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发表于 16.11.2010 23:13:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Intedis是德国的一家汽车工程咨询服务公司,公司背景可参阅以下网站:! X, n4 j' d% Q5 A0 H  z

4 }5 R9 ?8 U% iwww.intedis.com  (德国总部)
  B0 A& Q) u  T  R7 d$ owww.harcad-sloutions.com (分支机构中国上海)
+ ~- E$ z" ?$ {3 S1 b& g5 h' Bwww.leoni.com (集团公司)0 M8 p! x* l* h3 B/ t

9 k( V0 z6 }5 V0 M: m& W5 |" }- I现因中国业务发展需要,在中德两地急聘中国汽车工程师。以下职位虚席以待——/ g( M5 G3 E  n  K5 C; [

; k3 G1 b! q9 O% ^6 m; X有意者可以与以下两位联系:
) u) f1 j7 @& b) B) @& N3 X; r2 x$ I6 t( u
Wei Xu wei.xu@intedis.com.cn$ I1 {5 Y( }6 \- a# G
Reinhold Blank  Reinhold.Blank@Intedis.com
% s1 m3 y" m5 i8 ~* @' t) e
/ H8 Q* [( l4 }7 a(以下信息供参考,我们也择优录取中国留学生,具有相关专业背景,在相关行业实习经历为佳,中德两地在招聘,一经录用,将在德国总部实习或培训, 工作地点中国上海)4 {6 k( L" D7 [6 J, g. I& R& n/ X
4 D8 X# n% Q% m2 i7 p4 N
Project Manager of E/E Architecture   : v6 U" D6 D- M( j2 ^* L& k" y
# y# m, A9 c+ j# Y8 {
" M2 U% `# W" s0 Z% v5 T1 D) I" e9 ~l         Job Experience:> 6 years  z  Q: F; {6 V$ _

5 q8 r% k& C, v6 N% P( Il         Language Skills8 k5 ]% Z) ^( K; f' P2 H- P6 E
²        English:Expert 4 f1 t3 m1 [3 _0 U) a9 b/ g
²        Chinese:Expert " p# i4 G) _2 M5 A
²        German:Confirmed
1 m( O' l8 t9 v/ E$ z
4 e9 S& p! s: I2 K+ O; a8 F
3 Q3 W5 K9 P6 V; ?* N( R# ul         Component Know How% C2 R$ s3 X) V9 k7 b( C
²        Wiring Harness design:Nice to have4 u. j1 l/ d/ _% J
·         WH concept design: routing, connector selection, mechanical & electrical protection, fixation..
; `. b: Z; f) X+ M' @, x·         RFQ Documentation (Preliminary Wire Harness Drawings)8 Z' M9 j# U- I# |# C- W9 e0 A

! Q4 q6 r: k! s( C: o3 C$ x6 V( m( z; h1 p; y2 Z1 j0 K6 f6 y
²        ECU design:Nice to have
: o' W& O9 O( d·         ECU concept design: µC selection, cooling, RAM/ ROM estimation, HW Buildingblock selection….: A# q; \1 q' E& p- [! y" X
·         RFQ Documentation
7 O+ D7 O& v3 H8 C/ Q9 @: x·         RFQ Documentation (Preliminary Specification)/ W' f! s! @$ n5 S! _' L
·         Body & Comfort Domain ECU's (BCM..)' o, R- D9 m: h% t( z9 w) p
·         Non Body Domain ECU's (ECM, ICM..)
9 B( S: C" W# {$ y' Z% ~·         Gateway
" D. t. C5 z  q$ t0 i5 d
, [% l1 B' p" c/ h8 v$ b
2 `2 B' X; L: h) I, B- S! H$ t²        PDC design:Nice to have+ o& `2 g% I& R- F1 W. x0 g
·         PDC concept design: Relay Fuse selection, technology studies, space studies, cooling concept..6 L  I- ]" ~$ B9 P7 G
·         RFQ Documentation (Preliminary Specification)3 p! g. t: Z2 B7 _

