& V& Q1 R如果这个周日有活动,我也参加:)
+ p! i _5 H) E3 N/ Q * }: q( O% g+ c. g: ]欢迎欢迎
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发表于 22.5.2008 19:37:11 | 只看该作者
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发表于 22.5.2008 20:23:00 | 只看该作者

Corner about earth quake in Si Chuan China on 18th.May

I would like to thank all the members who took part in last Corner about earth quake in Si Chuan China on 18th.May, especially to those 2 new cute friends!! H3 {! S$ B1 e" O1 U 3 J) I4 f: ~+ s7 Q" y7 c& SWhole procedure were absolutely filled with humanity emotion and sparkling intelligence. We expressed our mourning to victims, described some moving stories, thrown some personal opinions about still existing potential danger, like dam control and anti-disease management. ...... and so on. Just like all the other people who are also quite conerning about this tragedy happned in Si Chuan China, we used our way to show the sorrow and grief by either donating or preparing propagandistic stuff.. A7 a" i/ z3 P) |7 k! } 5 s+ H Q+ K2 \! c8 C+ a; \/ D thank Lita for that PowerPoint stuff which was used during the talk. Thank Xiao Feng for preparing the beamer! And Xue Sheng Hui for offering classroom for us./ r# {# n% a# Z7 J( _% m 1 t3 W) L( o3 f0 `2 g% n All our Best Wish to People who were suffered during this incredible natural disaster! 6 l/ H# w* z% U/ z 8 v" r- K4 x5 P7 Q) v( J- _[ 本帖最后由 sinux 于 22.5.2008 21:33 编辑 ]
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发表于 22.5.2008 20:40:42 | 只看该作者
原帖由 palmgirl 于 22.5.2008 20:37 发表 ; z2 ? k* P8 S 这个周日还有活动吗。。。。
- T! Q8 m6 R- K! y) O# \ 9 d3 a! a ?/ ^' l Yes. glad to have you here! more details will be informed soon. Please check 1st Post here or your kaiyuan message box. Thanks! ! ~3 V# R# O# L1 s' r3 ~/ n1 M If you, anyone, have any topic that you are interested, feel free to post here please. . Q* `$ t. [6 [: c/ J! s" L4 N5 t- P; U* C$ a( C4 s: d! R Due to chinese national mourning day, we're gonna postpone Moive activity to next week. Thanks for understanding!
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 楼主| 发表于 22.5.2008 22:37:04 | 只看该作者
Thank sinux for your summary and all organizers (Lita, Xiao Feng, Chen Jin, He pei lun, etc.) for your supports. I'm looking forward to meeting you all on this weekend.% U! R3 m, \4 h' Y3 @ , _2 f9 I% w! b4 u( _. d/ p( J/ w To palmgirl: We have activities on every Sunday. Please pay attention to the first Post. You are welcome!! I4 m7 R# b6 M) m/ [ ; Q5 g% J: f$ `/ m7 Q7 E" wPS:I have checked the weather forecast and seen that it will rain again on this Sunday. Shall we have our english corner in classroom on this weekend? l3 ?9 i. U6 F( G+ Y! d! {1 |" d( Y( D [ 本帖最后由 yuankai 于 23.5.2008 11:33 编辑 ]
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发表于 22.5.2008 23:11:40 | 只看该作者
Hi, LZ, you are welcome, actually I am just one of them who did a lot for this corner. such as, Lita, Xiao Feng, Chen Jin, He pei lun, so many guys give me lots of help here. & }4 n4 s1 a/ ^ & l& R7 Q) t' z; q% D. J A7 _Information about corner at this weekend will be informed to all members by Lita. 8 Z* z& o1 @2 e2 y+ E! C ; _. H* v. K0 p0 D m, n1 ]5 _C U
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发表于 23.5.2008 10:02:47 | 只看该作者
刚看到这个帖子,觉得对英语的提高很有帮助。% B8 L7 t; G( u 这个周日有活动,我也参加,希望报名不是太晚:)
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