" t8 M2 P% c: W" }& p! I, p0 m; q, N% y( I( f/ p; R$ Z! N
四川MM家里有四川人的精明、勤劳和朴实,一应俱全,而且还不赌博不搓麻不玩儿,在四川人里多么的罕见啊(四川同志们不要打我,喜欢四川的说)。把人生所有的时间都用于了开川菜馆,攒钱,投资别的生意,亏损,在从川菜馆里攒钱,尝试另一门生意,有成功有失败,有的地方做得很厉害。7 n; r! p8 Z# @* `: Q2 `, y8 t) ~
' T1 n6 p$ ]$ R- E: V7 R 四川MM把这个发扬光大了。把所有的时间都用于上自习,呵呵不搓麻~~~~5 z- n/ k+ R! Y* w% y" N
7 ]( R" s" M/ h6 F7 @+ I 她舅舅到北京作为私营企业家代表,和某Z姓的领导人汇报工作。她舅舅真的准备了特别多东西,困惑和思考要谈。不是“假大空”,可是……$ C' A H& f, e
3 `7 m$ j- g. g* D Z同志一辈子都看不上私营企业家,觉得他们不上台面。她舅舅从进门起,一直在汇报工作,过了生生半小时,Z同志一直在看文件。她舅舅有点受不了了,她舅舅也没提高声音,还是低眉顺眼说:您在SH的时候,您一手管理的所有国营**厂(某行业),已经都被我收购了,所以我想谈……2 V3 j( G) L2 i0 R
$ Z% Z2 |8 H( u4 ~8 A
9 v* \0 E6 e$ m2 I0 ^, C4 l& q! K0 p' U+ u
小四川舅舅同志,为人其貌不扬,做事有板有眼,没受过多少教育,但是很有见地的人。$ [- ~. R/ ~2 C5 q& }. J" n
$ q/ T5 M. e$ g7 i+ \( j! K 他请我们宿舍三个MM在中关村的无名居吃饭。哇,听到这个神奇的小故事,我觉得生活在北京还蛮有趣的。" ? ]/ t( P+ ]+ h7 h6 u! k; T& T& }& s
8 Q- p+ y5 h, Z. g" Q. F 湖北MM问:你们开川菜馆这么成功,为什么还一直尝试做别的行业呢?
- l7 H" T' e! \: ]2 L9 a, }
3 R5 w& m1 x) w9 f$ x 他说:因为餐饮业这行门槛低,谁都能入门,所以就竞争比较激烈,门槛高的行业竞争就少一些,更容易赢,比如你要买飞机,就俩选择,一个波音,一个空客,他们就能维持住这个市场的利润,所以,我们一直想如果能入别的行业,也许能变成一个家族的事业,继续下去。$ h; n* Q; \# t0 H( G/ |# s! G
* ]$ Y; T5 o- F6 I! ?) G; s 我说:那你觉得对我们的未来有什么建议呢?
