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发表于 18.6.2003 12:21:10 | 只看该作者
EXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY - 1981  <br><br>  A feather floats through the air.  The falling feather.<br>  A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. <br>  The feather floats down toward the city below.<br>  The feather drops down toward the street below, <br>as people walk past and cars drive by, and nearly lands on a man&#39;s shoulder.<br>He walks across the street, causing the feather to be whisked back on its <br>journey.  The feather floats above a stopped car. The car drives off right as<br>the feather floats down toward the street.  The feather floats under a passing<br>car, then is sent flying back up in the air.  A MAN sits on a bus bench. The <br>feather floats above the ground and finally lands on the man&#39;s mud-soaked shoe.<br>The man reached down and picks up the feather.  His name is FORREST GUMP. He <br>looks at the feather oddly, moves aside a box of chocolates from an old suit-<br>case, then opens the case. Inside the old suitcase are an assortment of clothes<br>, a ping-pong paddle, toothpaste and other personal items. Forrest pulls out a <br>book titled "Curious George," then places the feather inside the book. Forrest <br>closes the suitcase. Something in his eyes reveals that Forrest may not  be all<br>there. Forrest looks right as the sound of an arriving bus is heard.  A bus <br>pulls up.  Forrest remains on the bus bench as the bus continues on. A BLACK <br>WOMAN in a nurse&#39;s outfit steps up and sits down at the bus bench next to Forre<br>st. The nurse begins to read a magazine as Forrest looks at her.<br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 18.6.2003 12:21:45 | 只看该作者
Forrest : Hello. My name&#39;s Forrest Gump.<br>  He opens a box of chocolates and holds it out for the nurse.<br>Forrest : You want a chocolate?<br>  The nurse shakes her head, a bit apprehensive about this strange man next <br> to her.<br>Forrest : I could eat about a million and a half of these. My momma always <br> said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you&#39;re gonna <br> get."<br>  Forrest eats a chocolate as he looks down at the nurse&#39;s shoes.<br>Forrest : Those must be comfortable shoes. I&#39;ll bet you could walk all day <br> in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that.<br>Black Woman : My feet hurt.<br>Forrest : Momma always says there&#39;s an awful lot you could tell about a <br> person by their shoes. Where they&#39;re going. Where they&#39;ve been.<br>  The black woman stares at Forrest as he looks down at his own shoes.<br>Forrest : I&#39;ve worn lots of shoes. I bet if I think about it real hard I <br> could remember my first pair of shoes.<br>  Forrest closes his eyes tightly.<br>Forrest : Momma said they&#39;d take my anywhere.<br><br> INT. COUNTRY DOCTOR&#39;S OFFICE - GREENBOW, ALABAMA - DAY - 1951  A little boy<br> closes his eyes tightly. It is young Forrest as he sits in a doctor&#39;s office.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) She said they was my magic shoes.<br>  Forrest has been fitted with orthopedic shoes and metal leg braces.<br>Doctor : All right, Forrest, you can open your eyes now. Let&#39;s take a little<br>  walk around.<br>  The doctor sets Forrest down on its feet. Forrest walks around stiffly. For<br> rest&#39;s mother, MRS. GUMP, watches him as he clanks around the room awkwardly.<br>Doctor : How do those feel? His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump. As strong as I&#39;ve<br> ever seen. But his back is as crooked as a politician.<br>  Forrest walks foreground past the doctor and Mrs. Gump.<br>Doctor : But we&#39;re gonna straighten him rihgt up now, won&#39;t we, Forrest?<br>  A loud thud is heard as, outside, Forrest falls.<br>Mrs. Gump : Forest&#33;<br><br>  EXT. GREENBOW, ALABAMA  Mrs. Gump and young Forrest walk across the street.<br>  Forrest walks stiffly next to his mother.<br>Forrest : Now, when I was a baby, Momma named me after the great Civil War <br> hero, General Nathan Bedford Forrest...