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精修课程 成人德语 主讲语法

发表于 23.12.2018 14:06:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
% M- h- t+ J: m" s$ z: p8 V9 ?3 m
; K; M4 T4 ?0 I
polyglott-and-jphilosophy.de - Learn Languages in Munich and Get an Insight into Cultures - Information in English. o0 ~5 Z% h8 z8 l" Y: D3 _; C0 X
Learn Languages in Munich and Get an Insight into Cultures. Teaching German as a Foreign Language, English and
4 J  O/ Q& f; z, X% O5 ?8 J* fChinese. Free time windows:
+ y! I% S$ H7 g# S! b
www.polyglott-and-jphilosophy.de. ~+ w; [4 L! y* J+ N1 g
- p: `$ @" w. }. k- l+ |& n- H
精修课程   成人德语   主讲语法
8 j$ e  b3 n+ N' V8 \. z

% v- D* i) p1 b. S  h7 _

  b0 `4 }9 x. o
电话:  089 — 2731 2495   ( 每天 12:00 — 19:00 点
" F1 m  G- r/ j4 ^* Q& P0 o, e6 [* t
E — Mail  [url=]jhartmann@hotmail.de[/url]# h' U2 \% S3 \3 K. Z) f

0 G! N5 ?; Y3 i. N9 \8 l$ S
: g* v  r* j! Y( c* _+ j. P3 m

  N. f# e" u  P4 Q3 P' P) F! d4 v% u! `% E7 I! }
, e* X, @1 I. e0 Q8 I
; Y% U6 \/ b! x, a/ I
学员:在德华人留学生、尤其是留学新生、旅德创业华人及 德企就业华人;
4 k  P$ ?( D  t* ^" ?, C! J: u
授课内容: 第一讲 ...........
* {1 {1 {, u' Z  l. D& I: t
1.通篇过滤德语语法现象,从der, die, das 至虚拟式;
2.择题主讲德语语法难点, 提问,解答;
+ `* a, f) i$ ^% c# y
授课内容: 第二讲 ...........
3 G; U4 ?* l" @- ^0 J- M
2. 现在时、完成时、过去时、变位变格、强变弱变;

* X$ A; r0 C# S+ `' M) R
授课内容: 第三讲 ...........

, a# J2 ^# n0 T4 I1 b. V
1. 语法练习;
2. 作业评讲;
* H) [9 n2 R4 ?/ a* H& B
学员第二期:成人德语深造、书面德语运用、德文文 法;德语授课
学员:在德华人留学生、在德创业华人及德企就业华人,德 国籍或第三国籍人士;

4 s) \) ~6 U, i- J, N
授课内容: 第一讲 ..........

% ?5 l* s8 Z! w
1.德语基础句型: 简单句、并列句、倒装句、框型结构;

  v1 B) H2 d, R$ t
授课内容: 第二讲 ..........

! n$ h9 V7 E2 r- Y; K
( i. G& B, e8 v3 u+ [1 X7 ]& Q9 k
授课内容: 第三讲 ..........

# P# |) T% T* X5 g8 R

8 E( R  c1 ~: i* |1 v
学员第三期: 中德文字比较、中德文字对译、中德文 文体及文字风格,中德文授课
学员:在德华人、大学本科生、学硕毕业生、中德文科两栖 人士;
& f2 z7 d! u: x
授课内容: 第一讲 .............
" v/ Z1 a4 W0 T4 I9 L
1. 口语、书面语用词有别,选词的差异、语气、婉辞、 情态动词;
2. 口译特色:中译德,德译中;外语译成母语、母语译 成外 语的异别与技巧;

3 E$ D+ C: S( g, f% m
授课内容: 第二讲 .............

, i& T1 S6 Y9 Z& x; H' t
2.书面文字翻译的要求和严谨,本国语言及外语的书面 文字修养,功底在阅读;

" G+ |; `: I, D2 B4 W8 Q  o' F+ [
授课内容: 第三讲 .............
# w  o3 ?7 O  ^/ V2 s* I
2. 译文评说;

3 Q6 m" L- d; R. k" P: N$ F4 v6 f
- \+ o- L8 y7 o
Learn Languages in Munich and Get an Insight into Cultures: _+ A" C; V0 z; F
( c! Q: e% P3 k* O
Teaching German as a Foreign Language, English and Chinses.

* K, y' X% ]) G+ f6 o
Free time windows:
3 k2 f8 Z5 U, w( o' }; iGerman, English and Chinses lessons for 1-5 adults at Hohenzollernplatz.1 {- Y" p. P' S2 M9 I