7 f( b6 O( b9 k- _& _2 E2 r8 ? 他说:7 b7 d( g" M0 D3 S$ W% _3 p& P. b
K1 v K3 Z' }( W' X" N3 L/ m5 { 女孩子,要积极地在你最好的年纪,找一个你爱他他也爱你的人。两个人生活,磕磕碰碰,你要是互相爱的不够,连“磨合”的劲儿都会懒得使。一定要找人品好的人,即时他将来不爱你了,也不至于坑害你或者四处诋毁你。4 K5 Q1 }8 A7 B
找一份自己喜欢做的工作,好好做,不要轻言放弃。三年以内,你在这个单位,叫做经历,只有至少三年,你才能把这个叫做“经验”。老公再好,也要自己工作。) l. e: Z( r) i! N) V1 u
8 Y9 w( v( O" i, |
湖北MM说:那我怎么找人品好的男人呢?1 `/ R7 R7 y; C
舅舅说:看他的父母和朋友,父母是孩子的镜子,孩子也是父母的镜子。看朋友,就是因为物以类聚,对吧?$ G1 C. \! W& E) X5 d+ j/ w( ~
, B; O6 y, P: b
" ~9 A; w, N8 k1 B5 d7 x! g& I$ a5 m1 @0 ~- M" v
( i/ U* u+ ^3 K# ?9 a+ K5 W' ]7 @5 j: K6 U5 _
, g7 G9 r: `3 V/ q/ T
( l, @8 y. c$ f% T
8 u4 B1 y( [' t* AMiami
9 Z# l0 O# r' ~" P6 }
( f$ L% @, S' ~2 v" M G' Q/ TYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah8 X" s- B# h# Y
Miami, uh, uh
+ B7 K7 R) c! E5 u# H2 W1 zSouthbeach, bringin the heat, uh
9 u ^0 U# R) C5 V2 vHaha, can y'all feel that
: S" a1 A7 c! e) `9 XCan y'all feel that
, A" j$ b- [# E6 xJig it out, uh
0 c: V& E5 h1 e8 \8 D- q) A4 _1 p, b. H, z' A2 w6 W! }
Here I am in the place where I come let go
. s8 Y" i! v( B# L) U% AIn Miami the base and the sunset low
- B( Z3 V+ j5 a% P4 v% Y$ s5 rEveryday like a mardi gras everybody party all day2 \1 ? `4 F* s) O# \' x
No work all play okay
' S- e+ ^# M8 K- [/ Q6 wSo we sip a little something leave the rest to spill
. Y7 [. T( v/ T0 q$ a0 fBein' jolly at the bar running up a high hill. B4 E, L; F4 ]( p8 k8 M
Nothin less than nil, we're addressed to kill; y" m: M! d& ?' [" m0 Y% D
Everytime the ladies pass, they be like (Hi Will). b0 [+ T9 L0 y/ g( |- ~- V
Can y'all feel me, all ages and races
: j2 j: Z: n, k0 rReal sweet faces4 P v4 g5 n3 M' ?; z
Every different nation, Spanish, Haitian, Indian, Jamaican2 @% s% E0 }9 N) s
Black, White, Cuban, and Asian' ^1 P& B9 r9 c8 k/ H8 o6 v. {
I only came for two days of playing9 `, U, v3 b( v& z
But every time I come I always wind up staying
- F, a; Y7 \# n2 M( DThis the type of town I could spend a few days in
" v% v2 v& |5 T! MMiami the city that keeps the roof blazing
2 K$ |9 W5 G6 h+ i! k# r! g
* m( H: w1 }" z. iParty in the city where the heat is on' t+ o* c5 K" ^: m( R1 l8 K
All night on the beach till the break of dawn
! t% Z( ?$ R( i T) t) B, C. VWelcome to Miami (bienvenido a Miami)
% s6 b# H7 l0 O6 o0 S2 QBouncing in the club where the heat is on
& p; ^" Z1 x* P. f' K9 yAll night on the beach till the break of dawn
8 b, w0 v* f. q* w O, W1 g& ]I'm going to Miami
; z! Y4 G4 l' M, x# `$ {Welcome to Miami/ {" `- M* s% J9 Y# e" T
I) }. e# m9 S" @, _5 Q: ^1 cYo I heard the rainstorms ain't nothin to mess with& T% h4 y. H w( S
But I can't feel a drip on the strip, it's a trip
, ], S" ^+ ?+ q" q1 w* p3 \Ladies half-dressed, fully equipped+ p6 B5 p) H1 h7 N
And they be screaming out, (Will we loved your last hit)1 x2 C6 h* F5 @' ~
So I'm thinking I'm a scoot me something hot