<br>  EXT. RURAL ALABAMA  A black and white photo of General Nathan Bedford Forre<br> st. The photo turns into live action as the General dons a hooded sheet over<br> his head. The General is in full Ku Klux Klan garb, including his horse. The<br> General rides off, followed by a large group of Klan members dressed in full <br> uniform.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) She said we was related to him in some way. And, what<br> he did was, he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They&#39;d all dress <br> up in their robes and their bedsheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks <br> or something. They&#39;d even put bedsheets on their horses and ride around. And <br> anyway, that&#39;s how I got my name. Forrest Gump.<br>  EXT. GREENBOW  Mrs. Gump and Forrest walk across the street.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) Momma said that the Forrest part was to remind me that <br> sometimes we all do things that, well, just don&#39;t make no sense.<br>  Forrest stops suddenly as his brace gets stuck.  Forrest&#39;s brace is caught <br> in a gutter grate. Mrs. Gump bends down and tries to free Forrest. Two old <br> cronies sit in front of a barber shop and watch.<br>Mrs. Gump : Just wait, let me get it.<br>  Mrs. Gump struggles to pull the stuck brace from the grate.<br>Mrs. Gump : Let me get it. Wait, get it this way. Hold on.<br>  Forrest pulls his foot out of the grate.<br>Mrs. Gump : All right.<br>Mrs. Gump helps Forrest up onto the sidewalk. She looks up and notices the two<br> old man.<br>Mrs. Gump : Oooh. All right. What are you all staring at? Haven&#39;t you ever seen<br> a little boy with braces on his legs before?<br>Mrs. Gump and Forrest walk along the sidwalk past the two old men. Mrs. Gump<br> holds tightly onto Forrest&#39;s hand.<br>Mrs. Gump : Don&#39;t ever let anybody tell you they&#39;re better than you, Forrest.<br> If God intended everybody to be the same, he&#39;d have given us all braces on<br> our legs.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) Momma always had a way of explaining things so I could <br> understand them.<br>  EXT. OAK ALLEY/THE GUMP BOARDING HOUSE  Mrs. Gump and Forrest walk along a <br> dirt road. A row of mailboxes stands left.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) We lived about a quarter mile of Route 17, about a half<br> mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama. That&#39;s in the county of Greenbow. Our<br> house had been in Momma&#39;s family since her grandpa&#39;s grandpa&#39;s grandpa had come<br> across the ocean about a thousand years ago. Something like that.<br>  Mrs. Gump and Forrest walk along the Gump Boarding House driveway.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) Since it was just me and Momma and we had all these <br> empty rooms, Momma decided to let those rooms out. Mostly to people passing <br> through. Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, place like that. That&#39;s how me and<br> Mommy got money. Mommy was a real smart lady.<br>Mrs. Gump : Remember what I told you, Forrest. You&#39;re no different than anybody<br> else is.<br>   Mrs. Gump heads Forrest to the porch. She bends down to look Forrest in the <br> eye.<br>Mrs. Gump : Did you hear what I said, Forrest? You&#39;re the same as everybody <br> else. You are no different.<br>  INT. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL / PRINCIPAL&#39;S OFFICE - DAY - 1954<br>rincipal : Your boy&#39;s... different, Mrs. Gump. Now, his I.Q. is seventy-five.<br>Mrs. Gump : Well, we&#39;re all different, Mr. Hancock.<br>  The principal sighs, then stands up.  INT. HALLWAY   Forrest sits outside the<br> principal&#39;s office and waits.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) She wanted me to have the finest education, so she took<br> me to the Greenbow County Central School. I met the principal and all.<br> The principal stands in front of Mrs. Gump. Forrest, sitting left, listens.<br><br>rincipal : I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump. Now, this is normal.