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发表于 9.4.2014 18:41:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
2014奥迪中国人才日/Audi CareerDay China, 16-17 May 2014: T- T6 y! ?2 h0 N% \( @

# O) y" ?# h# Z* ~5 Z消息源:http://www.casd-ev.org/space/for ... id=25344&extra=) p; _. U9 W2 _/ E) z/ A& C
' f$ u# O8 Z' a+ r6 z% l
奥迪中国将在5月16-17日在Ingolstadt举行奥迪中国人才日活动。活动当天将有机会体验奥迪文化,了解奥迪中国专家和管理项目,奥迪中国将为有工程背景和希望在中国长期发展的人才提供平台,当天将有机会获得奥迪中国专家管理项目的职位签约意向书。活动流程,4月13号简历收集完,会做筛选和电话面试,邀请候选人去ingolstadt参加这个人才日,这个活动一共一天半,半天的AC, 然后还有试驾,参观奥迪工厂,参观奥迪博物馆以及共进晚餐。7 j- [; l) Q7 b( ~( K* t7 K! z

  i( I9 M3 c) I. ]: p  t- {3 t- n详情:http://www.audi.com/careerdaychina
2 y3 [+ s5 P9 f- a申请条件:在如下专业领域的已经或者即将毕业的本科或硕士生(有一定的中国文化和社会知识,流利使用中文,德语,英语更好). \* t% O9 V0 z
7 m+ }* m: n. K+ dEngineering/ \$ C( A4 I6 N3 H, d0 |
- Mechatronics
* d0 g* i0 [; O4 i* w- Computer Engineering
' M$ w) x. `; K* b8 z- Industrial / Electrical Engineering
2 @( ~! H! {* R, D- Mechanical / Automotive Engineering. Y# Z& t7 U; |
- Thermo dynamics# x) R: V' O# D' `
Product / Automotive Design
" R% j& n  S8 W# OBusiness Administration
( Y* `, U6 H& _& O0 K9 y3 t! i- Supply-Chain Management& G7 w7 _/ f  K7 ~8 n& q
- Purchasing$ k* [9 Y- i4 V0 C
- Marketing
9 L8 u, ^. d( N申请截止日期:4月13日+ z1 ~- K; H# R4 Y
申请邮箱: careerdaychina@audi.com.cn
& ?' [$ L. K, y6 |9 t申请材料:如下材料用英文( J8 X$ a* e2 c6 i
Letter of motivation
, A8 R+ B7 X4 T# A. K3 N5 v! l7 W4 NCurriculum Vitae' D4 h$ S0 q& v; f5 H7 D+ G, _
School leaving certificate (E.G. A-Levels / Abitur)
6 q) F- o% C) H2 f3 I7 oUniversity diploma (Bachelor / Master) or current performance record
. v; x6 ]; [$ V  ^/ Z  ?Internship references
5 K$ W8 a3 d0 Q! V/ Z! E9 r/ U/ j, m3 _; m2 o3 a" n) O

, a: @) f& U+ N7 ~% ~
3 d  k% T" t, J: b( [6 |6 |" @
6 s; K" Z" P  D7 L2 o. M$ FAudi CareerDay China, 16-17 May 2014
+ F/ o. f6 N  c! r) i1 J3 c5 O
; y9 }$ c2 N5 P5 J0 _- z) i
6 P  J, B1 h, {0 }% }. {) oThe Audi China Expert & Management Program offers the ideal opportunity to start a career at Audi China. In the course of a project assignment lasting several months at the German locations, you will gain insights into the way we work and, with this newly acquired knowledge, embark on your career at Audi China.Apply for the Audi CareerDay China if you are about to graduate or have already successfully finished your bachelor or master degree in one of the following fields of study:
/ d1 d; M/ z7 y* Y7 _9 i! hEngineering" A' `& c  V' q
- Mechatronics
% D- h6 V4 }/ i" ?* [, _- Computer Engineering* m$ Q* a# [; x; K7 V0 `" P4 A
- Industrial / Electrical Engineering
# {3 p* R1 _8 R5 `& \: g, S) f- Mechanical / Automotive Engineering
7 F( m2 Q' w2 t2 z4 \# d# @! U& n& _- Thermo dynamics. D2 t3 g3 g# f; V( ?* L
Product / Automotive Design
9 y3 W9 i4 j- K8 tBusiness Administration
" R) V; |# ]  V3 Y( p9 S' C/ t8 X. [- Supply-Chain Management- r. F2 V; I9 ?' E$ f
- Purchasing8 N' n, h0 o( g' A
- Marketing
: T7 l/ D, K7 e7 i" S( NAdditionally, you should have a special affinity with China and its culture, be fluent in the Chinese language and speak both German and English. First practical experiences complete your profile.Come and meet us in person at the Audi CareerDay China from 16 to 17 May 2014 in Ingolstadt.1 s8 ~7 s3 ]& _- v
Apply now!
8 ^( P0 r# D; G; n6 I* a( n) jSend us your complete application to careerdaychina@audi.com.cn*. The application period is open until 13 April 2014.What you can expect on Friday, 16 and Saturday, 17 May 2014 in Ingolstadt:
# p! B. z9 c- z' d' a6 P3 ~( rInsights into the Audi China Expert & Management Program with current program participants
! q# |$ S; l5 W( I# @' e, T! [The opportunity to talk to representatives from Human Resources and other departments3 n  T# }+ X9 Q( `
Individual interviews and group exercise9 b4 d3 C2 W( }% Y
Presentations about Audi China and the automotive market China$ }) G9 b0 i0 i% z! ]$ Q+ P6 P% J1 ]
Networking in a pleasant atmosphere
& O+ U- o0 {7 ]4 W) x) xAudi Brand Experience
! ^/ i2 i2 R& j" H6 YConvince us and you will get a letter of intent for a position in the Audi China Expert & Management Program at the end of the event.We will let you know in good time whether your application has been successful or not. You will then receive all the important information and the event’s exact schedule in your invitation by e-mail.Audi will reimburse your travel expenses within Germany up to the price of a 2nd class train ticket to Ingolstadt and your overnight hotel accommodation in Ingolstadt.*Your complete application should be written in English and contain:
6 c7 |4 L2 w8 ?  R3 U) i" e- YLetter of motivation
5 Y2 N  e/ D1 B2 H6 GCurriculum Vitae
# e/ [9 J2 ^9 I2 x" MSchool leaving certificate (E.G. A-Levels / Abitur)1 q2 ?# V* ~$ E
University diploma (Bachelor / Master) or current performance record3 b1 ~4 L5 k: X, h
Internship references. Q& u/ {1 y7 a0 R/ H
2 \7 ?5 s. Q) y8 k$ L6 L& M. xThe male form is only used throughout the Audi career website in describing the programmes we have to offer so that texts are easier to read. It goes without saying that all of the programmes are open to both sexes.
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