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which film do you like best?why?

发表于 11.6.2003 18:49:40 | 只看该作者
The Fifth Element(1997, USA).<br>Ich beneide Luc Besson immer um sein Talent, seine Fantasie und ganz besonderes romantisches Gefühl. Obwohl ich diesen Film schon mehr Mals angeschaut, weine ich trotzdem jedes Mal. Träne bedeutet nicht nur traurig, sonder auch frohlich.<br>Von Lèon bis the fifth element, von Joan of arc bis kiss of the dragon(eigentlich hat mir dieser Film nicht so gut gefallen ), von  Musik bis Kamera, ich habe nur ein Wort: perfect&#33; <!--emo&:wub:--><img src='https://www.kaiyuan.info/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/wub.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wub.gif'><!--endemo-->  

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发表于 11.6.2003 18:54:40 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 11.6.2003 19:03:18 | 只看该作者
我也想今天晚上就把蒋介石十万大军全部消灭掉,可是不行啊,同志<br>今天我们大踏步的后退就是为了明天大踏步的前进!对我个人有意见,允许!但不要影响工作嘛!<br><br>哟,谁的钱包啊?  <!--emo&B)--><img src='https://www.kaiyuan.info/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/cool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cool.gif'><!--endemo--> <br><br><br>
发表于 11.6.2003 21:02:38 | 只看该作者
BraveHeart<br>How can I say a film so good like Braveheart.the only thing I can not forget today is the eyes,a pair of sad but strong eyes.It reflects the hope and lose.that&#39;s the reason why we are moved.<br>maybe it is not film I like best,but it&#39;s really one of the best films I have ever seen. <!--emo&--><img src='https://www.kaiyuan.info/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->  <br>Do you agree?

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 楼主| 发表于 11.6.2003 21:16:05 | 只看该作者
i just can&#39;t forget when he rode in the crowd,and cried out "F-R-E-E-D-O-M&#33;&#33;",i wanna follow him too&#33;
发表于 11.6.2003 22:03:23 | 只看该作者
发表于 17.6.2003 17:36:56 | 只看该作者
我想,看电影和读书一样,观感与当时的心境是有很大关系的。即使一部很不错的电影,如果心情不适的时候看了,估计也没什么感觉。而有时一部很一般的片子,其中一两个瞬间产生的共鸣,却也能让人回味良久。<br>大学里疯狂英语那阵看的 Forrest Gump,当年背的若干台词现在都还记得<br>... my mama always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you&#39;re gonna get ..."   <br>这是一部很通俗的影片,但我想没人会否认它也是一部非常优秀的片子。平凡的东西意义隽永,不是么?

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匿名  发表于 22.6.2003 03:53:48
t.....top gun<br><br><br>壮志凌云&#33;<br><br>让我第一次见到阿汤哥,那个女主角我最喜欢,还有原声版的所有歌曲&#33;太棒了.很早以前看的.现在想起还是那么经典.
发表于 24.6.2003 11:53:12 | 只看该作者
看电影,学英语<br><br><br>Are you anxious to promote your oral English skill?<br>Deaf English is no use at all.<br>Now I wanna share my experience with you.<br>Watching English movie is a very good way,I assure you.<br>The movie doesn&#39;t have to be exciting for that purpose.<br>Actually,the more dialogues,the better(action movie usually<br>full of action instead of words,as the name suggests).<br>I have watched a lot movies in the science liabrary.<br>But now I conclude that because of the strong base they have,<br>it&#39;s not perfect for English learning,though it&#39;s great for<br>enjoying.<br>So you&#39;d better use your own VCD at home and remember to replace<br>the speaker with your headphone(TV&#39;s speaker also is not clear<br>enough).<br>It&#39;s the most enjoyable and rewarding method to learn English.<br>If you make a great effort,it will benefit a lot to your oral<br>English.<br>My experience also tells me that Crazy English and other materials<br>of that nature will do you a lot good too.<br>
发表于 26.6.2003 16:41:13 | 只看该作者
Lawrence of Arabia<br><br>L respect war , hero and legend, but Lawrence  seem to be someone beyond all of these.<br><br>Here are some of lawrence quotations <br><br>1  All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.<br><br><br>2  You wonder what I am doing? Well, so do I, in truth. Days seem to dawn, suns to shine, evenings to follow, and then I sleep. What I have done, what I am doing, what I am going to do, puzzle and bewilder me. Have you ever been a leaf and fallen from your tree in autumn and been really puzzled about it? That&#39;s the feeling.<br><br><br>3    I loved you, so I drew these tides of men into my hands and wrote my will across the sky in stars<br>To earn you Freedom<br><br><br>4    The sword also means clean-ness and death
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