<br>  The principal holds up a chart with a designations according to I.Q. and <br> points to the center of the graph, labeled "Normal." A red line below the <br> normal area is labeled "State Acceptance." The principal points to the section <br> below the acceptance line labeled "Below."<br>rincipal : Forrest is right here. The state requires a minimum I.Q. of eighty<br> to attend public school, Mrs. Gump. He&#39;s gonna have to go to a special school.<br> Now, he&#39;ll be just fine.<br>Mrs. Gump : What does normal mean, anyway? He might be a bit on the slow side, <br> but my boy Forrest is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. <br> He&#39;s not going to some special school to learn to how to re-tread tires. <br> We&#39;re talking about five little points here. There must be something can be <br> done.<br>  INT. HALLWAY  Forrest sits outside the principal&#39;s office.<br>rincipal : We&#39;re a progressive school system. We don&#39;t want to see anybody <br> left behind.<br>  INT. PRINCIPAL&#39;S OFFICE<br>rincipal : Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?<br>Mrs. Gump : He&#39;s on vacation.<br>  EXT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSE - NIGHT  Forrest sits on a swing outside the house<br>. Loud organic male grunts are heard coming from inside the house.  Forrest <br> sits on the swing as the grunts continue.  The principal steps out of the Gump<br> House and wipes the sweat from his face. Forrest is sitting on the porch.<br><br>Principal : Well, your momma sure does care about your schooling, son. Mm-mm-mm.<br>  The principal wipes the sweat from his neck, then looks back at Forrest.<br>Principal : You don&#39;t say much, do you?<br>  Forrest grunts, imitating him. The principal, embarrassed, turns and walks <br>away.  <br>  INT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSE/FORREST&#39;S BEDROOM  Mrs. Gump reads from the book <br> "Curious George" as Forrest sits on the bed and listens.<br>Mrs. Gump : "Finally, he had to try it. It looked easy, but, oh, what happened.<br>  First there..."<br>Forrest : Momma, what&#39;s vacation mean?<br>Mrs. Gump : Vacation?<br>Forrest : Where Daddy went?<br>Mrs. Gump : Vacation&#39;s when you go somewhere, and you don&#39;t ever come back.<br>  Forrest lies down on his bed and looks up.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) Anyway, I guess you could say me and Momma was on our<br> own.<br>  EXT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSE - DAY  A cab driver closes the trunk of the car as<br> two women walk toward the house. A milkman steps down from the porch.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) But we didn&#39;t mind. Our house was never empty. There <br> was always folks comin&#39; and goin&#39;.<br>Mrs. Gump : (voice-over) Suppa.<br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 18.6.2003 12:22:11 | 只看该作者
INT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSE  <br>  Mrs. Gump steps forward and speaks to all the boarders.                          <br>Mrs. Gump       :       It&#39;s suppa, everyone. Forrest...        <br>  A MAN WITH A CANE steps left across the hall.                          <br>Man With Cane   :       My, my. That sure looks special.        <br>  Mrs. Gump looks into a sitting room and informs the boarders about dinner. <br>                        <br>Mrs. Gump       :       Gentlemen, would you care to join us for supper? Hurry <br> up and get it before the flies do. I prefer you don&#39;t smoke that cigar so <br> close to mealtime.         <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) Sometimes we had so many people stayin&#39; with us <br> that every room was filled with travelers. You know, folks livin&#39; out of their <br> suitcases, and hat cases, and sample cases.       <br>Mrs. Gump       :       Well, you go ahead and start. I cant find Forrest.      <br>  Mrs. Gump walks up the stairs.                         <br>Mrs. Gump       :       Forrest... Forrest...   <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) One time a young man was staying with us, and he <br> had him a guitar case.      <br>  Mrs. Gump looks into Forrest&#39;s room. She hears singing coming from another <br> room and walks over to a closed door. Mrs. Gump opens the door, revealing a <br> young man with long sideburns as he plays the guitar and sings. Forrest holds <br> onto a broom and dances oddly. The young man is ELVIS PRESLEY.                        <br>Elvis Presley   :       (sings) "Well, you ain&#39;t never caught a rabbit, and you <br> ain&#39;t no friend of mine."   <br>  Forrest&#39;s legs rock back and forth to the guitar.                      <br>Mrs. Gump       :       Forrest&#33; I told you not to bother this nice young man.  <br>Elvis   :       Oh, no, that&#39;s all right, ma&#39;am. I was just showin&#39; him a thing <br> or two on the guitar here.         <br>Mrs. Gump       :       All right, but your supper&#39;s ready if y&#39;all want to eat.        <br>Elvis   :       Yeah, that sounds good. Thank you, ma&#39;am.       <br>  Mrs. Gump leaves and closes the door. Elvis sits back down. Forrest stands <br> left, and looks himself in a mirror.                    <br>Elvis   :       Say, man, show me that crazy little walk you just did there. <br> Slow it down some.     <br>  Forrest begins to dance again as Elvis plays the guitar and sings.                     <br>Elvis   :       (sings) "You ain&#39;t nothin&#39; but a hound, hound dog..."   <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) I liked that guitar.       <br>  Forrest dances as he watches himself in the mirror.                    <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) It sounded good.   <br>Elvis   :       (sings) "... cryin&#39; all the time"       <br>  Forrest rocks up and down on his braced legs, then begins to step.                     <br>Elvis   :       (sings) "You ain&#39;t nothin&#39; but a hound dog..."  <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) I started moving around to the music, swinging my<br> hips. This one night we and Momma...       <br>  EXT. GREENBOW - NIGHT  Mrs. Gump and Forrest walk along a sidewalk. A televi<br> sion inside a store window reveals Elvis Presley as he performs "Houng Dog"<br> on a stage.                    <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) ...was out shoppin&#39;, and we walked right by Benson<br>  &#39;s <br>Furniture and Appliance store, and guess what.  <br> The television reveals Elvis as he thrusts his hips and sings.                         <br>Elvis   :       (sings) You ain&#39;t nothin&#39; but a hound dog...    <br>  Mrs. Gump and Forrest watch the television.   Elvis dances around in the same <br> manner Forrest did. A woman in the audience screaming and applauding.        <br>                <br>Elvis   :       (sings) You ain&#39;t nothin&#39; but a hound dog...    <br>Mrs. Gump       :       This is not children&#39;s eyes.    <br>  Mrs. Gump walks away, pulling Forrest with her. Forrest stops and takes one<br> last look.   Elvis continues to perform over the television.                           <br>Elvis   :       (sings)"Well, you ain&#39;t never caught a rabbit and you ain&#39;t no <br> friend of mine."     <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) Some years later, that handsome young man who they <br> called "The King," well, he sung too many songs, had himself a heart attack or <br> something.     <br>  EXT. SAVANNAH/BUS BENCH - DAY  Forrest is still sitting on the bus bench. The<br> black nurse looks at him.                    <br>Forrest :      Must be hard being a king. You know, it&#39;s funny how you remember <br> some things, but some things you can&#39;t.  <br>  EXT. COUNTRY ROAD/ALABAMA - MORNING - 1954  Mrs. Gump and Forrest wait for <br> the school bus. The bus pulls up as Mrs. Gump prepares Forrest for his first<br> day of school.                         <br>Mrs. Gump       :       You do your very best now, Forrest.     <br>Forrest :       I sure will, Momma.     <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) I remember the bus ride on the first day of school <br> very well.        <br>  The bus driver opens the door and looks down. Forrest walks to the steps of<br> the bus and looks at the bus driver. She is smoking a cigarette.                       <br>Bus Driver      :       Are you comin&#39; along?   <br>Forrest :       Momma said not to be taking rides from strangers.       <br>Bus Driver      :       This is the bus to school.      <br>Forrest :       I&#39;m Forrest Gump.       <br>Bus Driver      :       I&#39;m Dorothy Harris.     <br>Forrest :       Well, now we ain&#39;t strangers anymore.   <br> The bus driver smiles as Forrest steps up into the bus.  INT. BUS  Forrest <br> steps up onto the bus. Mrs. Gump waves to Forrest as the bus drives away. For<br> rest begins to walk down the aisle.  TWO YOUNG BOYS look up from the seat. <br>                        <br>Boy #1  :       This seat&#39;s taken.      <br>Boy #2  :       It&#39;s taken&#33;     <br>  Forrest looks around. A larger girl slides over so Forrest can&#39;t sit next to <br> her. She shakes her head. Forrest looks to the other side where a boy sits<br> alone on a larger seat. They boy glares up at Forrest.                         <br>Boy #3  :       You can&#39;t sit here.     <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) You know, it&#39;s funny what a young man recollects. &#39;Ca<br> use I don&#39;t remember being born.        <br>  EXT. SAVANNAH/BUS BENCH - DAY  Forerst continues talking as he sits on the <br> bus bench.                      <br>Forrest :       I, I... don&#39;t recall what I got for my first Christmas and I <br> don&#39;t know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But, I do remember the <br> first time I heard the sweetiest voice...      <br>  INT. BUS - MORNING (1954)  Young Forrest is still standing in the aisle on <br>the bus.                        <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) ... in the wide world.     <br>Girl    :       You can sit here if you want.   <br>  Forrest looks back at JENNY CURRAN, a young girl about Forrest&#39;s age.                          <br><br>Forrest :       (voice-over) I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. <br> She was like an angel.    <br>Jenny   :       Well, are you gonna sit down, or aren&#39;t ya?     <br> Forrest sits down next to Jenny.                       <br>Jenny   :       What&#39;s wrong with your legs?    <br>Forrest :       Um, nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy.         <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) I just sat next to her on that bus and had conver<br> sation all the way to school.       <br>Jenny   :       Then why do you have those shoes on?    <br>Forrest :       My momma said my back&#39;s crooked like a question mark. These are <br> going to make me as straight as an arrow. They&#39;re my magic shoes.         <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) And next to Momma, no one ever talked to me or ask<br> ed me questions.   <br>Jenny   :       Are you stupid or something.    <br>Forrest :       Mommy says stupid is as stupid does.    <br> Jenny puts her hand out toward Forrest. Forrest reaches over and shakes her<br> hand.                          <br>Jenny   :       I&#39;m Jenny.      <br>Forrest :       I&#39;m Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump.         <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) From that day on, we was always together. Jenny and <br> me was like peas and carrots.    <br>  EXT. OAK TREE - DAY  Young Jenny and Forrest run toward a large oak tree.  <br>                        <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) She taught me how to climb...      <br>  Jenny sits on a large branch and calls down to Forrest.                        <br>Jenny   :       Come on, Forrest, you can do it.        <br>  Forrest dangles from the branch.                       <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) ... I showed her how to dangle.    <br>  Jenny and Forrest sit on a tree branch and read.                       <br>Forrest :       ".....a good little moneky and..."      <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) She helped me to learn how to read.        <br>  Forrest hangs upside down from a branch and swings back and forth. Forrest&#39;s<br> braces are wedged in the tree.                        <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) And I showed her to swing.         <br> Night. Th silhouete of the oak tree, Jenny and Forrest as they sit on a branch.<br>Forrest :       (voice-over) Sometimes we&#39;d just sit out and wait for thhe stars. <br>        <br>Forrest :       Momma&#39;s gonna worry about me.   <br>  Jenny puts her hand on Forrest&#39;s hand.                         <br>Jenny   :       Just stay a little longer.      <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) For some reason, Jenny didn&#39;t never want to go home. <br>        <br>Forrest :       Okay, Jenny. I&#39;ll stay.         <br>Forrest :       (voice-over) She was my most special friend.    <br>  INT. SAVANNAH/BUS STOP - DAY  Forrest nods as he remembers.                    <br>Forrest :       My only friend.         <br>  Forrest continues talking to the black woman. She doesn&#39;t s eem to be listen<br> ing as she reads her magazine. She looks up from her magazine.                         <br>Forrest :       Now, my Momma always told me that miracles happen every day. <br> Some people don&#39;t think so, but they do. <br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 18.6.2003 12:22:31 | 只看该作者
EXT. OAK ALLEY - ANOTHER DAY (1954)  Jenny and Forrest walk. A dirt clod hits<br> Forrest in the back of the head. Jenny looks as Forrest rubs his head.  <br> THREE YOUNG BOYS get off their bikes and pick up more rocks.<br>Boy #1 : Hey... dummy&#33;<br> Forrest is hit in the eye with another dirt clod. Forrest falls backward onto<br> the ground as the boys glare at him.<br>Boy #2 : Are you retarded, or just plain stupid?<br>Boy #3 : Look, I&#39;m Forrest Grum.<br> Jenny helps Forrest back up. Boy #1 and Boy #2 throw more dirt clods at Forr<br> est.<br>Jenny : Just run away, Forrest.<br> Another dirt clod hits Forrest in the arm.<br>Jenny : Run, Forrest&#33;<br> Forrest tries to run along the road, but his braces makes it impossible. He<br> hobbles along as Jenny yells after him.<br>Jenny : Run away&#33; Hurry&#33;<br> Boy #1 and Boy #2 turn back toward the bikes.<br>Boy #2 : Get the bikes&#33;<br>Boy #3 : Hurry up&#33;<br> The boys pick up their bikes and ride after Forrest.<br>Boy #3 : Let&#39;s get him&#33; Come on&#33;<br>Boy #2 : Look out, dummy, here we come&#33;<br> The boys ride after Forrest. Jenny stands and watches.<br>Boy #2 : We&#39;re gonna get you&#33;<br>Jenny : Run, Forrest&#33; Run&#33;<br> Forrest hobbles along the dirt road.<br>Jenny : Run, Forrest&#33;<br> Forrest looks over his shoulder. The three boys race on their bikes.<br>Boy #1 : Come back here, you&#33;<br> Forrest begins to run faster with his braces on.  Forrest continues running<br> as the boys chase him. Blood drips down from a cut on his head.  The boys on<br> the bikes are gaining on Forrest. Forrest hobbles along. He begins to gain<br> speed.<br>Jenny : Run, Forrest&#33; Run&#33;<br> Slow motion -- Forrest runs from the chasing room. He looks over his shoulder<br> in fear.  The boys on the bikes peddle faster as they gain on Forrest, running.<br> Forrest tries to run even faster to get away. Suddenly his braces shatter, <br> sending steel and plastic flying into the air.  Forrest runs and look down at<br> his legs in surprise.  Forrest continures to run faster as the mtal<br> breaces and straps fly off his legs.  Forrest runs free of his braces and<br> begins to pick up speed.  The chasing boys ride over the remains of Forrest&#39;s<br> braces.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) Now, you wouldn&#39;t believe it if I told you.<br> EXT. SAVANNAH/ BUS BENCH - DAY<br>Forrest : But I can run like the wind blows.<br> The black woman continues to read her magazine. Forrest smiles as he remember<br> Rs.<br>Forrest : From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running&#33;<br> EXT. OAK ALLEY - DAY (1954)  Forrest sprints away from the boys. The boys stop<br> the chase and watch in disbelief. Forrest is already at the far end of the <br> road, clear of the chasing boys.