6 f* L- A" d* T; B0 m: \% h6 S0 Z: `" m$ I9 W% D
Lessons with Patience
and Empathy  I have many years experience of teaching German as a foreign language, so I have acquired an insight to the role of the student, placing individual aims to the foreground and dividing the lessons into segments that you can cope with.
" j" ~  ~7 |; \
Lessons with Structure 5 U7 |2 }! s' S+ I- F
I follow a structured syllabus, but do make adaptations to the individual requests of my students.
! |8 z1 }5 D. W; i+ n0 k. W
Lessons with Fun
0 ~( W( r6 ~" Y: k2 \
I set a high precedent on conversation where students can talk about their backgrounds.
; W6 o+ u* X6 m0 L2 l: kIn this way an individual vocabulary can develop that can be immediately applied in their private and professional lives and the lessons become more enjoyable for the student. I also use language board games because learning in a playful way leads to better results. Or I make my students watch German movies so that they can improve their listening skills. (There are more good German films than you think!)
8 Z& n2 b3 h$ E' `
Lessons you can fully understand ! Y6 W& V, H" M' L! ~4 X# ], a
Advanced German lessons are conducted mainly in German, but,initially I will also use English in order to explain points of grammar.   d3 M6 t; T% F- r, j, I6 A
5 C; V. ~: G* f) D0 o
The material is predominantly German, however I gladly explain unclear or difficult items in English. I have experience with the following German textbooks: Schritte, Begegnungen, Erkundungen, Themen and Tangram.
Success stories of students because of my own experience I have already prepared students successfully for the A1 to C1 examinations of the Goethe institute and for the telc certificates  and will be happy to continue to do this. (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR))
5 O' i  u2 I+ ?" v5 l- E  c( GI myself have mastered several examinations up to C2 in foreign languages and so I know how the students should be prepared for the tests. (Cambridge Certificate (C2) of Proficiency in English, the Cambridge Business English Certificate Higher (C1), DELF B2 (Diplôme d'Études en Langue Francaise, Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera DELE B1)
8 W4 g1 x# ]+ v$ [; M

& s4 C, y- ?6 J
' o" E8 D5 v- O/ d& {1 T6 v( e5 E% E& g$ S2 s' [2 J
Private lesson (1 person) in Schwabing 2 minutes from Hohenzollernplatz underground station 60 min 40 Euro/ 90 min 50 Euro
! Q* [# `- {) b' m* ?Semi-private lesson (2 persons) in Schwabing 60 min 22 Euro per person/90 min per person 32 Euro3 I/ P  a. X, p3 k; j

3 M# ]& V* G* a% N0 ]# }7 g- ?Private lesson (1 person) at a place convenient for you within Munich (MVG Innenraum)* E/ _2 ~# t$ |3 a: [* p; t& u' c
60 min 45 Euro 3 T+ b$ F* e1 d5 y6 k
90 min 55 Euro
Semi-private lesson (2 persons) at a place convenient for you within Munich (MVG Innenraum) , ^* z8 B/ Y' a2 M# U  p# l
60 min 27 Euro per person
& o6 a" A) S  t) s3 B* [2 |: t90 min 37 Euro per person
- i7 w8 \& i+ A& |  Z7 j' }; vShould there be children, please ask a babysitter to look after them during the lesson.
0 U1 A2 s+ V6 W( j" @0 f3 v: G/ Z0 G: z! }8 A$ w
Group lessons at Hohenzollernplatz around 20 Euro per person.
; T6 @9 [- x/ i5 t8 `) W1 C

5 s( X  I5 v' _- A1 V+ H' x2 p8 n$ {: O! W0 }# a# N
( m7 K' u5 X- R* k2 x6 x
- s3 o/ q+ g' u! q( |
1 m) W0 Z# R* R
 楼主| 发表于 24.12.2018 06:40:45 | 只看该作者
学员:在德华人留学生、尤其是留学新生、旅德创业华人及 德企就业华人;
3 {4 h( T; l' P

) H, }* S$ O/ U* n
授课内容: 第一讲 ...........

9 n! i0 B3 [( |  l
. {& N- o" i9 u$ }
1.通篇过滤德语语法现象,从der, die, das 至虚拟式;
2.择题主讲德语语法难点, 提问,解答;

1 _; E0 a: Z- ]8 R8 x# z4 u9 c1 v6 M4 X, m" o' t
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 楼主| 发表于 18.1.2019 15:20:25 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 25.1.2019 19:42:14 | 只看该作者
neutal 发表于 24.12.2018 06:403 w- i& P$ o) X  u+ f! G
学员第一期:成人德语精修、主讲德语语法,中文授课 学员:在德华人留学生、尤其是留学新生、 ...
% V) @& ?9 j& t/ W: r' M
择题主讲德语语法难点, 提问,解答;

3 L$ w- ?0 }$ ^0 {: R  _/ Y
" e; Z3 W5 y* i. ~' g( T% D9 O
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使用道具 举报

发表于 31.3.2019 14:46:38 | 只看该作者
讲语法。择题主讲德语语法难点, 提问,解答;
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使用道具 举报

发表于 24.5.2019 23:19:12 | 只看该作者
惊涛骇浪 发表于 31.3.2019 14:46
6 Q, s* _3 N& ]1 v$ k4 R讲语法。择题主讲德语语法难点, 提问,解答;
3 p3 I+ }# L# t% }) w: q0 X/ H+ d
授课内容: 第一讲 ..........
+ Y6 j5 e1 w; `; q/ K
7 z6 x- |$ s- V4 R

/ H1 o2 f7 f, a9 i/ }! ^) M
1.德语基础句型: 简单句、并列句、倒装句、框型结构;
+ `- ?6 }) O' |$ y* `

5 B0 Z& w0 T" }  X: t8 ~5 t& o. N( ]" d) X/ D4 E6 g8 H
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