$ R0 k4 X3 W# T5 Z+ T0 x& g: L) z% G! \
l         Architektur/ System Know How:Expert  W: @' t* N& j6 {
²        Functional Architecture: Vehicle functional modeling and function allocation
* o$ ]( O7 E) i% i" Q: C, I  P²        Definition of Network Architecture: 1 f: P( Z- u3 z! N8 [% D- ?# U0 C
²        Bus definition, Busload, Gateways
2 s; S5 ]; y, j1 \, S2 _( P²        Definition of Power Distribution Architecture% s+ f9 n" M( @% q. Z
²        Definition of Diagnostic Off/On Board1 [7 d: o  T$ C4 v0 J
²        Definition of Powermodes
. ~3 z. ]3 V# S3 _7 u²        Physical architecture design (component level), infrastructure definition, variant management, System FMEA, technical feasibility../ G5 j* c% O$ M) G3 e! d3 s
²        RFQ Documentation (Electrical Schematics)+ U* n3 E6 q8 ~
²        RFQ Documentation (Comm. matrix)
" N3 r& [% g4 m+ i1 Q' B
" Q, C# ^# Y4 T' ^; G' W" J! C( O. n5 Z! C7 i
l         Function Requirements / HighLevel:Nice to have2 m7 l5 C1 f7 o: N: y& c; a
²        Requirements Engineering (High level functional description); i+ H' {, s0 k
²        Function Modeling 6 j2 a# l2 O+ y2 A# |
. \- @, k4 p* G
+ C2 g) n1 M4 p" s# X
l         Methodic Know How:Expert! f( i2 a- Q# f) g- m
²        Functional Safety
5 A: x# m% U' W# x9 [²        System FMEA
& G% R; z* W# E' I7 n6 M% q) U
+ X9 B+ g! g! V6 Y5 hl         Management Skills( B6 h0 Y2 Y2 R5 |/ K0 ?
²        Management:Expert
# ~$ ?4 z4 C; q8 k²        Project management:Senior Expert, n1 B  O. M3 B# n, _  I

- G* I6 [7 Z1 ~( D0 Gl         Customer Orientation:Expert% z  k$ `8 R+ Z

* @  M% ^1 |. {5 O0 T$ L8 @
& F0 C5 D) j' b- T8 N9 [Engineer Automotive -Function Design- Focus on Powertrain, Chassis and Safety Domains & ECUs) ~" Q8 g+ U6 d8 M
汽车工程师 - 功能设计 - 动力总成、底盘、安全性及 ECU
8 v6 z  R7 d/ @1 Z9 U2 m0 z3 u" W$ g# E7 ^* O5 I" l7 E

4 w2 U* Q/ o, J0 L6 l% ~' Z
$ b4 M: j" A4 @& a( ol         Job Experience:> 5 years  \- t1 C! N- F
. x, o, m$ F, H( A
l         Language Skills
( [3 z( P8 {, [' X& m4 I' p& c²        English:Expert
' s+ g( h* O9 b/ a3 \- {1 D1 v²        Chinese:Expert
' b8 b: E7 g* k, }- Z+ V& g
' W4 r6 p& r! y) S5 I
, c8 h8 k6 u. |" U2 |7 Dl         Component Know How:Required8 |6 i8 G$ }4 z+ ~8 A5 y
²        ECU design
  |1 b; H& O- _2 N·         ECU concept design: µC selection, cooling, RAM/ ROM estimation, HW Buildingblock selection….1 }' J4 A+ L) o; d
·         RFQ Documentation( j6 i0 l. b$ `( V! U# x
·         RFQ Documentation (Preliminary Specification)% M" c3 p3 X2 o7 j1 u6 D
·         Body & Comfort Domain ECU's (BCM..)
7 \; ~9 p: s- j& \·         Non Body Domain ECU's (ECM, ICM..)+ w! B2 K8 Z, \' Z3 I: K& X0 n
·         Gateway
* s- L; J$ K% @* I" b2 h4 V, X
% L3 C) o. y" i! m: N6 \% H( G: p' l& k       * q6 x- g: w7 Q* N. S" K
5 {- _  I5 p/ L( o( T2 S3 c. B
l         Architektur/ System Know How
+ |$ b. c4 ~: c" O5 U& [' l! @²        Functional Architecture:Vehicle functional modeling and function allocation:Required1 |/ F3 l, s8 P9 g( I; o. ~1 g9 ]
²        Definition of Network Architecture: Bus defintion, Busload, Gateways:Required1 G6 ^( P" l5 Z# F
²        Definition of Network Architecture: Bus defintion, Busload, Gateways:Nice to have: L6 n' ^8 [- N# w
²        Definition of Diagnostic Off/On Board:Nice to have
3 Y, @3 Y; t, E* Q, S8 _0 O²        Definition of Powermodes:Nice to have0 J8 t5 l( n; _1 q! m5 Q' e
²        Physical architecture design (component level), infrastructure definition, variant management, System FMEA, technical feasibility:Required6 N8 e4 Q. O6 l0 \, O# Z
²        RFQ Documentation (Electrical Schematics):Nice to have3 A) I8 h, c6 g* Q* I, T9 [
²        RFQ Documentation (Comm.matrix):Required
" S4 g+ B* x8 c2 ^/ T* c& |8 M% l' X3 _: U8 U$ V# W. f

