<!--Flash 500+400+http://www.sh.hl.cn/flsahmtv/58.swf--><OBJECT CLASSID='clsid 27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=400>< ARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://www.sh.hl.cn/flsahmtv/58.swf>< ARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE>< ARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE>< ARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://www.sh.hl.cn/flsahmtv/58.swf WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=400 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT><!--End Flash--><br><br>Vincent (Starry Starry Night)<br>Don McLean<br><br>Starry starry night<br> aint your palette blue and grey<br>Look out on a summer's day<br>With eyes that know the darkness in my soul<br>Shadows on the hills<br>Sketch the trees and daffodils<br>Catch the breeze and the winter chills<br>In colors on the snowy linen land<br><br>* Now I understand what you try to say to me<br>And how you suffered for your sanity<br>And how you tried to set them free<br>They would not listen<br>They did not know how<br>Perhaps they'll listen you now *<br><br>Starry starry night<br>Flaming flowers that brightly blaze<br>Swirling clouds in Violet haze<br>Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue<br>Colors changing hue<br>Morning fields of amber grain<br>Weathered faces lined in pain<br>Are Soothed beneath the artist's loving hand<br><br>REPEAT *<br><br>For they could not love you<br>But still your love was ture<br>And when no hope was left inside<br>On that starry starry night<br>You took your life as lovers often do<br>But I could have told you Vincent<br>This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you<br><br>Starry starry night<br>Portraits hung in empty halls<br>Frameless heads on nameless walls<br>With eyes that watch the world and can't forget<br>like the stranger that you're met<br>The ragged man in ragged cloth<br>A silver thorn in a blood rose<br>Lies crushed and broken on the virgin snow<br><br>Now I think I know what you try to say to me<br>That how you suffered for your sanity<br>And how you try to set them free<br>They would not listen they're not listening still<br>Perhaps they never will |