本帖最后由 Deseree 于 30.10.2016 14:31 编辑
为进一步开拓德国汽车行业人才市场,吸引更多优秀的海外汽车行业高层次人才加盟北汽,北汽集团计划将于2016年11月中上旬在德国斯图加特、慕尼黑举办海外高层次人才专场招聘会。届时,北汽集团相关集团高层领导、各招聘企业人力资源负责人均会莅临现场,发布企业及招聘相关信息,并与参会者沟通交流。 In order to expand German automobiletalents market, and attract more excellent overseas automobile talents to joinBAIC, BAIC Group plans to hold oversea job fair in Stuttgart and Munich,Germany in November. A few of BAIC leaders and head of human resources will cometo the scene, release recruiting information, and communicate withparticipants.
目标人群:(具体职位信息请看招聘详情) 1. 有2年以上汽车行业相关工作经验,本科及以上学历人员。 2. 汽车、能源动力、机械、大数据等相关领域工作的优秀人才。 Target Candidate: 1. With over 2 years’ experience inautomobile industry, above bachelor degree is required. 2. Talents working in automobile, energyand power engineering, mechanical engineering, big data, and other relatedfields.
招聘详情: 详情请登录北汽集团海外招聘官网了解: http://pages.chinahr.com/2016/bj/bgqc_0909/index.asp
Information about Job Fair: For detail information, please go to BAICGroup overseas job fair official website: http://pages.chinahr.com/2016/bj/bgqc_0909/index.asp
招聘项目组联系方式: Recruiting Team Contact Information: 欢迎优秀的德国汽车行业人才踊跃报名参加! Welcome talents in German automobileindustry sign up and join us!