; r; F: X$ X+ A' c( W7 j
# ~1 z8 A/ Z* H  g( El         Function Requirements / HighLevel7 d$ k; Y; f( J. j0 B# l  L# P
²        Requirements Engineering (High level functional description):Required
5 B( G% y) X) @4 z) k1 K$ e²        Function Modelling:Required
5 |# U0 a' `7 v* L²        Powertrain:Required+ F5 L# ]2 ?2 S! u9 ?4 v
²        Chassis:Required
0 t) y' X9 q# T1 n2 W²        Safety: Required
, K3 h# q' O0 \6 r²        Infotainment  :Nice to have4 h( \5 P, G: B% I  Z# N- y
1 T/ s5 T" B/ t# ]1 E
0 e9 F) ?" ?" d8 X8 j$ q; S
l         Methodic Know How ; B. F. A  C' e: I% c& q6 U/ V8 Y) }# v
²        Functional Safety:Required
, t& \# Q0 b5 Z3 Y5 Z²        System FMEA:Nice to have
  \6 n0 v, j5 x7 j2 P
( g+ R5 p! f6 [3 I0 }3 y, M
4 Y+ f6 Z6 d" v$ k2 }% Ul         Tool Know How5 V5 H- ~1 ]& i; `; h1 A
²        FUNCoSAR or PreeVision:Required 8 j+ _( B2 ^& f3 Q- Y
²        TOPcad-I or PreeVision:Required
" O& r- }& H8 }6 a" D( H) v²        Matlab:Nice to have
. J7 m& T, i- D* a0 T" f0 N1 Y% s: c4 G6 b* M
l         Customer Orientation :Nice to have
发表于 17.11.2010 21:04:49 | 只看该作者
回复 6# C_S ! ^, M9 [% I5 W' f
' d- h, ~* f" w( |5 E
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发表于 17.11.2010 20:57:41 | 只看该作者
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发表于 17.11.2010 18:25:39 | 只看该作者
6 }) A* B/ \3 X4 D& J我的同学是天才 发表于 17.11.2010 11:47
1 p+ t1 S& [9 P/ X  A

1 a( ], c3 p- @* k" ]4 e  y% [
: b( N' H; L+ _% o$ U/ q* z* T    你做了5年补习班的老师么?赚大了阿
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发表于 17.11.2010 14:19:07 | 只看该作者
忍不住说一句 这帖子竟然都会有回复 一楼石化的有道理啊!
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 楼主| 发表于 17.11.2010 11:47:04 | 只看该作者
l         Job Experience:> 6 years8 B  ?" N9 V2 v+ n. J! H4 T1 f, j
l         Job Experience:> 5 years0 n3 Y  V+ ^) \2 u$ X
盘丝小仙 发表于 17.11.2010 09:45
+ M  H9 t& V$ Y( A1 N

) C! O3 \$ a9 ~3 R; e5年补习班老师的工作经验,不知道算不算呢~
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发表于 17.11.2010 09:45:51 | 只看该作者
l         Job Experience:> 6 years+ Y# [3 _5 e3 ?6 @
l         Job Experience:> 5 years+ W. `. M% T9 j$ a& M
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