The Confucius Institute Nuremberg-Erlangen is celabrating 汉语日 on September 28th at Hugenottenplatz in Erlangen. We are looking for a student of Information Technology, who is able to work together with our camera-man to upload small parts of the material he is filming during the festivity to youtube, tudou, our website or other platforms and wirte postings on different Chinese social media platforms like weibo.
0 ^8 A* V& Y- s4 i$ IIf you are interested, please contact me:7 r' N1 V; _# j- ?2 z N# R! A
Tel: 09131-85 29 3889 {. A5 [: W' D5 M' C1 q4 E
Mobile: 0172-284 7143& s+ c' N" O# n, ]5 o* w" w* ~
E-Mail: katharina.steiger@konfuzius-institut.de2 e$ R: T/ n' F& N* Y
% ]" t3 M5 p8 D, a3 c& F
3 S' P2 M5 ?3 QKatharina Steiger 妮娜
; V! P, W2 W' w8 s! E) r( d |