<br>Boy #2 : He&#39;s gettin&#39; away&#33; Stop him&#33;<br> Boy #1 throws his bike down in frustration. Forrest runs across a field.  <br> EXT. COUNTRY ROAD  Forrest runs past a chain gang in their prison uniforms. <br> They are cutting at the weeds on the side of the road.  EXT. GREENBOW  Forrest<br> runs across the street. THE TWO OLD MEN sit in front of the barber shop.<br>Old Crony : RThat boy sure is a running fool.<br> EXT. JENNY&#39;S HOUSE  Forrest runs down a driveway toward Jenny&#39;s small house<br>.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) Now remember how I told you that Jenny never seemed t<br>o want to go home? Well, she lived in a house that was as old as Alabama. He<br>r Momma had gone up to heaven when she was five and her daddy was some kind <br>of a farmer.<br> Forrest knocks on Jenny&#39;s door.<br>Forrest : Jenny? Jenny?<br> Forrest look around the field at the left. He notices Jenny and runs toward<br> her.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) He was a very lovin&#39; man. He was always kissing and t<br>ouchin&#39; her and her sisters. And then this one time, Jenny wasn&#39;t on the bus<br> to go to school.<br> Forrest runs to Jenny.<br>Forrest : Jenny, why didn&#39;t you come to school today?<br>Jenny : Shh&#33; Daddy&#39;s takin&#39; a nap.<br> Jenny grabs Forrest&#39;s hand and runs into the field. Jenny&#39;s DAD drunk, step<br>s out onto the porch and shouts.<br>Jenny&#39;s Dad : Jenny&#33;<br>Jenny : Come on&#33;<br>Jenny&#39;s Dad : Jenny, where&#39;d you run to? You&#39;d better go back here, girl&#33;<br> Jenny&#39;s dad steps out toward the field. Jenny leads Forrest into the thick <br>tobacco field.   Jenny&#39;s dad runs through the field searching for Jenny with<br> a liquor bottle in his hand.<br>Jenny&#39;s Dad : Where you at?<br> Jenny and Forrest run into a corn field as Jenny&#39;s dad tries to chase her.<br>Jenny&#39;s Dad : Jenny&#33; Jenny&#33; Where you at? Jenny&#33;<br> Jenny drops to her knees and pulls Forrest down with her.<br>Jenny : Pray with me, Forrest. Pray with me.<br>Jenny&#39;s Dad : Jenny&#33;<br>Jenny : Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away from here. <br>Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away from here.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) Momma always said that God is mysterious.<br>Jenny&#39;s Dad : Jenny&#33; Get back here&#33;<br>Forrest : (voice-over) He didn&#39;t turn Jenny into a bird that day. Instead...<br><br> EXT. TRAILER PARK/ALABAMA - DAY (1955)  A police officer escorts Jenny to h<br>er grandmother&#39;s trailer. Jenny&#39;s grandmother meets Jenny outside and leads <br>her toward the trailer.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) ... he had the police say Jenny didn&#39;t have to stay i<br>n that house no more. She went to live with her grandma just over on Creekmo<br>re Avenue, which made me happy &#39;cause she was so close.<br> EXT. GUMP HOUSE - NIGHT (1955)  Jenny climbs over a second-floor railing an<br>d enters the house.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) Some nights, Jenny&#39;d sneak out and come over to my ho<br>use, just &#39;cause she said she was scared. Scared of what, I don&#39;t know...<br> INT. GUMP HOUSE/FORREST&#39;S BEDROOM  Jenny lies in bed next to young Forrest.<br> She hugs him.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) ... but I think it was her grandma&#39;s dog. He was a me<br>an dog. Anyway, Jenny and me was best friends...<br> EXT. GREENBOW/OAK ALLEY - DAY (1961)  Forest and Jenny are teenagers now. T<br>hey walk along an oak-lined road.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) ...all the way to high school.<br> Suddenly Forrest is hit in the back with a rock. Forrest and Jenny turn aro<br>und.<br>Older Boy #1  : Hey, stupid&#33;<br>Jenny : Quit it&#33;<br> A teenage boy throws another rock as a pickup truck pulls up behind him. Je<br>nny turns and looks at Forrest.<br>Jenny : Run, Forrest, run&#33;<br>Older Boy #1 : Hey. Did you hear me, stupid?