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which film do you like best?why?

发表于 7.6.2003 13:12:12 | 只看该作者
i know it&#39;s so difficult,to choose one of your favourite in tens of thousands films,but there must be one,which is worthy for you to say one or two words for it.so,just follow your instinct,and share with us here.<br><br>i am the first one(i always have the right here to be the first one&#33;haha)<br><br>when i was in the university in china,"joan of arc"(the messenger)impressed on me strongly.<br>it was directed by Luc Besson,and the actress called Milla Jovovich.<br><br>This spunky 19 year-old believes that she is receiving messages directly from the God. She thinks God is telling her to lead the French army to victory against the British to save the French Empire and make a king out of the Dauphin. many people thought the girl was too crazy,too cruel,not like a girl at all.but when i saw her eyes with the fire of revenge,when i heard the scream "follow me" spilling out of her lipps,i was deeply toughed.<br><br>i have a crush on the hero with revenge,i am always inspired by the power lying in them.<br><br>what about you?<br>

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匿名  发表于 7.6.2003 13:43:56
oh,joan of arc.i have seen it at my homenetwork.actually I thought she was really a bit crazy.the most thing she loved to do is to scream and let soldiers forward.She doesn&#39;t know anything except revenge.a tragic hero ,a girl.<br>Maybe i should see this film again <!--emo&--><img src='https://www.kaiyuan.info/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->  <br>------------------------------------------<br>GM_   
发表于 7.6.2003 15:27:08 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 7.6.2003 23:19:05 | 只看该作者
中文也好,交流无国界嘛!<br><br>ach,ich vergass einen,"dead poets society" mit Robin Williams.<br>"captain,my captain"<br><br>wenn ich in einem deutsch kurs diesen film sah,konnte ich die traene nicht mehr kontrolieren.<br> <br>wenn man alles,was aus sein Herz stammt,tun kann,wird er ewige Ruhe in seiner Seele bekommen.<br>Das ist die echte Freiheit,was ich genannt habe.
 楼主| 发表于 8.6.2003 00:10:09 | 只看该作者
刚才在听音乐,突然被触动了一下神经,又想起来一个曾经地感动“The Last of the Mohicans“最后一个莫西干人。<br>用战争来作背景的爱情永远都是恢宏,壮烈,刻骨铭心的。与其说拿战争来考验爱情,不如说是要考验人性。为了爱舍弃自己,还是为了自己舍弃爱。纵然你会自私,纵然你要霸占,但真的永远假不了,就如同给我感动的那个固执的上尉,本以为他只是跑来搅局的小喽罗,谁知他将固执进行到底,为了爱义无反顾的舍弃自己。还有那年轻的弟弟的死亡,与爱人的殉葬,忘不了那交互的眼神,瞬间即成永远。不是说无名烈士最可敬吗?对于爱情也一样!<br>“纵使世界将我抛弃,爱永远是我活下去的理由。“<br>

thelastofthemohicans.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 40)

 楼主| 发表于 8.6.2003 01:34:14 | 只看该作者

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发表于 8.6.2003 09:10:24 | 只看该作者
It is really hard to choose one out of tens of thousands films to be the best that I like, since the personal feeling about a film might differ from time to time, i.e., even though the film is the same film, I am not any more exactly the same person as before. The film that I liked most when I was 20 might not be the same film that I like at present. <br><br>When I was in my teens I was quite moved by a Pakistani film called "田园情侣". The film impressed me most with its episode.<br><br>BoyA, who had been adopted by a rich family and was currently in charge of that faimly, was in deep love with his girl friend when the signorino of the rich family was going to come back after having disappeared for 16 years.<br><br>Getting too excited, the signorino shared his secret on the train with the passengers who were by chance a gang of bandits. The bandits hijacked him and took his identity and entered the rich family. One of the bandits claimed that he was the signorino of the rich family.<br><br>The disguise wanted all the wealth of the family, as he claimed that should belong to him,  as well as the girlfriend of boyA. ...........<br><br>Go have a look at the film.
发表于 8.6.2003 09:37:47 | 只看该作者
Recent years I enjoy more those entertaining films than those thrilling films; as I &#39;ve said, the feeling might differ with age.<br><br>The persoanl feeling is never as isolated thing as ones personal characteristics. I take the fact that I enjoy entertaining films more than those thrilling ones as a progress. i.e., I am now switching from the episode to the skills.<br><br>Take reading Hongloumeng as an example. When I was quite small, I would mainly concentrate on who got married with whom, and what happened on that Jia family; It is obvious a progress when I switched to the beauty of the language from the episode.<br><br>SINGIN&#39; IN THE RAIN is my favoriate entertaining film which has achieved unparalell height. The film concerns 1920s silent romantic acting team Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) and Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen.) Trouble is that sound is coming in--and Lina&#39;s speaking voice could peel paint off the wall. Don&#39;s best friend (Donald O&#39;Connor) and love interest (Debbie Reynolds) have the inspiration of revamping Lockwood and Lamont&#39;s debut sound film as a musical, with Reynolds dubbing Hagen&#39;s vocals. The resulting story is a high-energy, extremely witty, and truly sparkling film laced with period songs by Arthur Freed, a film that many regard as the single finest musical to emerge from Hollywood.<br><br>It is not only the musics in that film are touching, of course they are, also the skills, especially dancing, in that film have made it distinguishing from any peers. Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) and Donald O&#39;Connor are really genius however you rank them.<br><br>Have a look at that film.<br><br>
发表于 8.6.2003 09:45:27 | 只看该作者
Without "SINGIN&#39; IN THE RAIN", "THE WIZARD OF OZ" might have ranked No. 1 in the musicals. If you think "Bodyguard" is already OK for a musical, "THE WIZARD OF OZ" will satisfy you in any case.<br><br>"THE WIZARD OF OZ" is probably the film with the largest number of paid actors in history at the best of my knowledge. It is said that there are thousands of paid actors /actresses in that film, and the glorious scene will make you bounce in your seat from excitement.<br><br>The drawback of "THE WIZARD OF OZ" compared to "SINGIN&#39; IN THE RAIN" is possibly the too large stage which dazzles the eyes of the audience. But anyway this is a film that you should see if you like musicals.<br><br>"Just follow the golden brick road" has become an American slang after that movie; you can see the impact of this film.<br><br>
匿名  发表于 11.6.2003 13:35:40
  <!--emo&b^--><img src='https://www.kaiyuan.info/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/beer_yum.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='beer_yum.gif'><!--endemo-->  <!--emo&b^--><img src='https://www.kaiyuan.info/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/beer_yum.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='beer_yum.gif'><!--endemo--> i like the film called &#39;Mozart&#39;, i love mozart,i was touched by his story&#33;
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