8 o+ e6 q$ U4 i; v+ VIn this south-sea meringue melting pot
+ S9 d) O+ _' EHottest club in the city and it's right on the beach
+ Y. x* q0 d% rTemperature get to ya it's about to reach9 S: i* u" F) q
Five-hundred degrees
! A( B* M* Q/ j& K2 pIn the carribean seas, with the hot mommies" f. X- e# ~4 |
Screamin (ay, papi)
3 p, l, m& Q" s; S; |% _Every time I come to town, they be spotting me0 s1 l% H! q/ n
In the drop top, there ain't no stopping me9 D) t0 i) K: |( [5 L9 C
So, cash in your dough3 P; A7 s4 m0 T6 Z- {* f
And flow to this fashion show% W2 R- j0 p2 h w3 O* _3 S
Pound for pound anywhere you go7 m: Q+ n% a2 t; m" z& x9 s! I
Yo ain't no city in the world like this
3 b2 r% h+ I; o1 `8 y' r, qAn if you ask how I know I gots to plead the fifth
* A$ b; |3 `) \; b( D
' u9 m% g2 Y5 ^Party in the city where the heat is on, _% N) f& I7 T$ {$ d" g
All night on the beach till the break of dawn
2 x. n. }# S6 U' GWelcome to Miami (bienvenido a miami); [& J, k0 n. r; L) j: i, _
Bouncing in the club where the heat is on% r% @8 z5 D" ]0 }
All night on the beach till the break of dawn! T! Q6 [& m& K: R5 V* O
I'm going to Miami% f0 X/ \. L( E/ n: h& I4 e! _( B' H3 ~
Welcome to Miami: Q$ J5 x3 l6 j Q4 _& q8 y8 u
V5 Y; m! [ l6 w T: `! h- o
Don't get me wrong, Chi-town got it going on8 a( L' x2 S3 s6 m. N0 E
And New York is the city that we know don't sleep
5 ^! C6 I/ P' |- P. Z7 UAnd we all know that L.A. and Philly stay jiggy
6 y; H3 F, V2 o& ?But on the sneak, Miami bringing heat for real
- x5 }. \7 y% ~Y'all don't understand
9 N. H3 t+ A2 c. E, F6 AI never seen so many Dominican women with cinnamon tans
0 B5 B8 I. |! J8 cMIRA this is the plan9 m3 L( x- v6 X' @
Take a walk on the beach draw a heart in the sand
! H" B! a: b) s+ F4 iGimmie your hand. i% N- Y8 X/ h4 Q
Damn you look sexy' W7 \, D I4 W+ c$ l
Let's go to my yacht in the West Keys
+ x1 u# Y( T3 ^. }Ride my jet skis
0 C: m$ q% \3 \2 C3 r% j- L6 l8 Yloungin in the palm trees) r' M5 W2 J' O4 ~0 E5 [! M
Cause you gotta have cheese for the summerhouse piece on South Beach1 m) A# ]5 y9 |# [* ~% g3 B
Water's so clear you can see to the bottom' C5 g( w E V2 I
Hundred thousand dollar cars, every body got em& Y1 ]9 |: A% t/ Y$ z/ @
Ain't no surprise in the club to see Sly Stallone
) V# m2 h! B( {% mMiami my second home" D# ^6 ~8 ~5 b; b
6 X6 h$ ~# p% m1 l0 k9 u
Party in the city where the heat is on6 q8 ]& z, F$ f8 |( `& _# G
All night on the beach till the break of dawn
- r' N2 r& n5 W# j( ^Welcome to Miami (bienvenido a miami)
) o% k' }9 k5 F5 r% E# m2 J7 | MBouncing in the club where the heat is on
8 J8 g3 f2 q6 s2 ~- {. BAll night on the beach till the break of dawn, k6 Z, K. w& m* b
I'm going to Miami. z# {& Y5 f8 Z6 p% }% V" I0 m
Welcome to Miami& N+ Z* d N9 a7 _. P
-repeat-5 [* `& T/ ^; }9 ^8 s
" t$ N6 `3 q k" C/ A: i
Party in the city where the heat is on! |