<br>Jenny : Run, Forrest&#33;<br> Forrest drops his books and runs down the road.  The teenage boy jumps into<br> the back of the pickup truck with another boy as the truck speeds after For<br>rest. Jenny steps left and gets out of the way.<br>Older Boy #2 : Come on, he&#39;s getting away&#33; Move it&#33;<br>Jenny : Run, Forrest&#33; Run&#33;<br>Older Boy #1 : You better be runnin&#39;, stupid.<br> Forrest runs along the road. The truck speeds after him.<br>Older Boy #2 : Come on, dummy&#33;<br>Older Boy #1 : Haul ass, dummy&#33;<br> Older Boy throws rocks at Forrest.<br>Older Boy #1 : Yeah, you better be runnin&#39;&#33;<br> INT. TRUCK<br>Boy : Ya-hoo&#33;<br> EXT. OAK ALLEY  The boys in the back of the truck throw rocks at Forrest as<br> they drive up to him.<br>Older Boy #1 : Move it, jack rabbit&#33;<br> The truck follows right on Forrest&#39;s heels. A rebel flag license plate ador<br>ns the truck&#39;s grill.<br>Older Boy #1 : Come on&#33;<br> Forrest runs along the road as the truck chases him. The boys in the back o<br>f the truck pound on the roof as the truck turns right, after Forrest. The t<br>ruck drives into a field. Forrest runs toward a fence.<br>Boy : Run&#33; Faster&#33; Yeah&#33; Go&#33; Go&#33; Come on, Forrest&#33; Yeah&#33;<br>Jenny : Run, Forrest&#33;<br> Forrest leaps over a five-foot fence as the boys try to catch him.  EXT. SA<br>VANNAH/BUS BENCH - DAY (1981)  Forrest looks left as he continues telling hi<br>s life story.<br>Forrest : Now, it used to be, I ran to get where I was goin&#39;. I never though<br>t it would take me anywhere.<br> EXT. HIGH SCHOOL/ROAD - DAY (1961)  Forrest runs along the road in front of<br> the high school. The truck continues to chase him as the boys pound on the <br>roof.<br>Older Boy : Come on. Whoo-hoo&#33;<br> The truck speeds past Forrest as he turns from the road and runs onto the h<br>igh school football field. Forrest runs across the field during a football s<br>crimmage.  In the stands watching the scrimmage is the legendary University <br>of Alabama football coach BEAR BRYANT, wearing his trade mark plaid hat. A g<br>roup of assistant coaches sit around him, as well as the high shool football<br> coach.  The quarterback throws the ball into the air. Forrest runs past the<br> quarterback.  The receiver catches the ball. Forrest runs past the receiver<br> as an opposing player tackes the stunned receiver.  The football coach stan<br>ds, followed by the assistant coaches.<br>Football Coach : Who in the hell is that?<br>High School Coach : That there is Forrest Gump. Coach. Just a local idiot.<br> Forrest runs under the field goal post and through the end zone.<br>Forrest : (voice-over) And can you believe it? I got to go to college, too.<br> EXT. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA STADIUM - DAY (1962)  The crowd roars with excit<br>ement as a football is kicked off.  The football players run around on the f<br>ield. The crowd of cheering fans create a huge sign that reads>:"GO."  Forre<br>st is in a University of Alabama football uniform. He looks up into the chee<br>ring crowd as his teammate fields the kickoff. The teammate runs over to For<br>rest and hands him the ball.<br>Football Coach : Okay&#33; Run&#33;<br> The football coach, the assistants, and Alabama players cheer for Forrest.<br>Football Coach : Run, you stupid son-of-a-bitch&#33; Run&#33;<br> Forrest runs across the field. He speeds past the defending players.  Forre<br>st runs past the opposite players. The crowd cheers widly, holding up cards,<br> making a large sign that reads:"Go." They turn the cards over, creating the<br> word:"ALABAMA."  The football coach runs along the sidelines as he yells.<br>Football Coach : You stupid son-of-a-bitch&#33; Run&#33; Go&#33; Run&#33;<br> Forrest cuts and runs toward the sidelines. Two opposing players collide.  <br>The football coach, the assistants and the players all motion for Forrest to<br> run toward the end zone.<br>Football Coach : Run&#33; Turn&#33; Go&#33;<br><br>
匿名  发表于 15.7.2003 13:32:40
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