When We were called Sick man of Asia, We were called The Peril.
7 t5 f& n6 z' h8 ~3 vWhen We are billed to be the next Superpower, We are called The threat.
/ J6 V! N" R: Q+ o/ V
, r* c" e# z7 cWhen We were closed our doors, You smuggled Drugs to Open Markets.
6 c& m4 j, e' P% G1 tWhen We Embrace Freed Trade, You blame us for Taking away your jobs.
' j# w& }$ {% L; f& d
6 G4 n" o7 Z8 J3 \' JWhen We were falling apart, You marched in your troops and wanted your "fair share".) ~' q! L0 E/ j
When We were putting the broken peices together again, "Free Tibet" you screamed, "it was an invasion!"
/ X X$ t9 I5 e5 A# Y% _( When Woodrow Wilson Couldn't give back Birth Place of Confucius back to Us,
- R! J) m) H' w, \But He did bought a ticket for the Famine Relief Ball for us.) 1 w% ?& G7 r% @( v3 h% C
( Y2 x% ?% n' a# i6 p: DSo, We Tried Communism, You hated us for being Communists: u: V1 O1 P3 }% N: Y' J
When We embrace Capitalism, You hate us for being Capitalist.
' R' Z" t" g$ {3 C% z / @3 j- o4 O( d7 |
When We have a Billion People, you said we were destroying the planet.3 y; [. e8 s9 j- ~8 l4 ^
When We are tried limited our numbers, you said It was human rights abuse.
) d/ q" @! H; ^, ^1 R$ I" y6 F- X
When We were Poor, You think we are dogs./ D( A$ r+ s- p# h
When We Loan you cash, You blame us for your debts. $ X4 S( ?) G- a1 v+ Y: h6 b+ ~
$ d8 m7 s& X" rWhen We build our industries, You called us Polluters.
$ F2 s" f) M9 @0 |When we sell you goods, You blame us for global warming. 6 ?( h" `2 b7 c% X0 D1 l
0 m+ K' w# [ F, e$ P6 FWhen We buy oil, You called that exploitation and Genocide.( j t( K3 ~: \6 O6 A+ F/ K
When You fight for oil, You called that Liberation.
" [3 p; F5 O& O( s' i% e% g6 L 8 q' u" ~" c+ j# z3 g* I! B
When We were lost in Chaos and rampage, You wanted Rules of Law for us.0 a! J( i2 f' I; J( [9 n7 `* e
When We uphold law and order against Violence, You called that Violating Human Rights. . u7 P. o( d# S W; B" c2 @
7 e% U& A; t9 _+ d/ H3 uWhen We were silent, You said you want us to have Free Speech.
" I, l' i7 ^- t" Z& E6 P/ q* ^' A+ GWhen We were silent no more, You say we were Brainwashed-Xenophoics.
' O6 I- n1 Y9 |( P 1 Q( m6 K* E9 H
Why do you hate us so much? We asked.3 J8 _, p g. L# F" `+ [8 C
"No," You Answered, "We don't hate You."
) F9 V& U1 N N& G* \. m( i% | ' A( Q, Y7 d8 ~* H5 G- o
We don't Hate You either,
% |* A! s/ ?( Q" E5 GBut Do you understand us? ) a9 [: D6 L% W: }) b" A
2 U9 p# c$ j& g: N4 S
"Of course We do," You said,
" S0 f/ |! m4 M: S"We have AFP, CNN and BBCs..."
' A& G" o8 q! p6 ^' I
. Z) \8 M Y- PWhat do you really want from us?
9 c _' y0 g! D, CThink Hard first, then Answer...
3 R& c5 V/ C" z% R, r, w, @ 0 z" r3 Q4 r+ a' ?3 N5 L
Because you only get so many chances,- m3 u5 G* S* K% q2 K
Enough is Enough, Enough Hypocrisy for this one world.
8 e- L' u/ m* n- B4 L. r/ @
( n9 h8 n" r$ B1 i GWe want One World, One Dream, And Peace One Earth.' X4 \* ~* k3 y8 f
- This Big Blue Earth is Big Enough for all of Us. |